12am Austin and Steve continue their chess game. Vanessa keeps giving advice and pointers. Vanessa says no no don’t do that. Is there any other move you could do!? Austin figures out another move. Steve says this is bullsh*t! I am sick of this Vanessa non-sense. Shut your mouth!! I do not have to put up with this! Austin says the boy suddenly has a voice. Vanessa asks Austin on his next move – Do you want my advice? Steve says I was playing Austin, not Vanessa! Steve says I want to says this .. I lost this game because of Vanessa. Johnny Mac plays Austin next. Meg joins them to watch.
Tag: Liz Nolan

“Austin is opening his mind, The 3 of them top 3 together isn’t best for him”
8:38pm Vanessa is telling Steve he needs to win the HOH. ASks what works better for Steve take out Austwins or take out Johnny
Steve won’t answer that
Vanessa says it’s not too soon to ask that question
Vanessa – if James is out Johnnymac and the girls are my choices to win it (HOH)
Steve – not Austin

“If I win that HOH I’m going to yell TAXI CAB DRIVER BANG BANG”
They head to the have nots room to form what’s left of the goblin circle.
James starts saying he’s thinking of putting Liz and Vanessa up if he wins HOH. If the POV is played Austin goes up. “BAM”
Meg – who would you want to see win
James – Johnny mac he’s the most deserving to win
Meg – he has a social game we didn’t know about

“To keep the Chess analogy going.. this would be a checkmate”
Vanessa upset that the goblins were making fun of her speech.
They all start mentioning how shitty JAmes’ speeches are compared to Vanessa’s speech.
Vanessa POV ceremony Speech – “To keep the Chess analogy going.. this would be a checkmate”
Julia saying that the entire house is target James next week once Meg leaves.

Julia “Fun motherf**king dip!” James “Live feeders we don’t need fun dip!”
12:15pm Backyard lock down – Austin says it will probably just be a short lock down. James says the doors might open and there might be something crazy in there. James asks would any of you resign your contract to stay in here for 5 years for 5 million dollars. Vanessa says that’s a really good question. Meg says she wouldn’t, what if you died in here. Julia says she would do it. You would never have to work again. Austin says he would blow through that in a day.
12:25pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and when the feeds return the house guests talk about how there’s a surprise in the storage room.

JMac “We take out Liz. You get close to Julia, Vanessa gets close to Austin & I get close to James”
10:55am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. The live feeds return to Johnny Mac still out on the backyard hammock. Vanessa is in the kitchen having the breakfast of champions – chips and dip. Johnny Mac and Steve join her in the kitchen. Vanessa says Johnny Mac has been upping his hair gel game. Steve says I have not even attempted to get in the hair gel game. Vanessa contemplates going back to bed. Austin and Liz are up and in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Johnny Mac and Steve head outside. Steve says I think we’re doing well. Just to double check you figured it out but not from me directly. I also mentioned that you would be okay voting out Meg. Johnnny says MmmmhHmm. Steve says if she put a pawn up. That was my way of covering our a$$. Which is true.

Austin “Their minds aren’t going to be able to comprehend that level of strategy”
12am HOH room – James and Vanessa continue to talk. James says the thing that I did where I withheld information.. I didn’t come to you about Austin. You put me up on the block and I was just kind of hoping it was scratch it even. Like tick for tack. Vanessa says totally! 100% and yeah I’m no matter which way it goes. I need to win comps to stay. James says me too. Vanessa says taking out people who win comps is a big advantage for me. So I feels like a big waste to take out Meg. James says I told her that. Vanessa says I’m not even trying to insult her. She just had surgery! Like wow for even being here.

Jmac to Steve – “I hate all of you but I hate you and Vanessa less”
10:07pm Backyard James and Johnnymac
James – what do you think man
Jmac – It’s still up in the air
James – Shit
Jmac – no decisions have been made
James – No decisions uh
Jamc – Zero
JAmes- Zero F**** given

“Getting rid of Meg is so dumb for long term.. but when will Meg go home”
POV Holder: James POV Competition Aug 29th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 31st HOH Vanessa Next HOH Sept 3rd Original Nominations: Meg and James After POV Nominations: ?and ? Have Nots Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg 7:00pm HOh Vanessa and Steve Van – terrible comp Steve – I know.. I had no intention to […]

“no more Mr nice guy, If Meg goes home, I’m going after every one of you guys”
5:28pm Have Nots Meg and James
Meg – James if I go home this week I’m happy and you better win
James – we’re going to try and make that not appen…
James – get Active and not hide in the corner..
James – I swear to god on everything I’ll throw Vanessa asses up they’re..
Meg – He (Austin) might not want Vanessa to go..

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “For you Baleigh”
POV Holder: James POV Competition Aug 29th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 31st HOH Vanessa Next HOH Sept 3rd Original Nominations: Meg and James After POV Nominations: ?and ? Have Nots Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg james wins Veto 12:10pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the Power Of Veto competition to take […]

Meg “They are all such babies! I can’t get over how little they’ve done in this game!!”
10:10am The feeds return – The power is out in the big brother house. Steve tells Meg it was very inconsiderate for you to not pick John. Meg says I know. Meg says she is really nervous about what the veto will be.
In the bathroom – James tells John sorry you don’t get to play in this one. Johnny Mac says I know, its only my second one (that he hasn’t competed in). John tells Julia this is her first veto! Julia says no its my second! Meg joins them. She apologizes to Julia for being so noisy last night in the havenot room.