9:10am Vanessa is the first house guest to wake up. She heads to the kitchen and snacks on something and then heads back to bed. Soon after Big Brother blocks the feeds to wake up the house guests. When the feeds come back – In the bathroom – Liz, Steve, Jackie, Jeff, Audrey and Vanessa are getting ready for the day. Liz says that the havenot room was so cold and uncomfortable that it took her over an hour to fall asleep. Jeff jumps in the shower. He says I guarantee I’m going to be a have not next week. I feel we all should have to try.
Tag: Liz Nolan

Jace “For the last 3 days I’ve been asking all the girls what your problem is with me!”
1:40am HOH room – Audrey, James, DaVonne, Meg, Jeff and Jason are talking. James says that he’s nervous about all the nomination stuff. Jeff asks really?! Everything went perfect. From a logical stand point .. the only people that aren’t going to be okay with it are.. obviously Austin and obviously Liz. John is going to vote with us. Obviously me and Clay. Becky is close with Jackie which I didn’t know about until today. Really we have all the votes. DaVonne asks how many people are voting? Jason says this week there are 13 votes. They talk about Vanessa. Jason says the feeds just turned on… I know people that would die and bleed to be in this game so when I see someone that isn’t grateful to be in this game

James – Steve is up to something it might be big or small.. he’s not smooth about sh1t
1:19am HOH James, Meg, Davonee, Jason and Audrey
James – Steve is up to something it might be something big or small he’s definitely talking.. he’s not smooth about sh1t
James think sJace doesn’t feel 100% comfortable right now so he might be talking to Steve for information.
Jason and Audrey say Steve thinks he’s the pawn.

Jackie – “I’ll look like the biggest idiot ever volunteering to go up”
Audrey says Steve is the one to go if Jace doesn’t “He’s the backup plan”
She adds that Everyone will use the POV on Jackie except for Steve. Highlights how pissed jace and Sutin will be “I have no idea what he will do”
Jackie – I’ll look like the biggest idiot ever volunteering to go up
Audrey says the only people she’s not sure where their heads are at are Becky, Liz and Vanessa
Jackie says she’s never talked game with them

James “Once Jace is gone any alliances that he’s trying to form will crumble”
9:49pm Jackie and Shelli in the lounge
Talking about the Power of veto. Shelli says the nominees will save themselves sounds like everyone else is throwing it. They bring up “The Plan” and how everyone is in on it. The plan is to use the POwer of Veto on Jackie or throw it to jackie. Jackie doesn’t want Steve to win the Veto because he’ll take himself off and Jace will go up against her. (Sounds like Jackie wants Steve gone) James rolls in

Big Brother 17 Feeds ON – Jace – “Jeff is such a lurker dude sketch master flex”
9:20pm Vanessa is missing her girlfriend.
Vanessa “It’s been 2 and a half weeks it’s been so long”
Steve and Jackie are comforting her.
Steve – Did I tell you about the research project I’m working on.. Have I shown you my math skills yet”
(They are laughing about this)

Big Brother 17 Episode 2 Results New Houseguests and The Amazing Race
Last nights part of the Big Brother 17 première introduced the 3 new twists as well as the first 8 houseguests to enter the house. The first Head of Household competition was played, Audrey had an announcement and the girls Davonne, Shelli and Audrey form a day one alliance. Keep in mind that the two part première was not live the houseguests entered the house last weekend. When the feeds start tonight we’ll have a lot of catching up to do.

Big Brother 17 – TWIN TWIST Returns – Donnie and Johnny mac?
During last nights première of Big Brother 17 we learnt about all the twists they are going to ram into the season. The return of the “Battle of the block” coined by CBS as a “Fan Favourite” as well as the return of the “Twin TWist” Something we haven’t seen since Big Brother 5

Big Brother 17 – TWIN TWIST Returns – Liz & Julia Nolan?
On tonight’s first of the Two-Night première Julie Chen announced that the Twin Twist is back. Julie Chen “One of the house guests has an identical twin. Both twins will be taking turns living in the house and competing as one person.” The twins will play as 1 house guest and trade off being in the house. If they manage to keep it a secret until week 5, the other twin will officially enter the house and they’ll compete as individuals.

Big Brother 17 Episode 1 Results 3 twists revealed
It is finally here Big Brother 17!! The real action around here doesn’t start until the live feeds are up tomorrow night but for now we get a small taste of what we can expect for the next 3 months.
Order of houseguests entering the house
(The next batch will be shown during tomorrows live show)
First 4

Big Brother 17 – Video of Julie Chen Testing Out Tonight’s HOH Competition!
With the season première of Big Brother 17 just hours away Julie Chen has released a new video from inside the BB house. The video shows them testing out the new equipment they’re going to use for tonight’s first Head of Household competition. To help her out with the testing she got 3 of CBS’s day time heart throbs. James O’Halloran from the “Price is Right”, Lawrence Saint-Victor & Darin Brooks from “The Bold and the Beautiful”. Julie informs them that the game is simple, all you have to do is catch the flying tomatoes.

Big Brother 17 – NEW Photos from a One-Day Sneak Peek Inside the House!
With the première of Big Brother 17 airing tonight on CBS at 8pm, we’re excited for this season to finally get going. The first of the Two-night première begins tonight with the second première airing tomorrow night. Following tomorrow nights episode the 24/7 Live Feeds will be turned on so we can finally start watching what’s going on inside the house. The 14 new house guests moved into the house last week and have already started playing the game. Big Brother After Dark will also begin Thursday night at 12am on Pop TV. You can also watch BBAD promo with Julie Chen and house guest interviews on the poptv website.