First week of the Live Feeds felt like 6 weeks, mostly thanks to Audrey and in some part Jeff, Austin, Da’Vonne and Jace. Audrey tried to play the entire house she had woven together this web of alliances then started getting those alliances to fight. For example she created this super alliance containing, Herself, Day, Jason, Clay, Shelli, Jeff, James, Meg with Jackie on the side.
Tag: Liz Nolan

Jace about his rap speech “Production told me I can’t. They said it goes against production.”
1pm Feeds are back and HOH lock down is over. All the house guests head out of the HOH room. James “I got kicked out of the penthouse man!” Some of the house guests start eating lunch, while others start getting ready for the live eviction tonight. Jeff says he has to “disinfect the clippers because its full of James’s pubes.”
In the bedroom – Steve hugs Jace and tells him “I’m going to miss you so much! I’m sorry.” Audrey comes in and talks to Jace. I’m just trying to collect information.

Austin “You’re not going to try and f**king showmance. Its your right to say stop!”
9:40am – 9:50am In the kitchen – Liz says I can’t believe Jace said that, I don’t blame him though. Austin asks what that you betrayed him? Liz says That you’re the only one he likes in the house now. Austin says I tried to defend you. Liz says its like survival of the fittest. Austin says Not even that he put himself in an impossible situation for you to stay loyal. Liz says if he actually had any respect for me he would like just understand. Austin says if he wasn’t doing that you could still talk to him. Austin says like you’re not going to try and f**king showmance. If he wasn’t doing that you could still talk to him. Liz says I know! He’s like way too forward.

Clay “You’re a cradle robber” Shelli “I haven’t robbed anything. BB’s not the only game I’m playing”
1am Jace talks to Austin. Jace says it sucks when the whole house is against you. That and I’ve found out they’ve been making fun of my the whole time. Has that ever happened so fast before? Austin says yeah, I think but I forget the context. I don’t think the first week before though. Austin heads the living room. Austin tells Clay if he gets Audrey they could just count the 7 people and know it was us. I don’t think he’s going to do it. It puts me in to big of a target spot. It’s just too risky. Clay agrees. Austin says if he goes I don’t blend in but it makes it a bit easier to blend in.

Da’Vonne’s reply to Audrey’s plan “No b1tch I’m still not working with you”
8:10pm HOH James, Jason and Day
James – as you all can see people have been coming here sectrley.. I’ve been hit by a bomb
James – Audrey was saying that.. her only card she has left is to say what Jace has been telling her about Jeff
James says Jeff told Jace about the song. “What benefit does he have telling jace about the song”

Audrey to James – “If Jace was to stay I can protect you.. you want to seal it in blood”
6:05pm Audrey and JAmes HOH
Audrey says Jeff was the one that told Jace about the song. She is proposing they let her back in. No one will ever suspect it because she’s made is so obvious she hates Jason and Day.
Audrey points out someone in the group has loose lips and told her about the plan to throw the BOB and get her out.

Jace – “there’s this little part of me just wants to fight every dude in this house”
4:30pm LIz and JAce
JAce you know I didn’t seal my fate they were planning to backdoor me day three.. you picked the wrong person to be friends with
Lzi – wow that’s horrible what tricks do you have up your sleeve
Liz is glad to get food tonight the slop has been rough

Liz – The only things James talked to me about are s*xual “My pull-out game is not strong”
12:30pm Cabana room – Austin says I wonder if my sister Gabby has totally dropped out of society and watching the feeds 24/7. I could totally see her doing that. She probably freaking out though because of all the lying going on in the house. She probably cant even watch though being like Oh my god he’s getting fooled by everyone. Liz says yeah that’s what my aunt is doing like literally watching the feeds all day. Austin says we made the best decision going to bed so early 2 nights ago. Now Audrey is trying to drag us into it. Liz says yeah right not me. She can’t say anything about me. All I heard was that I was in the “Black Alliance”. Austin says oh yeah I can’t believe you were in that without telling me. Liz says she thinks Clay and Shelli are making more alliances. Austin says he’s such a schemer .. he’s so gross.

Jason “Thanks, you’ve done shown you’re a trash bag. She was just a vapid hole of bullsh*t!”
9am – 10:10am Jace was up at 5:40am making a shrine of items in the backyard. Big Brother wakes up the house guests at 9am. When the live feeds return – Jason says that Shelli commented that Audrey was being ostracized or bullied. Vanessa and Jason both don’t think it was like that at all. Last night I Jace just to be aware not to be yelling with the bible in his hand. I was just trying to give some knowledge/good karma points. And then I tried to do the same thing with Audrey and she turned it all around saying you didn’t say this or they didn’t say this. See you’ll do anything to turn this around on other people.

Jace “I am putting everyone on blast! I don’t give a f**K any more! I’m going out guns blazing!”
12:50am Bedroom James is talking to Audrey. James says okay so we’ll let everyone one know who’s been working, who’s been conspiring. You’ve still got the next HOH. That’s more than what Jace has. He’s being humble about it. Audrey asks how am I not being humble? There were two people that were pathological in there. How do I defend myself against that? When they will always back each other up. I have nothing to lose by being honest now. I’ve had a really strong feeling about things and I tried to vocalize that. James says I know you had all these paranoid thoughts but why did you not just talk about it first. Audrey says then this big spectacle was made and I think they got what they wanted from it.

“we can’t save Jace it’s impossible” -Vanessa
10:00pm Vanessa and Austin
Austin brings up Clay leaking what he told him.
Vanessa – we can’t save Jace it’s impossible
Austin agrees says to not even try
Vanessa says that Audrey told Jace about the Alliance

Campaigning at it’s best “don’t be a pu$$y Steve you want America to think you are a pu$$y”
8:43pm Jace and Steve (Jace is a total d1ck in this conversation talks to Steve like he’s a fool)
JAce tells him
-I know you knew about the plan to backdoor me since day 1
-I know you went to DAy and asked to be her jason
-I know you’ve been sneaking around and I also know the people that have your back don’t have their back at all.. I know that because otherwise I wouldn’t be privy to that information
– They’ve been using you bro they’ve been using you like a piece of tackle on a fishing line hook line a sinker