9:40am Backyard – Jason says I’m waiting to see who they put up. Johnny says if Audrey goes up I guess that’s it ..explosion. Jason says clash of the titans. Her vs Day! But I’m sKeptical of everything in this house. So I’m expecting her not to go up honestly. But then who else are they going to put up. Johnny says something just doesn’t feel right. Jason says I love Mamma Day but it will be very hard to keep her over most people .. even against Audrey because there are going to be some that want to keep her.
Tag: Liz Nolan

Jason “If there was a twin twist this season, Johnny Mac is the only one it could be.”
1am Out in the backyard – Clay is acting like the personal trainer for Steve and Johnny Mac showing them different workouts. Austin is helping Shelli. Meanwhile James and Day are playing pool. Over by the couches / hot tub – Audrey and Jason are talking about their personalities, life, religion.
In the bathroom – Jackie and Becking are talking. Backy says when she made that decision I had no idea. And I felt it was her HOH and I Jackie says I’m okay with it if we have the opportunity now.

Jeff tells Liz they have the votes Dude.. Bro He’s got “more pull in this house Than Clay”
10:18pm Jeff and Austin
Jeff wasn’t down with the plan Audrey is more a threat to him than Da’Vonne.
Austin says this might be an opportunity for her to make some connections in this game. Jeff says he’s going to talk to her to make her feel better. Austin thinks that’s a good idea.

Austin – I’m about to make a Freaks n Geeks alliance with Steve
8:53pm Austin and Liz
Austin says he talked to steve and threw his “Secret Calculations” he says the votes stands 7 to 3 right now. Liz wonders why she is going up. Austin thinks they are reading too much into it if they were going to backdoor someone they would have put him up.
Austin – I’m about to make a freaks n Geeks alliance with Steve

Meg “Whats crazy is how absolutely Shelli and Clay are a pair now”
4:51pm Storage room Jeff and Meg
Jeff says Clay and Shelli haven’t talked to her
Meg says Liz is going up
Jeff – that’s stupid of them that’s a dumb move why wouldn’t they put up Audrey
Meg – they don’t want her out
Jeff – I’m just going with the flow.. that’s a bad move

Big Brother 17 POV Results “We’re going to be outed if I don’t use it”
4:07pm HOH JOHNNYmac, Clay Vanessa
Vanessa says John is going to use it himself.
Shelli says they are going to convince him not to use it.
Johnny mac comes in. they tells him Becky is cool with getting out DAY.
Shelli – the entire house is understanding Day and Audrey were going head to head and they split and that is why there was this big divide and

Big Brother 17 – Shelli “I’m serious this is my plan, just don’t screw it up for me!”
11:20am Clay returns from the diary room. Shelli asks how are you not tired? We’ve had 3 hours sleep. You’ll crash. Clay gets Shelli come chocolate. Shelli says thank you for nutritious breakfast. Clay says that’s my plan for you. Get you all fattened up so other guys will be like EHHHH what is that. Clay gets in bed and says chubs McChubs! Shelli says no I have so many chubs right now. Clay says I have chubs right now too. Clay says he’s really touchy feely. Shelli says she’s the opposite. She is if she likes really someone but when that changes she’s not.

Battle Of The Block Competition Results! “How do you campaign against Johnny Mac!?”
6:10am the havenot room – Meg, Jason and James are talking. James says now we’re going to see where everyone is at. Jason says no one wants to get Johnny Mac out. Jason says I feel bad for Day though. Jason says it doesn’t even matter we have to save Day otherwise we’re down one. If we save Day do you think Shelli would backdoor someone other than Audrey. James says Maybe not. Meg says I don’t know if I would trust what she would do. Jason says I’m already safe for the week so me winning it doesn’t even matter. Meg says its still so early in the game that if you go against what she wants it could be this whole other blow out.

Day about Audrey “Bit*h had an IV, a heart monitor, now you’re resurrected! Praise the lord!”
2:30am In the bedroom – Jason says we’re the plan B! Day says I don’t trust no one up in this bit*h! Nobody! Jason and Day believe everyone knew what was happening. Jason says no one is going to send Johnny Mac or Steve home over me and you. Day says she told me I was going up right before. Jason asks did she tell you .. you were going up against me? Day says no. James joins them. Jason says we’re the targets. Day says this girl (Audrey) was proved to be a liar … and you don’t trust me!! Jason says we’re the B plan .. if they can’t get Audrey out, they’re going to get one of us out. Day says we’re going to kill this BOB and then get off and get that a$$!

Big Brother 17 Week 3 Nomination Results
10:52pm Hammock room Jeff, JOHNNYMAC, Shelli and Clay
Before Johnnymac come in Shelli tells Jeff and Caly she is putting Day up regardless of what he says.
They tell John the plan is for either Day or Audrey to go out as those two are on both sides of the house.
Shelli – “If you go up on the block with DAY in the BOB Don’t win it We’ll send DAY home”
They add if POV is played on DAY Audrey is going up. (being on the block against Audrey is terrifying)
Clay and Shelli tell him they want him to work with him and they are
John asks him who is in on this.

Shelli – She’s (Becky) with Day.. she wants to target Audrey I want to target Day”
9:36pm Hammock room Vanessa and Shelli
Vanessa says she trusts Becky.
Shelli – She’s with DAy.. she wants to target Audrey I want to target DAY”
Vanessa thinks backdooring Audrey is risky
Shelli says John is with Day.

Da’Vonne – “She (Audrey) knows she’s safe .. she’s winked at me and smiled”
7:47pm James, DAY and Jeff
Jeff saying that Audrey wants him gone.
Day – She feels safe.. she feels safe.. she’s winked at me and smiled.. I’m going up but by who
James points out he was up in the HOH for 15 days “That’s a long time” (He didn’t crack and pull a willie good for him)