12:30am Backyard – Steve is by the pool table and Day walks up. Steve asks did everyone go inside. Day says yeah. Steve says I might pop inside then. Day asks you don’t want to play pool. Steve says I am just trying to avoid convos. I just don’t want anyone to.. Day says Oh you don’t want to be seen with me! Steve says I don’t want to talk any game. How about that. Day says I don’t want to talk game. I wanted to play pool. Steve says okay, okay thats it. Day says don’t worry about it. Its obvious you don’t want to be seen with me! Don’t worry about. Day heads inside.
Tag: Liz Nolan

“I’m not going to roll over and die I can’t, sorry I got a daughter I can’t” -Da
10:18pm bathroom
Da saying if she has Austin’s and Liz’ vote she’ll stay. She’s promising Liz Jury and a alliance with Austin and jason to roll to jury.
Da – I can carry us to Jury after that I don’t know
Da about Jason “He’s a beast at these competitions.. I’m good with the mental we can beat this sh1t to jury.. I have the votes to stay”

James to Da “Audrey goes out right behind.. you can watch the episodes that will be pretty fun”
8:13pm Bedroom james and Da
Da saying that if it was anyone other than Meg she would fight to the death
They start talking about seeing her daughter and getting to watch the episodes, Facebook messages and notifications.
James is trying to put a shine on her going home.
Da – two more days

Vanessa – I really think it can happen the 5 (Sleeper Cell) of us will make final 5
6:14pm HOH Shelli, Vanessa and Clay
Shelli saying they were going to have a sleeper cell meeting tonight
Shelli – we feel good about it how do you feel about it
VAnessa – there’s a real possibility Audrey is the target next week.. not by any of us
Vanessa – I do not want Da to know at all I’m working with you guys

“everyone is coming together mutually agreeing on targets.. I’m one Steve is one ” -Audrey
3:55pm Hammock Audrey, Shelli and Clay
Audrey tells them about her Diary room talk where production asked her about Clay “Does it feel like he’s trying to take over the HOH”
Feeds cut…
When we come back.. Audrey is saying people have flat out made up “Sh1t” about her. She says it looks to the outside that she’s being bullied by Hypocrites.

Jason “The other one is the one with the personality. This is the evil one!”
12:40pm – 1pm Living room – Liz, Steve and Audrey. Steve tries to test the twin theory by asking Liz about Giselle the giraffe and Liz wearing sunglasses to hide the colour of her eyes. Steve asks what was the final name of the giraffe? Liz says ahh.. I forgot. Steve says Geoffrey. Liz says Geoffriza. Steve says Giselle. Liz says Giselle yeah. Steve asks why is everyone wearing their sunglasses inside? Austin says because we were outside. Liz says because its bright in here. Steve says but you’re inside now. Liz says you’re a ray of fricking sunshine. They talk about being locked inside to set up the HOH.

Vanessa tells Austin “Don’t go falling in love (with Liz) and then f**k me!”
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Johnny Mac is sitting alone in the backyard. Meanwhile in the kitchen – Shelli, Vanessa and Clay are getting ready for the day / to workout. Shelli and Vanessa head out into the backyard and start sprinting back and forth across the yard. Vanessa gets called to the diary room in the middle of their workout. Jason, Johnny, Becky and Clay are on the backyard couches. Jason says the havenot beds are the worst. Its just so awkward. Becky thinks they are the worst in history even more than the air plane chairs. Jason talks about the live feeds and how they’re cheap at only $5.99. Clay asks about the cameras and Jason explains how there is always one close up and one farther away.

The fat one is funny & the skinny one is here to get on Sports Illustrated! Jeff “The fat one is trying to get down!”
12:20am The Jeff & Austin podcast continues. First up is Jackie. She says that she has lived in Las Vegas for a long time and is a dancer there. Jeff asks what type of dancing. Jackie says all types of dancing but says she’s never crossed the stripper path. She says BUT I have been in a topless show called “Bite” a vampire show. Jeff asks what type of guys she likes? She says she likes tall guys, have a nice body, has his sh*t together,.. Jeff asks so you went on a blinddate with me, how was that? Jackie says it was nice. Jeff asks what are the highs and lows of being on a reality tv show.

“Even if I do want to campaign and get votes I like Meg I wouldn’t campaign against her” -DA
8:58pm Jackie and Da’vonne
Da – even if I don’t win I wanted to make it to Jury.. For the money .. that would help me.
Da’Vonne – “Even if I do want to campaign and get votes I like Meg I don’t want to campaign against her”
Jackie asks if she’s talked to Shelli.
Da says once Shelli put up Meg beside her Da knew what Shelli wanted to do, “It’;s done.. She put someone up close to me..

Houseguests get their phone calls “It was something stupid I kinda ignored it” -Jeff
6:55pm Kitchen Shelli and Vanessa
They think it was either Becky or Jeff.
Vanessa says she did not get the call she “drew 5”
Shelli goes through some order that went on during the Phone call twist (Da was 7)
1 JohnnyMac
2 Jason
3 Liz
4 Meg
5 Vanessa

Da’vonne figures out the twins “She’s the skinny one.. the one last night is the friendly one”
4:43pm Backyard Da and Jason (Twin switch has happened within the last two hours)
Da is certain Liz is two people. Jason has noticed on some days Liz is more friendly. Da is going to go to the Diary room as soon as lockdown is over maybe they will give her something for being the first to notice.
Da – the one last night is the friendly one this one isn’t

POV Ceremony! “They’ve cancelled evictions before. A lot of things can happen with that last laugh!”
11:30am – 12:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the Power of Veto Ceremony to take place. When the feeds return – Jason, Clay, Johnny and Audrey are out in the backyard. Clay asks John if they tell him what to say? John says you just go over it again and again line by line. Day joins them.
In the bathroom – Steven says I mean they’ve cancelled evictions before. A lot of things can happen with that last laugh.