8:38pm Austin and Vanessa
Vanessa says she’s got a plan she only needs 10 minutes to explain,
Austin – I’m worried about Jeff
Vanessa – He’s a target
Austin – What’s he doing in the bed with liz
VAnessa – I want to smack her

8:38pm Austin and Vanessa
Vanessa says she’s got a plan she only needs 10 minutes to explain,
Austin – I’m worried about Jeff
Vanessa – He’s a target
Austin – What’s he doing in the bed with liz
VAnessa – I want to smack her
7:28pm Austin and Liz
Austin says Jeff is the one guy trying to get him. Liz is pissed at him says he was asking her today what her middle name is trying to get her to slip up.
Liz – “I want to punch him in the f*** ugly face”
Week 2 is now coming to an end. Alot happened this week especially during these last few days probably making this the new high water marks for the season. I have a feeling it’s Drama is only going to go up from here.
1:15pm Clay says that he thinks they might be a speculating too much about that group. Audrey said that to Day and Meg said it too. I don’t know if they’re as tight as we think. I think Jeff, James and Meg are tight. Shelli says she thinks they’re just saying that to deflect off that group because they think we might be on to them. Clay tells Shelli I really want to redo my goodbye message. Shelli asks were you rude? Clay says no, I was too nice. I really want to say if you’re going to stage a fight you might want to be more convincing at it. Clay heads downstairs.
In the Big Brother house a lot can happen in a just a few hours so when doing this we tried to take the average of the last 3 or 4 days. Within that time we saw Audrey and Liz have a bit of a roller scooter ride on the feeds. This is a great season though so i’m looking forward to some big power shifts.
9:10am – 9:30am HOH room – Julia is up in the HOH room and asks were you the one up here in the HOH room the other day. Julia says no it was Julia. Shelli asks is one of your faces a little wider? Julia say yeah Liz. They ask her if her memory wall photo and if it is both of their pictures together? Julia says no its Liz. Julia comments on how both her and Audrey are the ones smiling and holding secrets. Clay say Day is leaving today and hopefully Audrey next week. That will hopefully dissipate. How long until you both come in? Julia says 5 weeks. Julia says that James tried to corner in the bathroom and started asking 20 questions. I was like no way, deuces. Julia says I knew I had to tell someone when everyone was on to it.
12:40am Audrey says you can trust.. Who do you think you can trust? Jason? Day says other people want to keep me in the game to take you out. But I don’t trust them. Audrey says because they want you to serve their agenda. We all came together and said they’re going to save me this week. Like they were doing me a favour. I think it’s because .. they think that you would eventually target them. So they got into Shelli’s ear.. It was like this is the perfect opportunity and she was like I think it wasn’t fair the they didn’t hear your side. Day says Shelli doesn’t trust him. Audrey says oh I can tell. She completely abandoned me all week after.
8:44pm Audrey and Da
Audrey says people turned on her and they turned on Da. Da agrees.
Audrey says she doesn’t know what votes Da can secure. adds that Clay and Shelli’s side doesn’t have the Last laugh.
Da – who’s on their side
Audrey – Becky is up there a lot more.. it’s the same group
5:52pm HOH Jackie, Becky and Shelli
Jackie complaining about Audrey. Jackie leaves.. Audrey comes in.
Shelli – what are you doing
Audrey – i’m just sitting around
Becky leaves
Audrey asks her if she can kick Clay out for one night.. Says the have nots are making a big deal about having to sleep with Audrey.
Shelli – who is it..
4:26pm Liz and Shelli
Liz – Don’t second guess it.. I’m not going to vote to keep her.. I’m voting to keep Meg … You have my vote
Liz says she does not forget that Shelli never put her up. She adds She never told Audrey her vote.
12pm Vanessa and Shelli head back up to the HOH room. Vanessa says my word is my word and Audrey made me give it to her but if you betray my trust then I don’t feel bad. Vanessa says this is her plan. Create an alliance and then create distrust within so that she is trusted the most. She is pitting everyone against each other. She wants to pit me and Austin against you two. She made us swear that you made a deal to protect Jeff and James. Vanessa says I know you guys have a hierarchy of loyalty and I hope I’m at the top. Shelli says you are at the top. Clay says we just talked about this last night. I asked Shelli who do you trust more Jeff or Vanessa? Shelli says and I said Vanessa and Clay said me too.
10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Up in the HOH – Shelli tells Clay she had a dream her brother was in here and won HOH. You’ve got to get the ball in the hole Clay. If you don’t win there will be no talking. Shelli says people tell you that you look like Ryan Reynolds. Clay says no. Shelli says he’s so dreamy. Clay gets called to the diary room. Shelli heads down stairs. In the living room – Audrey and Vanessa are whispering. Audrey says Day pulled me aside last night too. She said she knew she was going home but wanted to be friends outside of the game. I thought that was weird.