12:10am Shelli and Clay are laying out in the hammock. Audrey joins them. She says that Jeff tried to say that he was my biggest advocate the week that I stayed. Clay asks he was your biggest advocate? Audrey says that’s what he said to me. He said me, Clay and Shelli really fought for you. Audrey says she said oh that’s interesting because I heard you initiated this conversation and that’s kind of poetic. You know that the two people that attacked me and made me feel alienated now are on the block. So if you don’t mind clearing that up. Shelli says lets just drop it. Audrey says I want to call him out.
Tag: Liz Nolan

“Pretty intense this week.. If you’re that dominate people get nervous makes you the target”
7:57pm Austin and Julia
Instructs her to tell Jeff they don’t know where the vote it. Austin promised James last night during the argument he would vote for him.
Julia says Jeff talked to Vanessa today she wonder what happened. Austin reassures her Vanessa isn’t buying Jeff’s bullshit. Points out Jeff is a great salesman.

“I have serious concerns about that one (liz), They are going to be the most loyal to Austin”
6:10pm Vanessa and Shelli
Vanessa saying she doesn’t fully trust LIz. Mentions the cigarette Julia had and the alcohol. Says Jason is all over her having that Cigarette. Vanessa thinks there are too many slips ups.
Vanessa would have never shared so much information with her but Austin was Co HOH and wanted her to stay in with them.

Jeff – “because of the lesbian, the gay, the transgender stuff she’s not going to put her up”
3:37pm Jeff and Jackie
Jackie – how do you feel
Jeff – Umm because of the Lesbian, the gay, the transgender stuff she’s not going to send her (Audrey) home.. She doesn’t even want her hand on that. I knew this was going to be a issues.. So Basically 99% sure I’m going up.. so this might be my last week here.. we’ll see..

Jeff “I need a girl to come with me to talk to her.” Jackie “You need to do this on your own.”
1:35pm In the bathroom – Clay tells James I still trust him. It’s not like I don’t trust him. James says he was probably just scared he was going to go up. Clay says this all started last week. James says she might still throw up Audrey. After I had a talk with her she said she was working her way to putting Audrey up and then she had a blow up with Jeff. Clay tells Jeff he should apologize and smooth things over. Jeff says I am going up against the master manipulator. Jeff heads out side.

Jeff “I’m in trouble, like really big trouble! Audrey has completely brainwashed her”
11:20am The house guests get woken up to a Gronk party. “Congo Party – Congo party in the backyard” “Gronk, Gronk, Gronk!” “You can’t stop partying yet!” Austin says I used to like Gronk. “You can’t stop yet!” “Keep this party going!” Big Brother ends the party and then says “Good morning house guests its time to get up for the day. James says “No sh*t!” In the bathroom – Austin asks Shelli if she is okay. Shelli says she is. Austin says it was tough (The drama from last night).

Vanessa “DUDE! I’m HOH right now?! ARE YOU TRIPPING!! You’re going to f**king say that right now!”
4:25am Austin asks James if he can talk to him. He tells James that he has been hearing Jeff throwing my under the bus. I want to save you. I don’t want you to go. James says I don’t want to go either. After the Jace sh*t I told you, you were good with me. Austin says I am hearing from multiple people that Jeff is telling people not to trust me. Why?! I’ve been telling people to talk to him, you can trust him. James says the only thing I’ve heard from him is about the weights thing. I would appreciate it if you can tell Vanessa that you and I are good and I will not target you or her next week. Austin says my target this week was Audrey but I need to trust someone. James says just watch your back with him. I think he might be coming after you next week. Austin then goes and tells Vanessa.

Austin “I just don’t know why she’s going rogue. I think its because she’s off her meds”
1:30am HOH room – Jeff comes up to the HOH room to talk to Vanessa. Jeff says I just wanted to see where your mind was at. Vanessa says that she is being bombarded with massive amount of information and I want to make the right decision and not persecute the wrong person. If Audrey does go home I am not 100% convinced that people haven’t been opportunistic. If she does go home I don’t know if I could live with myself. I’m not sure she has personally wronged me and I’m sure she’s not coming after me. I am on the brink of doing something that I am not sure I’m okay with. Jeff says honestly I’m a little unbiased because we have a deal this week.

“Sometimes the enemy you don’t know is worst the enemy you do know, Jeff take a seat” – Vanessa
10:08pm HOH Austin, Julia, Vanessa and Steve
Vanessa – today i’m going to tell Shelli and Clay about you.. you need numbers to protect yourself..
They are going to bring Steve in with Sheli and Clay tomorrow. Steve leaves.
Austin – Jeff and Jackie are either together, married, engaged or they get a million dollars.

Vanessa – “I need him (Jeff) to do something really stupid these next two days” (Given)
7:35pm HOH Vanessa and Shelli
Vanessa – It’s going to be a blood bath for me
Shelli says her and Clay have Vanessa’s back she never has to question that.
Vanessa says what Austin did in the POV rocked her trust with him.
Vanessa admit she threw the POV to Audrey. She didn’t try her 100%.

Big Brother 17 Week 3 POV Results “Jeff is the male Audrey”
5:21pm Vanessa is accusing him of throwing the POV to JOhnnyMAc
Vanessa starts to cry.
Austin – I was conflicted there’s a lot of f*** things
Vanessa says she told him specifically if it comes down to him and JOhnnyMac it’s best for them to get the power. He agreed to this.