7:05pm Have nots Vanessa and Austin (Hard to hear)
Vanessa says the competition was so easy
Vanessa – I’m shocked JohnnyMac missed it . listen.. it’s good it’s exactly what shelli wants..

7:05pm Have nots Vanessa and Austin (Hard to hear)
Vanessa says the competition was so easy
Vanessa – I’m shocked JohnnyMac missed it . listen.. it’s good it’s exactly what shelli wants..
12:20pm – 12:50pm Bathroom – Vanessa, Austin and Shelli talk about how they’re waiting for “them” (Johnny Mac, Julia & Jason) to come out of the diary room to do their backstreet boys. Austin says I’m waiting for them to do this “Whack street”. They’re in there setting it up. Getting their pagers. Austin says they’ve been in there for at least 30 minutes. Clay says dude they are rehursing for ever! This is a legit show! Austin says they probably gave Johnny Mac a guitar. Big Brother blocks the feeds.
10am – 10:30am HOH room – Clay brings Vanessa up to the HOH room to talk to Shelli. Vanessa says I’m sorry people were up so late coming up and bothering you. Shelli says that Johnny said Austin told him to pick him. Then Austin came and told me that John picked him. I don’t know why he is playing like there is some ulterior motive. I believe John. That he (Austin) approached John. I get to pick who the house guest choice is. Vanessa says she doesn’t think Austin is untrustworthy. I don’t think he is untrustworthy. I don’t think he has ill intentions. I think he can be immature and emotional. I think he has a good heart. Vanessa asks who do you want to do it? I felt like I was sleeping with (Audrey) the enemy.
12:20am HOH room – Shelli says I’m interesting in what she (Audrey) is going to come up with? Clay says she already told you. She was haing a rough day. Shelli says wait when did she tell you this? Clay says remember in the hammock room. Shelli says she hasn’t talked to me. Clay says regardless… what she said to James is terrible. Shelli says bad!! Clay says you would be crazy not to use it to get her out of the game. I know you like her on a personal level and that sucks but she’s done this over and over and over again. Shelli asks what if I told you I was America’s Player and I had to keep her in the game. Clay says I would cut you lose. Shelli asks you would help cover for me wouldn’t you? Clay says yes. I know its not a for sure thing but after we win veto and use it how could you not send her out of the game after what James said. And I believe him 100%.
8:54pm CLay, Vanessa and Shelli
Clay tells them Audrey is crying because she feels so guilty and so paranoid she’s going to be backdoored because of what she’s telling james. .Clay mentions how he was telling her this is one week she doesn’t not have to be worried.
They Agree Audrey is trying to jam a wedge between them.
James and Jackie win the BOB competition dethroning Liz. Shelli stays as HOH her nominations are Jason & Johnny Mac
7:12pm Jason and Shelli
Jason telling her he’s lost his job
7:15pm James and Jackie
James – We’re safe no backdoor we can sleep easy
2:50pm Shelli and Clay HOH
Clay- we cannot lose JohnnyMac to Audrey and the other side.. he’s really valuable to us
Clay says behind Shelli, Vanessa JohnnyMAc is next, “He’s given us a lot of information good information”
Shelli reviews his order asks him if JohnnyMAc is higher than James
Clay says JOhnnyMac is better to keep.
Shelli about Audrey “She’s like freaking me out”
1pm Comic bedroom – Johnny tells Audrey it kind of irritates me a little bit you know what I mean. Audrey says I completely understand. I just got into an argument with her (Shelli) because she threw me under the bus with Jason to deflect her nominations. I told her before when she was thinking about nominations not to put you up if you don’t want him to come back for you. I just really believed they were going to put up Becky and Steve. That’s what everyone was saying. If for some reason you lose I don’t think the will target you. Johnny says yeah, its tough when you lose battle of the block to feel safe.
Shelli tells Jason I am literally a deer in headlights. Jason says its okay. I know its easier to put a face up there that’s already been up there. Obviously Jeff was saying anything about me that he could but next time just come to me. I was thinking that she wasn’t going to drag my name around any more but obviously she still is. Shelli says I don’t think she still is.
Liz tells Jackie I can tell you that you’re not the target. There is so much that could happen so I wouldn’t worry too much. Jackie says okay. Jackie leaves. Austin talks to Liz. Lis says that Jackie asked me to promise her she wasn’t the target.
8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. All of the house guests are super tired as most of them have only gotten a couple hours of sleep. Liz says I wish it wasn’t so early
so I could talk to everyone but everyones in bed. Shelli asks have you thought about the options a or b and which one you like better. Liz says its tough, I think that. Liz says I think its best to not put all of them up at once. Becky, Jackie and Jason. Shelli says I think it would make sense for me to put up Jason because I have a reason. Liz asks what about Audrey. SHelli says the thing with Audrey is I would need a long drawn out conversation with her and she would need to be on board with it.
1am HOH room – Shelli and Jackie are talking. Shelli is telling Jackie that she and Beckie should both “sprinkle” in conversations of game with Audrey so that she trusts you more and will be more willing to make deals with you. Shelli says I am HOH right now and I have no idea who I am going to put up and target. I am very stressed about it. Obviously I am happy about it but immediately you think oh sh*t. Clay and I want to know where you and Becky are at. We would like to work with you and Becky. I know you say you don’t talk game. Jackie says I do talk game just not with people not in my alliance. Jackie says I would be totally cool with working with Liz.
10:39pm HOH LIz, Austin, Clay and Shelli
They are thinking the nominations are tomorrow. liz says she’s worried
Shelli feels freaked out because she has no idea what to do ..
Austin says the votes are too f***g sketchy they need to put up two targets they want out.
Austin – It’s just weird 4 people voted for him
LIx – I think it was very up in the air