4:44pm Audrey and Jackie
Jackie – how are you doing
Audrey mumbles
Audrey – what sht general consensus
Jackie – we all love you we want to make sure you leave happy, beautiful, strong, powerful

4:44pm Audrey and Jackie
Jackie – how are you doing
Audrey mumbles
Audrey – what sht general consensus
Jackie – we all love you we want to make sure you leave happy, beautiful, strong, powerful
12:30pm Austin and Liz head over to the hammock. Austin says wait until he leaves them I’m going to implement operation Jason. I’ll do that once you leave. Are you sure you can get a heads up. She (Julia) didn’t get heads up last time. That’s how things got messed up. Liz says I know its coming today. Austin says I know its going to be today but will they bring you in and let you out again. Liz says no. So we will have to say our goodbyes. Austin says me and her will work on it together. The only fighting point we have is wouldn’t you rather have us than someone coming back.
8:50am Jason and JMac are out on the backyard couches. Jason says I gave ya’ll miserable and ya’ll didn’t want it. So now they’re going to keep pressing that damn button throughout the night till you’re miserable. Just act like you’re miserable. Johnny asks you want me to be miserable next time? Jason says yeah maybe then they’ll be like mission accomplished. Jason says says just pretend, I know nothing makes you miserable. Just pretend. Jason says that Liz has been miserable since the third time we’ve done it. Johnny says okay I’ll be miserable and sad. Johnny says its way worse than gronk party.
12:05am Backyard – Clay tells Shelli that she is a stone cold fox, ambitious and the list goes on and on. He says other people have been a let down to him. Shelli says you know we were put here for each other. That’s a fact. He says if he was with someone else and they cheated on me then clearly I wasn’t doing my job and they weren’t the ones for me. Shelli says see you later! Clay says exactly. Shelli says I know you’re young, why don’t you want to sow your wild oats? Clay says its not gratifying for me to go out, bring someone home, sleep with them and then kick them out. I don’t find fulfilment in that.
8:02pm Clay, Meg, Jason, Becky, James, Jackie, Shelli
Jason saying Steve is throwing all the competitions. Jason says Steve has more muscles than him.
James – he’s got good cardio.. I ran with him he’s pretty fit
JAson – he’s freaking dan goosling
Jason goes on and on about JAson being a threat.
6:05pm VAnessa, Shelli and Clay HOH
Vanessa talking about it being really weird right now. There’s so many deals in the house right now.
Vanessa says she has no agreement with Meg and Jason, “They have a obligation not to put me up”
Vanessa is going to really try and win that HOH this week stresses how important it is.
4:13pm Shelli and Vanessa comparing Audrey sighting stories.
Vanessa – I think next week is going to be..
totally different game
Vanessa – some sh1t’s going down I can feel it.. some people are making big moves
1:05pm Backyard – Austin tells Vanessa that would be my openings with if I had to I would put a Steve up. Just to throw people off the track. He needs to come correct this week. If he doesn’t, he doesn’t. I need to protect us. Austin goes back to working out.
1:15pm Jason and Clay are on the backyard couches. Clay says I have these random thoughts that this experience is amazing. Jason says same with him. Clay says I can just imagine someone like you whos seen ever season from different countries. Jason talks about how he calls Julie Chen something different every time he’s in there.
10am Austin says I almost want to offer him (Jason), Meg and James safety next week. Liz asks who do we target then? Austin says we put up Jackie and Steve. We have people on to us we have to throw them off the trail. Liz says unless we tell Steve because he’s not going to win. Austin says but everyone else we have deals with. Austin says then I wanted to explain to him (Jason) my relationship status outside the house because I don’t want him to think we’re doing this showmance thing and like I’m like cheating or something. Because I don’t think he knows, yet. He can then tell the whole house. I can lead in on how every few days its tough on me. Liz says I definitely think you should talk to him.
12:20am Austin and Liz are in the hammock. Liz says I can’t believe that they think that you don’t know. Austin says I think Jason knows and has figured it all out. Its okay I think it actually plays into our hands. It would be more obvious if I wasn’t trying to hangout with you. Now it looks like I am caught in this emotional thing and I’m vulnerable so he can work with that and Jason can work with me. So I can go to him looking for advice about how when you leave I get all upset. Liz says I know, eventually we have to play it up. Austin says its a whole f**king love story like I get torn away from you every 3 days.
8:47pm Backyard Austin, Liz, Steve, Clay and Shelli
Talking about Audrey having not spoken with anyone today.
Liz points out how the couch smells like mildew after the ran.
Clay and Shelli head to the hammock.
liz asks Steve how she did in the wackstreet dance.
Austin asks her when do they switch, Liz says Wednesday Julia plays in the next HOH.
Austin tells her it’s so important for them to win HOH this coming week. He says it’s going to be like Week one again you can make so many new deals.
Liz – why
Austin explains with Audrey leaving the game resets.
Austin brings up Clay saying that him and Shelli have different life goals she wants to settle down and he doesn’t
Liz – of course she wants to settle down she’s 33
Austin – he’s 23