9:24pm – 10:12 Vanessa and JAckie
Vanessa playing up she’s still putting Austin up.
Vanessa asks if people were upset when Clay won the pov.
Jackie doesn’t think they were people weren’t trying to be overly happy because they didn’t want to upset Jackie.
Vanessa’s – if you won HOH next week who ouel you put up
Jackie would put up a twin and a pawn, “Like one of us someone we can trust.. depends who’s the next HOH.. like one of us, it’s going to come down to that top make these plays work “
Vanessa- right
Tag: Liz Nolan
“Why don’t we send home Jackie instead of Becky” – Vanessa
8:48pm HOh Steve and Vanessa
Steve – there’s rumors going around Austin’s going up
Vanessa – austin was the target from the beginning and here’s why …
She was pulled aside by Jason, Meg, Shelli wednesday night. Jason told them the twins are real. Austin had told him Jason claimed he made a deal with Austin to get Julia out next week.
Steve – did Liz give him permission
“I got scared.. I tried to do things on my own and it blew up I F’d up.. I’m a f-ing number for you”
Austin – I’m a f**king number for you
Vanessa- I’m a target for them
AUstin – I’m a bigger target
Vanessa – i’m giving them a reason to put me up
AUstin – I’ll give them a big reason to put me up i’ll start fights up there.
Vanessa – what’s the play here
Austin – Jason for lying promising he wasn’t going to leak that information,.,. he’s going to put up clay and shelli the moment he gets the chance to .. why give him the f*cking game .. he betrayed me we were having an emotional conversation.. I went to him I thought we were having a friend to friend conversation..
Big Brother 17 Week 5 POV Results “You’re not a comp beast”
3:50pm Clay wins the POwer of veto
3:55pm Jackie and Becky Becky is disappointed
Jackie saying the competition was built for Clay. Jmac comes in “You’re not a comp beast” (She’s been very upset lately for being perceived as a comp beast)
Jmac Leaves In comes Jason.
Veto Players Picked! Vanessa, Clay, Becky, Liz, JMAC and Shelli with Jason as the Host!
9:45am In the kitchen – Steve tells Johnny Mac that he thinks he is finally a sense of what happened this week. Johnny says I think I know. And something went wrong. Steve says and that’s why everyone is scrambling. Austin and Jason join them in the kitchen. Austin starts making the omelette he promised to make Liz. The house guests are waking up and getting ready for the picking of the veto players / power of veto competition today. Steve jokes with Johnny and says I love how you could muster a vote for Audrey. Austin says yeah why did you do that? (It was Judas aka Austin)
Liz “I hope Becky doesn’t raise hell about it (BOB) and then they have to re-do it or something.”
12:40am – 1am Comic bedroom – Liz, Austin, James and Becky are talking about the battle of the block competition. Liz asks so lets get to the bottom of this the clothes were nothing right!? Bekcy says they were supposed to be something but. Liz says it didn’t work! James says yeah because we slung paint on each other and we didn’t see sh*t. Becky says they.. bombed the comp.. Like Production. Liz says that side wall was a disaster. James would put more paint and then nothing would come up still. Becky says the “b” soaked up the paint but the “Q” didn’t. By the time we replaced Cody with Christine you guys had buzzed in.
“they have no alliance . They have no game they have nothing” Jackie about Twins
POV Holder: ? Next POV July 25th POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 27th HOH Winner Team 1: Jackie HOH Winner Team 2: Vanessa Nominations 1 : James & LIz Nominations 2: Clay & Becky Battle of the Block Winner James and Liz Next HOH/ Next BOB July 30th / July 24th Original Nominations: Clay […]
“They tried to screw us this week, It’s us against the world in here”
8:23pm Have nots Austin and Liz
Austin says Clay was asking him if he thought James threw the competitions.
Liz asks why he would ask that.
Austin says Clay is nervous, “something’s up”
Austin – “I’m so proud of you how did you do that it’s so crazy”
Liz says no one saw her and James competing it they saw her they would all know James threw it.
Big Brother 17 Week 5 Battle of the Block Results “I feel so bad for Clay” lol
6:53pm Feeds back James and Liz win the BOB
Vanessa is the HOH Clay and Becky are on the block.. (Holy shit)
“I tried to cast a spell to expel Audrey’s juju and I got sick.. I got the spirit inside me”
3:43pm they move to the bedroom…
Liz – why didn’t vanessa put up Becky
Austin – you are not going anywhere..
Liz – did you die when you say Jackie won
Austin – yes, I went up there and really talked to Jackie..
Austin is pissed that Julia is spending so much time with Steve and Johnnymac.
Big Brother 17 After Show – Hosted by Ryan Carrillo, Jen Johnson, Ashley Iocco & Kevin Zelman
The Big Brother After Show on stream.tv has a weekly episode that analyses the game from the perspective of big brother alumni and from a superfans point of view. The segment is hosted by Ryan Allen Carrillo, Ashley Iocco (BB Season 14), Jen Johnson (BB Season 8) and Kevin Zelman – all super fans!
Nomination Results! “This is the best case scenario for Clay to be on the block!”
11:05am In the HOH room – Julia and Vanessa are talking. Vanessa says when you two trade next you can talk about all this. At the end of the day you’re not the target. Vanessa says Me, Shelli and Clay have your back. You’re not going to tell her about Austin being the vote against Johnny Mac. Julia says no. Julie tells Vanessa that Austin’s alter ego is Judas in the diary room. He says that it was Judas not Austin. Vanessa asks don’t let Austin know that anything is up. Vanessa ask do you know when you’re switching again? Julia says soon. Vanessa says If he asks you what we were talking about… I was just telling you that you’re not the target.