9:33pm James and Jackie
James- we got blindsided by the other half of the house and we gotta break that sh1t uop.. if they won HOH we would have all been f****D.. the only person I’m really worried about is Vanessa.
James says Clay and Shelli knew they were going up on the block, “It was Vanessa.. she’s not telling them the whole thing they’re giving hints.”
Tag: Liz Nolan
“Shine that Armour Squire”
6:29pm LIving Room Julia, Austin and liz
Liz – Is everyone sleeping… might as well take a nap F*** that
Liz ponders why nobody has gotten sick in the house. It must be because they are isolated.
Austin says the only outside interactions they get are with the beefcakes and that isn’t for very long.
(Team Beef Cakes)
“Vanessa will start to attack the Austin group before us, They stopped talking game together”
3:14pm James and Meg HOH
Meg – We gotta be good with Austin and the twins
James – that’s 3 f***g votes
Meg – As long as they don’t think we’re coming after them they won’t come after us
Meg – the one person we’ll lose is Becky..
Meg – We’ll have Steve, Clay Johnny Mac (To get out)
James is worried if Steve wins the HOH
Shelli “I hate my morning voice!” Clay “I like it! MMmm.. its so raspy. It sounds like a man.”
10:50am Shelli wakes up and says that she’s irritated that no matter what she does the cameras are on her. I need some sunglasses. Clay asks do you want to get started? Shelli says she wants to know what time it is, get some sunglasses and enjoy her porta potty. Clay says whatever you want I’ll get it. Shelli says I hate my morning voice right now. Clay says I like it, MMmmmm.. I like it! its so raspy. It sounds like a man. I like it when a man talks to me like that! Shelli says stop it. That’s so weird.
James “That’s just scratching the surface!” Steve “He’s going to thrash her right in the p***y!”
1:30am Liz comes out of the diary room with a big brother card and says House guests your friends on the live feeds want you to play spin the bottle. James says finally! I say even if its a guy you have to kiss them!! Austin says I’ll just spin it to who I want it to be on. James says me too. I’ll spin it to Liz and you’ll spin it to Meg. James says if it lands on you we’re going to have to kiss! Liz says yeah what if you land on Julia… Oh hell no!! Shelli hits 700 and does a round through the house with the ringing the bell. LIz says if you don’t want to kiss someone then kiss them on the cheeks. Clay says I haven’t even gotten one from her yet!
Big Brother 17 Punishments 2400 Battles and 24 Hours of Shining
Shelli has to complete 2400 “Battles” she can take a break and complete them whenever she wants. In the backyard there’s medieval obstacles. While wearing a polyester medieval costume she must to swing a sword, Stab a sword and Chop with a sword. When she hits 100 she goes into the house and rings the bell. If she cannot complete the task she isn’t able to play in next weeks POV.
“I hate eating this pizza I want to eat the whole damn thing”
7:23pm Jackie and James
James saying he used to be able to Pound beer but now he just had a beer and he’s flushed..
James says if they gave her 3 shots of liquor back to back she would be feeling it.
Jackie – Hell ya that would be awesome (Biam)
James says she’s stressed for next week, “if clay wins HOH i’m fu*ked “
Jackie doesn’t think Clay will win, “You have a lot of people on your side to keep you”
Big Brother 17 Week 6 Power of Veto Results “I’m Pretty sure they want Shelli out”
James won the Power of Veto
Clay won a trip to Europe (Ireland)
Shelli got a punishment she has to perform sword routine for 25 hours.
Vanessa is attached to someone
Becky won a cash prize
4:08pm Hammock Asutin and Jmac
Austin is hoping Clay and Shelli don’t go up to the HOH and start bashing all of them. Jmac doesn’t think they will.
Austin – One of them is staying
Jmac – true
“We don’t have to vote the way they want. F**k them! It’ll be 100% Shelli! She’ll gun for James’s head” – V
12:45pm – 1:05pm Bathroom – Vanessa tells Austin. I want to make an agreement that if one of us gets backdoored that we will make sure we make the votes for us to stay. Austin says of course. Vanessa says 1000%! Austin says I think he would put me or one of them (Twins) up to ensure one of them (Shelli or Clay) goes home. Vanessa says you understand if I win the veto .. Austin says I know if that happened they (Shelli and Clay) would have to go to James and make sure he was okay with using it. It doesn’t make sense in using it when one of them is going home no matter what. Ultimately Shelli let go (Let go in the HOH endurance).
Veto Players Picked! Austin “Either way you have my vote. I’m not going to let them come after you.”
10:30am In the havenot room. James got house guest choice and is in the havenot room apologizing to Austin for not picking him. James says I wanted to pick you but Clay was going to pick you and if I did it would look a little obvious. Austin says yeah I thought that too. Okay that’s fine. Either way I was going to keep it the same. James tells Vanessa you just win and do what you do! Vanessa says if its a physical one I’ll just do what I do and lose. James tells Austin they’re still going to come to you for votes but if I had picked you they would have come to you for votes. Whatever happens, happens. We have a good team out there. Jackie’s physical and Vanessa is a brain.
Vanessa “I’m not a dumba$$. I’m a loyal f**king person but at the end of the day I’m not a doormat!”
1:25am Bedroom – Steve goes to talk to Shelli and Clay. Steve says can I talk to you for a second. Just a thought so I can explain where I am to try and give you what you need. First week of big brother 12, Brenchel went up on the block. They were both close to a girl names Annie. What happened was one of them got house guest choice for the veto and picked Annie. Brendon won the veto and saved himself. People were too worried that they were too close with Annie and that she would vote to keep them. So Annie became the replacement nominee and she was the one evicted. That’s why I am nervous about the house guest choice, because she was evicted for exactly that reason.
“Vanessa has some ideas I think it could be good” -Austin to Clay
11:01pm Austin and the twins
Austin makes sure they know they can’t throw the veto if they are picked. They need to hold the veto power because if the veto is played they will go up. (I think the twins finally understands)
They start giggling and having fun. Austin says the room has evil spirits in it from Audrey. Julia pulls out a voodoo doll
Julia – dude what is this is this some voodoo doll that Audrey made