6:14pm James, Jackie and Meg
James says Clay and Shelli are having a hammock date so his workout has ended.
James – Why things gotta be so awkward I want to go out they’re be like Listen just give him a hug

6:14pm James, Jackie and Meg
James says Clay and Shelli are having a hammock date so his workout has ended.
James – Why things gotta be so awkward I want to go out they’re be like Listen just give him a hug
4:24pm Backyard Austin, Steve and the twins
Steve says James has been trying to secure his vote.
Julia – they make a good point Keeping Clay, people will go after him
Liz doesn’t want Clay to stay
Austin – Ultimately we decide it and they will have to deal with it
Austin says it might take him having a fight with Clay tell everyone after he’s done with him.
Austin says if Clay wasn’t so weird about him he would be fine to keep Clay
Austin – did we actually do something to him I don’t think we did it was either him or us
1pm – 1:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds and switches to the live feed highlights with Jeff Schroeder. The house guests had a task & won takeout for a number of nights. Austin asks does that start tonight? Does that mean there’s no havenots next week? Liz says that was fun. It gave us something to do. Johnny says I think they’ll suspend havenots for you so you can have it too.
1:35pm – 1:50pm Havenot room- Shelli and Vanessa tells Shelli you need to give me your word you’re not going to tell him what I am telling you. Shelli says oh my god you’re scaring me.. Vanessa says give me your word!
10am – 10:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Vanessa and Steve are talking in the backyard. Steve says it sounds like what Shelli wants to do is me, you, her, remaining person and Johnny Mac. Vanessa asks remaining person as in? Steve says Clelli. Because Johnny Mac is super close with them, Johnny Mac is close with me. I’m close with you and everything works. Do you like that? Vanessa says yeah but I don’t think its necessary to have an alliance because its already kind of a thing. Steve says right but I like that group. Vanesssa says yeah I like it but I don’t think its extremely likely to get deep with that group.
12am Backyard couches Meg, Liz, Julia, Becky and Jackie are sitting around talking about Thanks Giving shopping holiday. Becky says at her store they would make the same amount in the first 45 minutes as they would make on entire Saturday. Meg says that if Jason goes back to his grocery store job she’s going to punch him. Liz says he should do something with a youtube channel. Meg says he wants to do something with fashion. Meg says that Jason’s friends teased him he would get evicted the week before jury and that exactly what happened. They agree that jury might not even start next week it depends on when Julie says it starts.
9:55pm Austin and Vanessa
Austin saying that Shelli/Clay were telling james the twins didn’t like Austin and wanted him out.
Austin – CLay making me feel really uncomfortable right now
Vanessa Says shelli staying is better for her game. Austin is down for that. Vanessa says Austin is in a very powerful position right now nobody wants to take a shot at Austin and the twins risk losing all those Jury votes.
6:49pm Austin and liz Hammock chat
Austin brings up James saying Clay and Shelli are saying that Julia hates him and LIz doesn’t care if he stays or goes.
Austin also found out from James, clay was saying Austin and the twins were planning on nominating James if they won HOH this week.
Austin says Clay and Shelli are dead to him he’s good with James and the twins are good with James he made sure james knew that.
Liz asks her about her conversation with Steve. Vanessa says he’s unsure right now.
Julia – Shelli is so nice to him
Vanessa – you guys agree Shelli’s the better play
Liz and Julia – 100%
Julia – I have no relationship with Clay
Vanessa has no problem telling everyone the way she’s voting. She wants Clay to go over Shelli.
12:45pm Vanessa tells James that she was in his position last week so she knows exactly how it feels. At the end of the day its a game. I’m here for my girlfriend and you’re here for your daughter. Vanessa says that makes me think about how now it will be another 7 weeks before I see my girlfriend. Vanessa says we should let things settle and then figure out a plan going into double eviction. We should have one so we don’t have all this happening.
Everyone leaves but Liz and Julia. Liz says that James told Austin that there were some things said last night but just to let you know I’m not taking it personally. They definitely threw Austin’s name under the bus.
11:20am – 11:55am Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the veto ceremony to take place. During the veto ceremony James chose not to use the veto and as a result Shelli and Clay remain on the block for eviction.
Bedroom – Clay and Shelli are in bed. Clay says my speech was so lame. I didn’t know what to say. I almost froze up. Shelli starts crying and says we have 4 days left so lets just make them good. Clay says I don’t really care to talk to anyone in the house. Shelli crying says I’m going to miss you so much. Shelli asks how am I going to last 2 months with out you.
9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the comic bedroom – Steve is whispering to the camera. Steve says James would be a fool today if he put me up but I would not be surprised if he did. Shelli and Clay were trying to get him to use the Veto but .. Becky comes into the room and Steve says Nighty Night! The cameras switch to Johnny Mac sitting out in the backyard alone.
Austin tells Liz that Clay and Shelli were trying really hard for me to go talk to James last night. They were sad and begging me really hard. They wanted me to tell him that Shelli and Clay would throw the HOH next week. Austin says that James said that he was keeping the nominations the same.
12:50am – 1:10am Shelli talks to Vanessa in the bedroom. Shelli says in a minute I want the 6 of us to get together and talk because I really want to let you know the things I have in my heart and the way I’m feeling. I feel like a lot of things are dishonest and I just want to feel like things are reciprocated. Vanessa says that James asked if I would be on board with Steve and I said yes, its obvious I’m very close with Shelli & CLay. I said I was fine, it would be the optimal scenario. Shelli asks do you think they’re considering it? Vanessa says yes, why else would they ask me that. Shelli says that’s good to hear.