9:35am – 9:50am Bedroom – Becky wakes up crying in pain over how painful her foot is. James gets up to turn on the light. Becky says that she her foot is so big its double in size of the other one. I’m about to get a razor and cut it open.Meg asks don’t they have the medics on call always. Becky says last night I told them I needed a doctor and stayed up till 4am and that’s when I went back at 4am and said this is serious. This is really serious. I was scared it would double in size and now I wake up and its double in size. I’m like UHHHHH.. NOW!! James says staph infection are bad. We used to have a lot of guys in the prison that would get those. It swells up and they take the puss out of it.
Tag: Liz Nolan

Steve “I will f**King win HOH the next week & backdoor your a$$ if you make me a havenot!”
12:05am Backyard – Steve tells Johnny that he is heading to bed. He missed his nap on purpose so that it would force him to go to bed early. Johnny says that he is going hangout with Becky tonight. He says that she is handling it well. She pretty much knew that she was going home when the plan went down. Johnny says if I win HOH, I pretty much have to put up one of ours to ensure that it (Vanessa goes) happens. If they win they will probably take out James. Steve says probably. Johnny asks if you win would you take out James? Or are you just going to let me win? Steve says honest to god answer I don’t know. Are you going to be up for awhile? Johnny says with her (Becky).

Big Brother Court “If Grandma gets hit you must convict”
9:50pm Hammock room Vanessa and Becky Vanessa explaining to Becky the judge how courts work “It’s very important they don’t lead the witness”
Vanessa – if you agree sustain if you don’t agree over ruled
Now in the backyard Vanessa telling Austin and James how a court case works
Vanessa – I’m calling Grandma and the medical examiner

Jmac’s tells Steve if he won HOH “Vanessa and a twin up, or Vanessa and You”
5:13pm Jmac and Steve backyard
Jmac says they have to take out Vanessa next week they have to make sure the goblins stay in the house. hopefully the person coming back wins HOH and goes after the other side.
Jmac says they’re in a position where they have to win to stay in the game.
Steve says this week was revenge week. Austin/twins and Vanessa are close and Becky went after Vanessa.
Steve – I’m glad you have the votes.

Trapped under 8lbs of blankets “I can’t even get out of this, It’s so heavy”
Steve comes by
James- nothing is going on here steve you just turn away..
Steve takes over and climbs on the mountain of Blankets
James says she’s starting to get hot under there.
Steve- this is the most comfortable thing i’ve laid on
Meg – I need air holes

Liz “If Austin thinks this is going to go long term he will chop off his pony beard”
9:30am Austin and Liz wake up and start getting ready for the day. Austin and Liz talk about her doing her HOH blog. He tells her to give a recap of the week. Liz says I’ll write be sure to tune in Wednesday for the Veto competition, its a V-classic. He tells her the live feeders are the ones reading it. They already know. I would get right down to brass tacks if I were you. I would first start off by telling them about Irish Spring because its the zest you can taste and smell. I would talk about me obviously. Talk about me and you and how we’ve enjoyed the HOH room and stuff. What we’ve enjoyed spending time together. Liz says Okay, I’m not going to bore people to death so keep going.

“Vanessa will never know we made this 5 thing, we basically replaced her in Freaks & Geeks”
12:25am – 1am Backyard – Steve and Julia are playing a game of pool. Becky, Meg and Johnny Mac are sitting by the hot tub chatting. Steve join them. They talk about past seasons of Big Brother. Becky says that she didn’t want to sit out of the first HOH because she remembered Memphis Garrett won a classic car. Austin heads inside to start doing all the dishes from their cooking competitions. Becky and Liz help to do the dishes as well. Meg and James talk about how this morning James announced their engagement. James says we haven’t even kissed! Meg asks how come we’re the showmance of the year and everyone else is getting all the action?! James and Julia head outside to play a game of pool.

“James and Meg and Meg is helpless, they’re in a good spot”
Jmac wants Becky or jackie to come back
Steve says if Jackie comes back she’ll come after him
Jmac says Vanessa isn’t trustworthy enough to keep in the game even as a human shield. He knows that Vanessa is Disarmed right now says she will float to power, ‘Is she really a bigger threat to us in comps”
Steve – is vanessa going your number one priority
Jmac – yes

Becky’s getting evicted “unless she comes out with some serious Johnnymac sh1t “
6:14pm Goblins and Austin
James – what is everyone deciding for Thursday?
Austin – Becky, unless she comes out with some serious Johnnymac sh1t
Austin warns them that Vanessa is starting to work the house again.
Austin says Jmac is ready to take Vanessa out.

“Right now Vanessa is a pretty Big Shield”
3:36pm Julia and Steve
Julia asks him if he’s still thinking keeping Johnny Mac is the best play. Steve says by taking out Becky and Jackie they guarantee those two will not both be in the house together. Even after the buyback. Steve believes these two together are the most dangerous.
Julia asks Steve to give her some Chess lessons.

“Maybe I can creatively make a deal with JMac. I won’t put him up, which doesn’t include backdoor”
1:05pm HOH room – Vanessa says maybe I can creatively make a deal with him (Johnny Mac) that I won’t put him up .. which doesn’t include backdoor. Austin says you could say that. Vanessa talks about how when she was on the block with Shelli she would talk about the next week like it was a forgone conclusion that I was going. Austin says After Clay left she was just gone. Her focus left. After Clay left she lost her identity. Julia says after Clay left she was like a 13 year old girl crying when a song come on. You’re a 33 year old woman who lost a guy you’ve known of 2 months. She had no social game without Clay. I had never talked to her for more than a couple minutes.

Veto Ceremony Results! “That speech was ridiculous! If you don’t save me I’m coming after you!”
11:55am Havenot room – Austin Austin says I don’t think she means to do that in her speech but she basically just said I am coming after you if you don’t save me. Becky basically just said that.. accidentally. Liz says she said last week if you save me all is forgiven. Steve says I think we look too much into these speeches. Austin says I don’t think she meant to say all that. Steve says well its my bed time. Liz says I’m not scared of her. I messed up my speech. Austin says there’s more to come. Now she’s up there. She keeps outing groups. Julia and Vanessa join them. Julia says that speech was ridiculous ..If you don’t save me I’m coming after you.. that doesn’t make you want to use it. Vanessa says it was her best shot. And her best shot was a threat.