Last night the finale of Big Brother 17 aired and Steve Moses was crowned the winner by a vote of 6 – 3 taking home the 500,000 grand prize. Steve had said numerous times through out the season that it wasn’t about the money, it was about the experience and if he left without a dime he would still be happy.
Tag: Liz Nolan

Big Brother 17 Finale Night
It’s finally here the finale for Big Brother 17. Personally I really enjoyed the season much better than the last 4. Tonight we’ll see Vanessa and Steve face off in the final Head of household competition. The final HOH competition looks to be a crossword called B.B Gazette. Both Vanessa and Steve have told each other they are taking the other one to the end.

The Final 3 say Goodbye! “Thank you for watching us! We’re ridiculous & we love you!”
9:20am – 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Steve says it creeped them out on the “spaceship” (sequester) about how much he knew about big brother. Vanessa and Steve say they couldn’t sleep last night. Vanessa says she had anxiety dreams. Steve says he’ll tell them his dream when the go upstairs. Steve jokes about Liz dreaming about camping over and over again. Liz says there will be camping after tonight. I am not even afraid of saying it. Vanessa jokes about Austin’s pony beard. Liz says I want that ponytail beard gone my nah nah is going to be like what the heck is that?! Liz heads to the kitchen to make breakfast Steve tells Vanessa that his mom is going to attack him like nobodies business.

Vanessa “We are literally breaking out of this joint tomorrow!”
10:20am – 10:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Vanessa and Steve get up. Steve comments that he hasn’t even thought about packing yet. You guys have done a lot and I haven’t even started. Vanessa says that’s because we’re good girls and you’re a bad boy. Vanessa says how cool would it be if it was over today. I would be so happy. Steve says I like it tomorrow better. Vanessa says No dude I’m ready to go! Steve says I wasn’t ready for last night to be the last night. Vanessa asks what do you do when you’re up late? Steve says Scamper? I walk around in an attempt to sleep and realize I can’t sleep.

Vanessa “I’m NOT taking him. I give you my word on Mel which you know I’m not going to lie.”
11am Vanessa asks has Steve talked to you about anything gamewise? Liz says no. Vanessa asks you give me your word? Liz says no a million percent! Obviously he has talked with you because he has not talked to me about anything. Vanessa says no matter… I am just going to ask you one thing.. you’ve given your word you were never going to tell Steve about our deal right?! Liz says 100% I haven’t! Vanessa says and I am good for that deal. He just can’t know about it. No matter what he might come to you and say over the next couple of days.. you know the real deal is what we have. I give you my word on Mel. Okay! Liz says I know.

Steve “I can f**king skip Julia and Austin unless I’m with Vanessa”
12:45am Steve says my goal coming into this game was just to survive the first eviction because I knew I did not have the social skills to get far in this game. I was hugely relieved when I won the veto the first week by spelling trombonist. I pulled my act together, I made some moves and here I am in the final 2. When you break the game down you can really put it into 3 components. Competition, Social Game and Strategic Game. First Competitions – I’ve been head of household 4 times and each of those four resulted in eviction. Liz has only been head of household 3 times and she was dethroned once so only 2 of those ever came to an eviction.

“I don’t think you realize how out of it I am” – Vanessa
6:00pm Vanessa and Steve Speculating that tomorrow is their last day outside.
Vanessa says Production told her they should wait before they tell Liz./
Steve – I never heard that from them
Vanessa- it wasn’t a direct request
Steve – Is that better for her.
Steve – OK you want to wait till Tuesday

Vanessa “They said to wait till Tuesday. It ruins it I guess for the feeds.”
10:20am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Liz complains about having to put the outside awnings down. She says they’re too hot. Steve puts oven mitts on. Liz puts gloves. on. Steve says he has never heard of so much complaining in such a short amount of time. Liz says if we just stayed in side we wouldn’t have to do this. Steve says its big brother that tell us to do it. Liz says she’s never doing it again. Steve says we’re the only two people that can do it. When they’re done. Big Bother says thank you very much. Liz says that was a dig because I wasn’t very cooperative. Liz heads back to bed.

Vanessa – “I’m just out of it”
3:05pm Kitchen final 3
Steve – Ness does not look happy
Vanessa – it’s not that I’m happy or sad I’m just out of it
Steve – Ness looks like she’s on muscle relaxers
Vanessa – let’s not make too many jokes about it, I didn’t want to injure myself

Part 2 Final HOH Results “I wonder how to make her not feel like shit”
11:12pm Feeds come back Steve won..
Steve and Vanessa Whispering “I just want to know how to make her not feel like shit”
Steve winders when they should tell Liz.
Vanessa – not now
Steve – I wonder how to make her not feel like shit
Vanessa tells him to be normal

“I have a man crush on Jace, I know what you’re thinking your answer is no”
Steve and Liz say how much they are looking forward to hanging out with Jace
Steve – I want to drink with Jace I really do, I love him so much.
Liz – Steve has a man crush on Jace
Steve – I have a man crush on Jace..
Liz – really
Steve – Yes, I have a man crush on Jace

Big Brother 17 – Steve illustrates where his vegetables were and why they aren’t all cut up.
10am – 10:35am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Vanessa complains about having neck pains. Steve says today is day 93. The last Friday. Liz says that she hears a blower or something similar out in the backyard. She asks Steve Are they usually during the day or at night? Steve says I don’t know. I didn’t think I would get this far so I didn’t pay too much attention. I would guess day. Liz says it depends on what look they’re going for. Steve says last year was theme was Egypt and the year before was under the sea.