10:40 am Cirie and Matt
Cirie telling him her theory that America is throwing everything and is really a competition super beast “What if Cory told America Lose the HOH and the Veto to minimize your threat . It would be a risk for her to take then when the double happens BOOM. That is what Bowie was saying”
Cirie – are they that smart
Matt – no
Tag: Live Feed Updates
America “The boys can’t be here. Its a very touchy subject and now its like f**k it, its them two!”
5:25pm Hammock – America and Cirie.
America – I was just thinking about .. I wonder if Cory is outside looking out and we’re looking at the same cloud right now. Cirie – that would be crazy. America – looking at the same bird. Cirie – I wonder what he is thinking. Is she okay? How’s she doing? America – he was like I see your path forward in this game. I see there is a path forward. You got to believe in yourself. Cirie – Awwwe… is that what he said? America – he said its going to be hard but there is a path. He was like do you want me to tell you? I was like no I want to figure it out by myself. Cirie – why wouldn’t you let him tell you? Use his way.. America – I know what the path is. The boys can’t be here. Like lets be honest. Cirie – I know. America – they can’t be here in order for anybody to get to the end. Cirie – That’s absolutely true.. and I think everyone knows it. America – everyone is afraid to say it. I feel better saying it because its off my chest. When people ask me who my target is …
Matt “I win veto and I use it on you.” Jag “That would be wild!”
12:20pm HOH room – Matt and Jag.
Jag – you were saying that Mama Fe tried talking to you. Matt – Mama Fe tried talking to me. Jag – what did she say? Matt – I can’t hear her like when she is trying to whisper. I am like BRO I can’t hear you. She was trying to warn me and stuff like in this double everyone is going for Jag. And I was like yeah, I can’t let that happen. Jag – yeah. Matt – I think at the same time people have to say that if they can’t … they have to say that to Felicia and Cirie. Like oh you’re going to be the target instead. They have to say our names. Jag – well here is the thing… you and Bowie are solid. Matt – Oh Felicia said that last night Bowie said that. Oh yeah we have to get one of the guys out. Jag – Felicia said that? That Bowie said that? Matt – she said that surprised her. Matt – so is Bowie just trying to play along? That’s what we need to find out from Felicia. Because if Bowie is thinking that way ..
Blue – “I know there’s a plan in place, I know that America is for sure” [Being evicted]
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Jag Nominees: America and Blue POV Players: Blue, America, Jag, Matt, Felicia, Bowie POV Winner: Jag Veto Ceremony: Havenots: ? Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results The Situation: From everything I can tell Blue is still the target. Felicia and Blue don’t know this. 8:45 am […]
JAG WON The VETO!! “Matt you’re not going on the block, what the f**k are you talking about?!”
They’re all sitting around the living room couches talking about the veto competition. Jag has the veto around his neck. The competition had to past house BB25 house guests and matching them up with past events of the season
America leaves to go into the bedroom alone. America – Matt you’re not going to sit on the block .. what the f**k are you talking about?! Cirie and Felicia walk past. America – we tried.
“Blue is going to start campaigning I don’t know what the f*** her campaign is going to be.”
10:13 am America alone
America – if Matt is being honest with me. He thinks Felicia is close to Blue. Which I don’t know maybe she is but from what I gather she’s not close to her at all. So they think Felicia and Blue are close that means Jag thinks they’re close and Bowie thinks they’re close.
America – So I let them think that I can’t be hanging in the comic room too much. They’ll see that as a threat. I have to be on my own a little more.
America – Let Blue scramble. Anybody but Blue needs to win this. The problem with Noms being the same. Blue is going to start campaigning I don’t know what the f*** her campaign is going to be. I have to win this I have to win this.
Blue “I want to be a part of America leaving. I really need her out this week. Lets just have a flawless week.”
5:33pm – 5:45pm HOH Room – Blue and Matt.
Matt – so what to pick me for house guest choice. Blue laughs – absolutely. I was telling Jag because obviously he was telling me that he was putting me up .. like he was leaning towards putting me up so I feel good about it. I think it makes sense. I am not upset because if he said he was going to put someone else up I was going to ask him can I be house guest choice. Because I definitely want .. in the same way that I had a part in Cory leaving because I had a veto, I want to be a part of America leaving too. Like to be honest because with Cory me and him have always been going at it but like with America I feel like I have given her so many chances. So many times to be honest with me to just like work with me. Matt – for the entire season she’s played Cory’s game. Blue – literally! Matt – and she’s never worked with anyone else.
“Imagine Cory just left then right afterwards Blue leaves.. Those are the two people that are the biggest threats” **updated**
12:25 pm Bowie and Jag
Jag tells her she’s not going up and explains “not wanting to get more blood on my hands” angle he’s been saying. Tells her that Felicia wants Bowie to go up. He’s sure Blue will say the same thing.
Jag says if America wins the veto he’ll put up Felicia but will tell Blue he’s putting up Bowie Jane.
Jag says America winning veto isn’t all that bad they’ll have Felicia and Blue on the block it’ll be an easy excuse for them to evict Blue. He adds that the only person they don’t want to win Veto is Blue.
Jag – Ideally Blue is out this week that would be perfect. Imagine Cory just left then right afterwards Blue leaves.. Those are the two people that are the biggest threats to us making it to the end. Truly
JAG WON Head Of Household! “I gotta cook up some sort of deal! So that he won’t nominate me.” **updated**
America – I am going to talk to Jag. I am going to try and make a deal for this week to keep me safe through the double. I gotta cook up some sort of deal! So that he won’t nominate me .. so that he won’t back door me. Matt joins America. America – so veto will be in the backyard. Matt – I know, I wonder what it is going to be. Maybe the slip n slid veto? America – Maybe, I don’t know. It could be anything. It would be a better HOH.
Big Brother 25 Week 11 Eviction Results
Nominees give their final speech. Matt Votes to evict Cory Bowie Jane Votes to evict Cory Jag doesn’t vote. Cirie Votes to evict Cory Felicia Votes to evict Cory Blue Votes to evict Cory Cory Evicted Scaryverse next week with Johnny Mac (ugh) Thursday is a Double eviction
“We can win [HOH], we put up Bowie Jane and America. If something goes awry. Jag goes up.” **updated**
9:42 am Felicia and Cirie
Felicia going on about Cory trying to throw her name under the bus. “Everything he said to Bowie, Matt and jag he’s saying Felicia said.. Felicia told me”
Felicia says there’s not benefit for them to keep Cory.
Cirie – if we don’t win HOH this week what happens?
Felicia – we have to trust Matt and Jag. I believe Matt isn’t putting us up. Jag I still want to believe.
Felicia is going to ask Matt and Jag “How long you do plan on keeping Bowie Jane”
Cirie – tread lightly.. tread MAD lightly cause that’s insinuating that what we have is in question
Felicia thinks Matt and Jag will Throw the HOh
Cirie – will they with America still around?
Felicia – they are probably hoping that Bowie or Blue get it.
Felicia says Bowie jane will put them both up.
Felicia “She was okay with everyone else being a PAWN! Cirie “The second she hears her name.. she is crying!”
7pm Havenot Room – Bowie and Jag.
Jag – I am glad you came to talk to me. I feel so solid with both of you (Bowie/Matt). And I don’t want you or Matt to ever feel as though ever even have an ounce of doubt. When someone says that I want you to know like its an immediate thing. Like yes talk to me. 100% you can always talk to me and the same thing you me and Matt should chat too. Definitely talk to me if anything comes up but at no point in this game will it ever be like I am trying to save my own a$$ so I am trying to bla bla bla.. Especially what he said where I would put you and Blue up… WHY would I want to do that in any world!? And two, why would I tell Mama Fe that? And three why would she go and tell Cory that. Like in no world would I ever do that and in no world would I even say that. Bowie – yeah. That is just so ridiculous to me. Bowie – its not that you would do it, its the inkling that you would have said it.