
Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Results

The Power Of Veto Players were: Shane, Willie, Frank, Wil, Danielle, and Kara. With Jojo as the host of the competition.

SHANE has WON the Power of Veto!

Britney, Willie, Jojo and Shane are in the HOH talking. Britney says that we need to be really wishy washy about what we are going to do. We don’t want them to know what we are going to do. Britney says that we have both the HOH and Power of Veto in our hands. Shane has the Power of Veto in his hands. Shane won the POV! The competition was about getting coins in slots. They talk about how Danielle was stacking the coins for Frank and that they were working together. Britney says that Shane won with quarters and nickels. Britney says that even with them cheating they couldn’t win!

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The First Big Brother 14 Power of Veto Competition is Happening NOW!

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11:25am Danielle and Kara are in the Have-not room talking. Kara says that it’s hard being on the block, it’s so stressful. Danielle says that she genuinely cares about Kara and she doesn’t want her to be mad at her since she is her teammate. Kara says she had a conversation with Wil and it upset her. Danielle says that she doesn’t want to smother her. Kara says Wil told her that Joe wouldn’t go up if Frank wins power of veto, that it would be Danielle or Jenn. Kara says she tried to make a deal with Willie but doesn’t think he trusts that she won’t put him up next week if she wins HoH. Danielle tells Kara about how she was just talking to Willie and tells Kara her conversation. Danielle says that if something really bad happens and I just bomb this …trust me I am not throwing it. Kara asks do you really think I would stay over Jenn. Danielle says yes. Kara says that she feels safer up on the block against Frank than anyone else. Kara says that it scares her every time she sees Frank go up to the HOH, because she knows he’s up there trying to make a deal with Willie.

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Big Brother 14 Janelle says if Boogie got released into the game it would be a blood bath

9:55am Dan and Kara are in the bathroom talking. Dan is coaching her to go up and talk to Willie and offer him a deal that he’ll be safe for a week if he keeps her. Kara says that it’s hard because there is always so many people up there. Dan says that he knows, but that she needs to go talk to him. Kara says that she’ll go up after she finishes her makeup. Jojo joins then and starts doing her makeup. Dan leaves and Jojo comments that he is such a good coach to them.

Watch the first few days of Big Brother 14 for FREE: 3 Day Trial!

Janelle and Britney are up in the HOH room talking. They discuss how they would much rather keep Dan in the house because he is nice and won’t rub a win in your face. Janelle says that she doesn’t know what Dan was thinking picking all the girls before a physical competition. Janelle says that she got good picks because Dan made a bad move. Britney wonders whether Dan picked the three girls to slide under the radar for the first few weeks. Janelle says that if later on in the game in the next part and the coaches do get to play in the game … then if that does happen and Boogie is released into the game it would be a blood bath. Janelle wonders if that did happen if the guys would go over to his side. Britney says no as long as we keep up our slander campaign. Janelle says that the smear campaign worked for us.

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First Morning in the Big Brother 14 House: Ashley is Messed UP!

7:25am Ashley and Willie wake up in the HOH bed and she asks him if he can get her an ice pack for her back. Willie goes down to the storage room and grabs one for her. While he is gone she lays out on the HOH bed and rubs cream on her lower back. When he comes back she thanks him for the ice pack. Willie asks her how her back is and she says its better. She asks him what time it is and he says early, let’s go back to sleep. Willie says he needs to go back to because he has to compete today.

7:55am Jojo is up and in the kitchen eating breakfast. After she finishes eating she does the dishes. Shane joins her in the kitchen and complains about having to sleep in the have-not room. He says he feels like he’s an old man. Jojo says she feels gross having to sleeping next to Boogie. Shane comment that he hopes the POV competition is early. Jojo says that she hope she gets to be involved. Shane says you’re the host, you’ll be involved. Jojo says yeah I just hope that I get to do more than sit there. Boogie joins them in the kitchen. They all wish they could go out into the backyard. They comment on how they can hear them working on setting up the POV competition.

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Big Brother 14: Britney “You get rid of the guy with mastodon thighs…not the model chick”

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2:03am Frank, Kara and Jenn.

Frank is really talking it up.. telling the girls that the coaches are playing their own game and trying to get the new players to do what they want. They are “rallying us together”  Frank adds that “Mike” had it all figured out.

Kara tells him that her coach and his coach are making them a HUGE target because everyone seems to want to get rid of them. Frank understands and says that they need to remind the entire house that they are working for themselves they are playing their own game.

Kara: “you trust Boogie .. is he a good coach?”
Frank: “I don’t need to trust Boogie.. he doesn’t have a vote.. he’s just an adviser for us he can’t win HOH next week”

Frank: “his (Boogie)  fate is tied to mine my fate isn’t tied to his, They can’t win without us but we can win without them” Jen points out that the water is going to get hot with the coaches, 100K is a lot of money

Frank: “A coach is a bad name for it…  they are more an adviser because in  team scenario a coach will get us to do what they want us to do but in this scenario they just advise us”

Frank: “I’m telling YA they need us we don’t need them”
Jenn: “we’re the golden egg”

Frank leaves.

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Big Brother 14 First Episode ONE Twists revealed and First HOH Results

It’s finally here BB14. We know the cast contains 12 New players and from leaks we know that there are 4 “Mentors” who have played in previous seasons, they are Britney Hayes from BB12, Dan Gheesling BB10, Janelle Pierzina Mike BB 6,7 and “Booger” Malin from BB 2,7.

Big Brother 14 Episode 1 Twists

Julie Chen’s “The 4 legends are not here to play the regular Big Brother Game they are here to coach it.”

Summers First competition Send One houseguests packing before they even unpack their bags. … each BB14 Legend gets to pick 3 houseguests and will Mentor them throughout the season. If one of their protegee wins the Mentor wins 100K and the houseguests wins 500K

The coaches pick their players

Britney picks: 1) Shane 8) Willie 9) JoJO
Boogie picks: 2) Frank 7) Ian 10) Jen
Janelle Picks: 3) Wil 6) Ashely 11) Joe
Dan Picks: 4) Kara 5) Danielle 12) Jodie

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Big Brother Spoilers: Who will WIN the $500,000? Adam, Porsche, or Rachel?

Simon and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link

9:40am – 10:15am The live feeds return from waking up the houseguests. Adam, Porsche and Rachel are out in the backyard. Adam chants last day, last day, last day… Porsche chants crazy, crazy, crazy… Porsche says so what do you think since we don’t go back into the house should we leave the shirts (tie-dye fan shirts) in the cupboard? Or should we just ask them? Porsche heads inside. Rachel says that she is surprised they aren’t on any kind of lockdown yet.. Rachel asks Adam if he is excited to see Fara tonight. Adam says YES! Rachel says she can’t wait to squeeze Brendon. Rachel says that she has so much anxiety about tonight. Rachel says that she realized what Adam meant when he said this is the last day of vacation… after today I have to find a place, get my life together …and pay two speeding tickets. Rachel says that tomorrow they need to go to his school and explain to his professors why he was away so long. Adam asks didn’t you do that already? Rachel says that he did but ..just to make sure. Porsche joins them on the couch. They all talk about how they have to go back to their real lives. They ask questions about what has happened this summer while they were in the BB house. What is the price of gas? What celebrities died?
WATCH the Backyard Interviews after the Live Show Tonight!

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Big Brother Spoilers Adam “It’s the Last night on showtime I’m probably not winning America’s Juror” **updated

Dawg and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link

9:09pm Adam playing cards by himself. Adam starts singing to the camera
“Last night on showtime
“last night on showtime we got zinged by the zingbot”
“Last night on showtime we fed a sweet tooth shark on OTEV”
“Last night on show time you’re probably watching the girls in the bathroom”
“Last night on show time I’m probably not winning America’s Juror”

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Porsche plans to get busy after BB13, “Umm hello in case someone shows up I want the lady bits Shaved” **updated

Dawg and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link

11:17AM Porsche and rachel are doing the dishes. They’re talking about how BLANK the razors are in the Big Brother 13 House. Porsche wonders if maybe she should request a shaver with more than 2 blades.. she already requested it a couple time now. Porsche asks Rachel if they hear the houseguests requests. Rachel says yes they hear all the things we say in this house they just don’t care.
Porsche: “They can throw us a couple venuses that would be awesome I want to shave my lady bits” Rachel agrees says a couple of those little disposable venus shavers would be perfect, she thinks they’ll have to make do until tomorrow night. Porsche: “Umm hello in case someone shows up I want the lady bits Shaved”

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Big Brother: Final 3 playing pool Rachel: “I like to show my butt to showtime” **updated

Simon and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link

9:42pm Pool Table Final 3
They mention how Shelly was this years big brother superfan. Adam talks about how Shelly would watch the feeds and hang out on the online chats. Porsche brings up how Shelly stopped talking about her being a fan once Adam started saying he was a big BB fan.

Adam: “I am not allowed to be a superfan because I was never had the life feeds”
Porsche thought Adam had them for season 11. Adam said he had them for a bit on Season 11. Rachel says she was a huge BB fan but never watched the feeds. Adam starts plugging his favorite website hamsterwatch.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Rachel that Adam THREATENED her …she is PISSED and doesn’t want to be around him anymore.. *Updated*

12:25pm – 12:40pm Porsche tells Rachel that Adam threatened her this morning that if she doesn’t take him he isn’t going to vote for me…. and if I do take him …he will tell them all to vote for me to win. Porsche tells Rachel that Adam wants the money for a wedding with Fara and that he would tell the others to vote for her… because $50 G’s is enough for him. Porsche says that he said that he is the deciding vote. Rachel says that no one knows what the jury will do. Rachel says that Adam had the same chance they did to get to the final two. Porsche says that it makes me not even want to hang out with him anymore…. I can’t believe he threatened me. Porsche says that he said he wouldn’t give Rachel this deal either. Porsche says that it was just so rude. Porsche asks Rachel if he did that to her too. Rachel says no …he didn’t threaten me. Porsche says that it’s like he doesn’t even think I deserve to be here. Porsche says that she doesn’t even want to have a final three lunch with him …that’s how rude that was. Rachel says I know he doesn’t say that to me… that’s like telling you to throw the competition. Porsche says that Adam said asked her if she wants $50,000 or $500,000…

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