Ian’s Date and Willie big head “I can beat everyone in the HOH competitions”

8:53pm HOH Willie and Britney Willie is getting sick and tired of everyone interrupting them. He feels that Janelle is C**k blocking them. Janelle start to come up to the HOH room before she comes in Willie says, “Oh F*** she’s coming up hopefully she leaves” Janelle brings up beet says that no one is really into drinking tonight but they are any ways. Willie asks her why they don’t save them for another day. janelle: “But they’ll take them away from us”. Janelle sites down and Wille tells her he’s getting sick of all the game talk he feels exhausted. Janelle says they’re 2 groups MUST stick together it’s their best chance. Willie really wants their entire group to get together once a day and hash everything out so nobody thinks they are sneaking around. They start going back and forth of the pros and cons of keeping Frank in the house.

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Ian gets ready for his date “I look like a sexy version of the Ragan Big Brother 12 sock puppet. “

8:18pm Balcony.. Ian all ready for his Date with Ashley. Saying to himself that all eyes will be on him and that he cannot beleive he’s doing this shit on Big BRother. He’s mumbling things to himself.. “In the big brother house”

Ian goes down to the kitchen to talk to Janelle he briefly mentions the last date he was on where the girl had just broken up with a guy. Janelle says he looks great. Ian thanks her says that Boogie gave him the bow tie. Britney walks in tells him he looks great says she loves the bowtie, asks him if he wants some bronzer on his face. Ian says no.

They go into asking him about where he meets women. Ian says mostly school but the last one was a girl from work. The girls keep asking him questions about New Orleans and mardi gras. Ian says he usually dresses up in ridiculous costumes gets drunk and screams. Joe walks in asks Ian if he’s going to kiss Ashley on the first date Ian laughs and says no. Janelle wonders where Ashley is. Ian says she’s in the have nots sleeping, “she still has 45 minutes”

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Big Brother 14 – Britney and Janelle’s Team agree to a final 6 Pact

5:07 Arcade room Shane, Jojo, Janelle Janelle explains to Shane about what Frank said to Joe. Janelle says that Willie must of told frank that he’s safe this week because Frank is feeling pretty confident. Janelle says that Frank and Jenn went up to Joe and told him they wanted to take Shane out this week and Willie out the following week. Janelle says that Willie is furious with Frank. Shane is shocked says he doesn’t trust Frank at all. Shane is getting really worked up. Shane: “Your ass isn’t on the line it’s Me and Wilie.. You (jojo) are in a really safe place right now”

Janelle keeps reiterating that Joe is so trustworthy and thank god they still have Joe, Shane believes it and agrees that Joe is a solid guy. Janelle says they are going to make Frank feel safe and Kara feel like she’s going home then they will blindside Frank. Shane thinks it’s a great idea he’s scared if they leave Frank, “If boogie wins the next coaches competition Frank is safe for another week and now he’s coming for me”

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Big Brother 14 – Jojo the Super player “I don’t mean to be c*cky but I can get any guy I want”

3:00pm Arcade Room Danielle, Janelle and Kara Chatting about the message boards, Janelle warns them that they will all get hurt if they read about themselves on the Internets. Danielle thinks that the people online will comment about her weight. Janelle thinks that there is haters out there but there is also a lot of good fans. Danielle thinks it’s un-fair when Guys rip girls for cellulite because they don’t get it. Janelle Agrees says if Boogie says anything about a girls cellulite she’s going to “bust him in the chomps” Janelle says that Boogie is a creep and he wants to try and keep Janelle around just to beat her in the end. Danielle questions why boogie picked Ian. Janelle thinks it’s because Boogie knew Ian looked super smart. Janelle recalls a story about Ian telling her that he doesn’t have any bathroom etiquette. talks moves to the number of blondes in the house, Janelle points out that her and Britney are the same shade. Danielle says that Guys always notice the blondes, Janelle and Kara agree but add that the guys notice the blondes but they go after the brunettes.

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Big Brother 14 – Ian and Ashley have a date tonight in the Arcade room

1:50pm Mike, Jenn, Frank, Jojo and Ian are sitting on the backyard chatting about random stuff. Mike gets up to go inside and hits his head really hard. Mike heads inside the house. Ian, Frank and Jenn continue to talk about food and other random stuff. The others are sitting by the pool sun tanning and swimming in the pool. Janelle, Wil, Jojo and Janelle head inside to make lunch and talk in the kitchen. Janelle explains how the live feeds work.
Watch what happens AS it happens: Big Brother Live Feeds!
2:30pm Dan, Britney, Ashley and Willie are in the pool and laying out by it talking about twitter. Willie and Ashley are asking her questions about twitter. Dan says that he didn’t have twitter when he was in the hosue last, so he didn’t get to experience twitter when he got out. Dan brings up how Britney has a super fan that loves her, whos name is Zack. Dan gets Britney to tell Willie and Ashley what she did for him. Britney explains that he is the biggest fan of hers and always defends her. She says that when she found out she was coming back in the house, she wrote him a post card and sent some money for him to buy the feeds so that he could watch. She says that he is only 15 and isn’t working so he couldn’t afford the feeds. Dan talks about how he was messed up for 2-3 months after he got out of the hosue last time. They talk about being on the show and how your life really doesn’t change after. Britney says that she used her number of twitter followers to negotiate the prices for her wedding vendors to get cheaper prices.

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Mike Boogie Malin Asks Kara Monaco Out on a Date and gets Shot Down

12:25pm In the kicks room, Kara and Mike are talking. Mike invites Kara to a dinner in the backyard with him for her birthday where Joe would cook for them. Kara is taken back and says that she would need to think about it … maybe outside the house we could hang out but I don’t know. Mike says normally you would just say yes… but that’s okay I understand theres a perception of me in the house because of what I did in my season. Mike tells her to just think about it and let him know. They break up the conversation and leave the room.
Watch what happens AS it happens: Big Brother Live Feeds!

Back up in the HOH room, Willie, Shane and JOjo are talking. Shane explains that last night he wanted to save Frank and now he wants him out. The feeds switch to Britney, Janelle, Ashley and Joe in the arcade room talking. Britney says that Willie got played by Frank and now hes upset about it. Joe says that when Frank talked to him last night it upset him… that’s why I went to my coach Janelle first. Britney tells them that they all need to stay together so that we can take this whole house. Janelle says we make Kara think shes leaving, we make Frank think he is safe and then on Thursday we vote Franks A$$ out! Britney talks about how Boogie came up to them last night by the hammock and talked trash about Dan and didn’t say one word about his team.

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Big Brother 14: Joe tells Wil & Janelle that Frank is coming after Shane, Willie & Wil

10am Willie goes into the storage room with Shane and tells him to not feed into what Mike is doing that he is just trying to divert the attention because his guy is on the block. Willie says I am not trying to tell you what to do, just don’t say anything ..let him say what he needs to say. He says Britney and Janelle will fire back. Shane says okay. They both leave the storage room.
10:15am Shane, Wil, Kara, and Joe are talking about traffic and parking in LA and New York. Shane asks Kara what she wants to do if she thinks being on the show will enhance her modeling career. Kara says that she is kind of over modeling and wants to see what else is out there for her.

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10:30am Frank and Mike are in the stereo room whispering. Frank tells Mike what Joe had told him last night about how right now he has the votes to stay. Frank says that Joe also told him that Kara had a blow up when they were trying to talk to her and that hurt her chances of staying.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Ashley “Maybe today we’ll have our first FIGHT”

8:25am Boogie is in the kitchen throwing things around and getting mad. He then heads out into the backyard and gives a shoot out to Dr. Will. He then starts going off about the ant infestation in the kitchen and how some people aren’t cleaning up after themselves. He says that he is going to start calling people out. He says that he is going to get Joe all fired up about it to stir the pot, and JOjo being italian wouldn’t like ants in the kitchen either. He wants to call out Danielle for not pick up after herself. He says they can’t evict me, they have three people to get through before they can get me out. Boogie says yeah, I think we have a nice relaxing Sunday… we are going to have to start calling people out. Last time I checked your mom isn’t in here to clean up after yourself. Boogie says lets see Britney in the kitchen cleaning up by herself saying that she doesn’t clean and just sits up in the HOH room with Janelle.
Watch the first few days of Big Brother 14 for FREE: 3 Day Trial!

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Ian plans to ask out Ashley after the Power of Veto Ceremony

Watch the first few days of Big Brother 14 for FREE: 3 Day Trial!

1am Wil, Kara and Britney continue talking in the arcade room. Kara is talking about how you can’t truly be friends with people you’ve only known for eight days compared to true friends you’ve known on the outside for a long time. Britney and Wil talk about how as much as you want to you can’t totally open up and trust people you don’t know that well. Joe comes by the arcade room as he heads to bed and says good night. After he leaves, Kara says that she has started to like Joe and that Joe was unhappy that Dan didn’t pick him to be on his team. Kara tells them that ever since she was nominated the cameras were waiting for her to break down. Britney tells her that as soon as you start crying, the cameras start following you. They laugh about how the cameras zoom on them.

Joe, Frank and Jenn are in the kicks room. Frank asks Joe if he thinks everyone vote individually or as a group. Joe says as a group, its too early for people to break away from the group. Joe tells Frank that Kara already shot herself in the foot. Joe tells Frank that if there was a vote right now, I think it would be 10-0 vote for you to stay, I don’t think she would even get one vote. Joe says it’s a long week, things could change a lot by Thursday but that’s the way it is now. Joe tells Frank that right now, he’s doing well, but she is cracking. Joe says that when you’re up, you have got to hold your composure. He added that the only negative he’s hearing about Frank is guilt-by-association with Boogie being his mentor. Joe tells him that the other coaches don’t like Boogie. Frank says that the coaches fate is connected to us, our fate is not connected to them.

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Willie tells Frank he’s safe this week and Britney thinks coaches will be playing the game in 2 weeks

10:43pm Head of Household room Janelle and Britney They are counting votes and figuring out heir long term strategies using Bobby pins and gummy bears. Janelle really wants to get rid of Boogie. Britney points out that they can get rid of Dan before they are allowed to play. They agree that they have to drill it into the other players heads that Dan needs to go. Janelle: “If we lose power next week they could figure it out.. The jig is up” Britney: “You know they (Production) wants the power to flow.. the power to shift” … Feeds cut…. when they come back they are trying to figure out when the double eviction will be. They both think that a player will be coming back this season because the numbers don’t add up. Janelle is worried about Willie, she brings up that Willie had a Final 3 deal with Frank and Joe that they started the first day. Britney says that Joe isn’t going to go through with it there’s no way. Janelle and Britney are certain they will be coming back into the game, they don’t know when though but guess it will be in 2 weeks.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Joe: “You know it’s a day or two until JoJo goes ape sh!t”

8:20pm Ashley, Janelle, Joe and Danielle hot tub Janelle is telling them that CBS cast certain people on this show, theres always a Gay guy, a dad, a mom, the cute southern girl. Joe says that CBS only wanted the new players to watch 11 and 13. Joe explains that he brought all of season 7 with him to the Hotel but they took it from him told him he can only watch season 11 and 13. Ashley says that she watched season 6 and 12 on you tube. Danielle asks Janelle if it’s weird playing the game again with Dan and Boogie. Janelle says she never met Britney or Dan before the start of the season. Janelle tells them that all stars sucks because it is so competitive. Janelle talks about the twitter fiasco that happened between her and the twitter fans when she tweeted a picture of her in Greece that was fake. They now start talking about the leaks about the mentors before the season started. Janelle says that Dan was first than Boogie, Janelle and Britney was last. Britney and Willie join them, AShley is sayign she feels so young and naive with all the mentors around. JoJO joins them.. General chit chat

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