Kitchen – The final four are in the kitchen chatting.
Felicia comments on how she’s going to make them dinner. She leaves to go get stuff from the storage room. Bowie to Jag – I thought for sure you were going to win that. When you were ahead I went “YES!” but yeah it was lots of fun in the end. Matt, Jag and Bowie hug. Bowie – as long as we win veto, we got it. Matt and Jag agree. Matt – good job guys! Jag – thank god! Bowie – Wild! That was wild! Matt – Cirie would have done good at that. Bowie – Lucky it wasn’t a memory of this (the house), like that was better for me. When I hugged Cirie, I was like this is purely a game move and she said I know. She was okay. Matt – she yeah.. it was good. Now you’ve (Bowie) won three. I’ve won as many as Cam. Jag – yeah you’ve won the same amount of HOHs as Cam. Matt – one more (comp to win) and we’re all good at vetos. They agree.
Tag: Live Feed Updates
Big Brother 25 Week 13 Eviction Results
Jury house segment. Cameron, Cory, Blue and America. Not sure how long these two will last. Cirie thanks the houseguests for 93 amazing and crazy days. Felicia “It’s been fun. I’m out of words.” Jag Votes to evict Cirie Bowie Jane Votes to evict Cirie Cirie is evicted. She says Big Brother is harder than […]
“If she [Felicia] was in the two, I think given we’re all pretty hated by the jury, I think she would win.”
Bedroom – Matt and Bowie
Matt – I would vote Jag out .. that’s what she wants me to say. Bowie – yeah. Matt – and then she goes if you win the three’s, you would take me right? And not Bowie? And I was like… because I obviously would in that situation and she was like you know you would take me over Bowie right?! Because I hesitated and so she was like why would you take Bowie? You got to take me. Bowie – Oh my gosh! Matt – and she was like you would be stupid to bring Bowie because… and it was just funny… Bowie – she couldn’t give a reason I bet. Matt – right, right.. I am like why would I not bring Bowie when we’ve come so far. Bowie – yeah, did you say that? No? Matt – no, I didn’t say that exactly because we are obviously working in our three. She wanted me to say her. She was like I am so excited for us. Bowie – oh my god! I think she asked me a couple of days ago and I didn’t give her answer.
Felicia – “I’ll be sick if Bowie Jane’s a$$ never hits the block. SICK..”
2:35 pm Cirie and Felicia
Felicia – I’ll be sick if Bowie Jane’s a$$ never hits the block. SICK.. (I’m getting sick of listening to these two)
Cirie – whoever goes she gonna have to. There’s only one.. well ..
Felicia – she could win HOH
Cirie – ohh right.
Felicia – regardless she’ll have to put one of them up if she wins.
Felicia says “They” aren’t talking about a final 3 they are just talking about which one of them is going”
Cirie – mmmhmmm
Cirie – they already talked about that it’s a done deal.
Felicia says Jag is arrogant “He’s taking for granted he’s going to win.. he’s taking for granted that him or Bowie Jane will win”
Cirie – mmmhmmm
Felicia goes on about Jag making it obvious that he’s with Bowie Jane over Matt
Cirie “He is a goddamn Olympian, I’m going to slap the sh*t out of him.” Felicia “BEAT HIS A$$!!”
7:45pm The live feeds return to the house guests dressed in costumes and carving pumpkins in the kitchen. Matt is carving R heart M.
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7:55pm Comic Bedroom – Felicia is fixated on how they got a beer each and one extra one. She wants to go take it for her and Cirie. Felicia – they had 3 bottles of wine and didn’t share with us. Cirie – but that was there wine, that’s different. (Felicia is like a teenager the way she obsesses about alcohol and worrying about it being even or not.) Felicia – see I think he thought Bowie Jane was more into him and he realized that she flipped the script on him right up from under his nose. Cirie – he is sleeping in here and she is sleeping in there. Felicia – he is going to stay in the room with Jag. Cirie – that’s where his stuff is in the scramble. Felicia – he got played! He sat there and got played. That shows you how shameful Jag is. And the shameful part is.. Cirie – I hate that when Jag was explaining the thing to him he kept looking right at me.
Cirie – “I wonder if they will tell us.. Probably they don’t want anybody to be… mmmmmm.. anything” **updated**
12:30 pm Cirie and Felicia
Cirie – Has Matt said anything?
Felicia – he said I don’t vote..
Cirie – I wonder if they will tell us
Felicia – I’m not sure why it would be a secret
Cirie – Probably they don’t want anybody to be… mmmmmm.. anything
“God is going to give some grace and they’re going to be at the mercy of one of us. Watch and SEE! “
7pm HOH room – Jag and Matt
Jag – either way we get to see our families in 10 days! Matt – I know. Jag – 10 days BRO! Matt – 10 days! Jag – that is wild. And its going to go by hella fast because we’re going to be so busy. Matt – but what if Thursday is a double? Jag – honestly, I would prefer if it was a double. Matt – right. Jag – because the double veto you’re going to win. Matt – I know. Jag – The double veto is always really quick. But the Double is probably going to be a booth HOH.. but Felicia did sh*t in this last one. Bowie has done well in those. Matt – as long as you’ve studied you’ll do fine in a booth. Jag – yeah. They might do a double BRO because then right after they have three comps that they have to do. Matt – and has to be all spread out like basement, backyard and another one. Jag – so it might be a double. As long as it goes our way.. Matt – we’ll see .. prepare for it. Jag – A double might be fine as long as we win. We’re good when its quick. Its better than having to wait a day in between.
Jag – “To be fair we took Cirie as far as we could, We protected her for as long as we could”
noon Matt and Jag
They’re talking about how nervous Cirie is “She’s never campaigned like this”
Matt – she’s never had to
Jag – She’s nervous.. she’s bringing REilly into it. She absolutely played Reilly. Don’t bring that into this.
Matt – she was good with everyone. She made them all feel good.
Matt – Reilly was only 10 days in..
Jag says Cirie was never down with keeping Reilly but she made it sound like she was.
Matt – she was never going to risk her game her early game.
Jag – Don’t bring that into it.
Jag “We did exactly what they [The Hitmen] did, for them it was Victoria & for us it is Bowie. Matt “We played Bowie.” Jag “Like a fiddle!”
12:56pm HOH room – Jag and Matt.
They talk about finale. Jag – BRO I hope The Hitmen are there! Matt – We’re The Minute Men, they’re The Hitmen. Jag – that would be cool, we got to take a pic with The Hitmen. Derrick and Cory BRO! Matt – I know! We did what you guys did. Jag – yeah, that was a good season. We did exactly what they did. Me and you are The Minute men and then we have a third person who… for them it was Victoria and for us it is Bowie. Matt – The Hitmen played Victoria… We played Bowie.. Jag – like a fiddle! Matt – the minute men are clocked in. Jag – arguably we did really well recently. Matt – we made some bold a$$ moves. We made Bowie flip. Jag – that was crazy. She was not going to flip. Making Bowie flip was the turning point. Matt – and like the minute men wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the super power.
“Don’t underestimate Bowie Jane, Bowie Jane been Hiding she’s coming alive at the end.”
10:00 am Felicia and Matt
Matt – how are you doing?
Felicia – wonderful
Matt – I was talking to Jag I don’t think he’ll use the veto that’s OKay we know where we’ll put the votes
Felicia – OKay
Matt – I’ve never been wrong yet
Felicia – You haven’t. Whats your guys plan for the final 3?
Matt – Mine might be different than his
“You guys said we were a final 4 and now you have the ability to do it. Now you are going to show us who you are!”
4:30pm Kitchen – Cirie and Felicia.
Cirie – one of us might be leaving on Thursday. I’m a talk to Jag and be like now Jag.. him and Matt.. You guys said that we were a final four and now you have the ability to do it. And now you are going to show us who you are! I know you want to win the money but you still got to show us who you are because we still got to give you a jury vote. Cirie – MMMmmHHHmmm.. and do you want to lose two of them. Felicia – because you straight lied and played them. While you’re messing around Bowie Jane might land in one of them two seats. And I will say that because they don’t think we have the ability to while you’re playing around. Matt you see Bowie Jane took second while you were f**king around. And one you might get your feelings really hurt when she sneaks up on your a$$ and ends up in that final seat.
JAG WON The VETO! “Now its got to be Cirie. I’ll plant the seed!”
Bedroom – Jag and Bowie.
Bowie – now its got to be Cirie. She was good at that. Jag – she was, Mama Fe wasn’t even close. Bowie – maybe you can lead the charge with that. Jag – we both might have to but I’ll chat with Matt first a little but then maybe all of us can. I’ll plant the seed. Bowie – yeah. Jag – see how open he is to it. Bowie – I feel like she could win a comp especially if there is no fitness. Like that one was really easy. Jag – yeah. That wasn’t a physical comp, it was a stay calm. Bowie – yeah and she stayed calm.