Big Brother Spoilers Helen “I need to start playing this game better”

10:48pm Judd and Helen have nots
Talking about voting Nick out this week
Judd: “He’s probably the best guy here.. but that’s the game I guess” helen agrees thinks Nick is a nice guy but he’s too shady and too much of a threat.
Helen says Nick is related to Dan he’s going to get the MVP. “He’s so close to Jeremy those two will win Competition after Competition”
We want Nick out of the house because he’s going to win the game.
Judd: ‘They are going to be mad at me cause they think I’m on their side”
After Judd leaves Helen tells her self “I need to start playing this game better.. i’m not playing it right” (See image)

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Big Brother Spoilers “Vegas.. VEGAS.. partying her a$$ off in the craziest clubs .. I’m being Texas on my boat”

8:37pm Andy, Gina, Jeremy, Aaryn, Nick
The conversation is centered on Kaitlin.
Jeremy mentions how he’s not taking things personally . Aaryn tells him they are the same person.
Jeremy: “uhh good.. we’re on a team”
Jeremy tells them if Kaitlin goes on the block with one of them she is going to self destruct .
Aaryn: “But you will campaign for her.. and that’s what scares me”
Jeremy: “It Depends it really does.. I might sound like an a$$hole but i’m not going to ruin my game plan for someone else. “
Aaryn: “Ya I guess”

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Big Brother Spoilers “People like Showmances and People like powerhouses”

6:57pm CAm 1-2 Cockpit Aaryn, Kaitlin and Jeremy

Jer: “I don’t want a lot of negativity because I’m getting a lot of negativity from everyone” Jeremy adds that he’s sick of people talking about who is going to get the MVP because none of them have any clue.
Aaryn says that is exactly why she came to talk to them. Amanda told her that some people are going to be voting to keep Elissa because they hope it will help them get MVP.
Aaryn: ‘That fact that she said that Scare the sh!t out of me for her vote”
Amanda told her there was 2 people voting to keep Elissa in the hopes they get MVP vote.
Jeremy: “Let them that’s not going to get them MVP votes.. “

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Big Brother Spoilers MC update “I don’t want to.. but If we have to become 4 and bring in a girl that’s something we gotta do”

1:58pm Howard and Nick

Howard saying that they talked to McCrea and he’s really not keen on taking out Amanda. Nick says him and Jeremy are thinking is next week they will put up Candace and Amanda.

Nick says tomorrow they are going to start giving out deals for people on the fence. the Andy’s and the Judd’s.. Nick is going to take advantage of the situation and pick people’s brains to see who they are working with and try to pave the way for the following week.
They both seem very confident that Elissa is going home.

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Big Brother Spoilers POV Ceremony Results “Take a minute compose ourselves then get to work”

11:40AM Feeds come back.. Nick is nominated.
Nick: ‘Take a minute compose ourselves than get to work.. we have 2 full days 48 hours… ”
Gina: “Do I look like a Barbie doll”
Nick: “YA”
Gina: “Thanks.. why Nick.. ”
Nick: ‘We were a target from the beginning.. ”
Gina: “It’s my fault”
Nick: “We’re strong”
Gina: “I don’t want to compete against weak people I want the best people.. just like in pageants I don;’t want to compete against ugly people just the best”
Nick asks her to wake him in 30 minutes he’s going to take a nap.

Jessie comes in says that Gina looks like a Barbie.. they start chatting about nonsense.

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Big Brother Spoilers Elissa To Amanda: “I can’t believe you’re 28 you’re just Miss mature”

9:50am Bathroom Amanda, Elissa and Helen Amanda rolls out of bed looking like death. She says she was up all night fighting to keep Elissa in the house. Amanda asks who is going up and they tell her Nick because he’s Dan’s cousin and he’s shady. Amanda says Candace has been throwing her under the bus by telling the other side that she masterminded getting David out. Elissa is surprised about Candace saying this. Elissa: “I can’t believe you’re 28 Amanda you’re just miss mature” (Remember Amanda walked around topless for an hour last night). Elissa leaves

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Spencer gets his wish and Jeremy’s plan “I’m not going to s***m for 90 days undefeated Like Muhammad Ali”

10:40 Hammock Cam 3-4 Jeremy, Aaryn and Gina

They are talking about losing David
Jeremy: “you aren’t the only one that didn’t take a lose.. He was my bro to we can bond over it”
Aaryn: “I can’t bond with you”
Jeremy: “You bum me out”

Gigi asks him a question, “You’re in the zone right.. you focuses cause we need to know that we’re all in the same page”

Gigi: “I needed to know that you’re in the f**** zone.. if you need to whack **f than whack **f in the bathroom bro” (gigi just kinda blurted this out.. )
Jeremy: “I’m not going to s***m the entire time I’m here yo”
Gigi: ‘You’re the man bro you’re the man”

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The Moving Companies Shotgun Riders McCrae “Amanda will vote with me 100%”

4:44pm Cockpit Jeremy, Spencer and McCrae

Mc telling them that Amanda will do whatever he says. There is no need to worry. They agree the plan is still to vote Elissa out. Spencer says that McCrea needs to get louder about getting id of Elissa. McCrea doesn’t know what angle he should use to make the push for Elissa
Jer: ‘Everyone should be on it but Andy isn’t”
Jeremy: “Even if Candice and Andy don’t vote we still got it”

Spencer says the reason they are keeping Elissa is this week Nick goes home next week Jeremy goes home. Spencer: “from our side it’s a very good strategy.. but she’s going home bro”

Jeremy: “you know who deserves to be here Moving company”

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McCrae to Amanda “I’m telling you she’s not going to stay.. your holding onto a sinking ship”

2:41pm Helen, McCrae and Amanda

Amanda asks Helen if what Jeremy said is true. Helen is saying that she is not on board with getting Amanda out that someone is lying to Jeremy. Helen starts in on her Nick is the cousin of Dan and he’s gotta go because he’ll win all the MVP’s

Helen says that Spencer was suggesting they put someone in their alliance up with the MVP. She told him no F*** way. Helen is concerned about Spencer but right now they need him.
Helen is saying she telling Elissa to put up Nick, “I can control Elissa to the point of making sure that third nominee isn’t one of us”
Helen leaves
McCrae :”Do not talk to anyone.. you are on everyone’s radar right now”
Helen comes back says that Nick will win MVP and they will never have a chance to get him out. Helen leaves again

McCrea: ‘Everything is going to be alright.. just listen to me.. we’ll be fine”

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Big Brother Spoilers Elissa “Lets put up Nick.. This way we win Regardless”

10:20pm Cam 1-2 Elissa and Helen

Elissa wants to put Nick up, “This way we win either way”
Helen: “NO just put Jeremy up it’s too risky..”
Helen mention if they put Jeremy up the worst that could happen is he wins POV takes himself off the block and Kaitlin goes up and home.
Helen: “taking Kaitlin out of the game is better because it weakens Jeremy” Helen doesn’t want Nick to go.
Elissa says that Kaitlin is nice and really doesn’t cause problems she would rather Kaitlin in the house than Nick.

Helen says they already know they have the votes as longs as he doesn’t win POV he’s going home .. (This is going to be the MC’s first test)

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Big Brother 15 Feed Leak the MVP is….

9:04pm Cam 1-2 Lounge
Amanda: “What’s our alliance called”
McCrae: “The babymakers”

Andy joins them closes the door to the lounge. Amanda says he should have left the lounge door open. She makes him get up and open it. Andy says he accidentally damaged it. (The image the face he made when he told them he broke the microphone)

Amanda starts singing little tunes.. “Shady as F**** .. shady as F***.. stereotypes.. stereotypes
Amanda: “Hey HElen bet you can’t drive.. stereotypes stereotypes”
Amanda: “Hey HElen you must be good at math.. stereotypes stereotypes”
Andy starts bringing up some examples of stereotypes. His first one is when he lived by a bar that had a hip hop night and every weekend there was a stabbing.

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