2am Amanda and Andy are in the lounge room talking. Andy says that he would much rather Howard or Kaitlin go home than Aaryn. They are much more dangerous. Andy and Amanda talk about how Howard and Kaitlin have deals with everyone in the house.
Amanda and McCrae are in the lounge talking. McCrae is whispering. Amanda asks why he’s whispering. McCrae says because when this door is closed, shaddy sh*t is going down and I don’t want you a part of shaddy sh*t anymore. Amanda and McCrae head into the kitchen. Kaitlin asks them how their date went to night. McCrae says that it was magical. Amanda says it was amazing. Amanda says McCrae was super nervous. McCrae says because he knew what was happening and it made me nervous. Kaitlin talks about how she used hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on her teeth last night to whiten them but had flossed right before and now the skin on the gums lifted up.