1:10 am Rubina and Leah (We can’t escape hours of Rubina being sad about Tkor.. )
Leah is claiming that the decision she made during her HOH didn’t feel right in her gut, “I had a goals”
Leah – I am telling you if I had a normal HOH week where I was in my f**ing room and could layout the conversations I needed to have I would have operated differently because I would have felt safer. I felt like I was out in the open. Tired, like literally just stood there I was exhausted My body was aching the whole f***ing time. I was trying to stay positive. Like I have no nutrients I’m not in my element whats so ever. Like literally have nodding through the f***ing HOH.
Leah – now I am looking back and I’m so f***ig pissed.. I don’t know, the worst part is like like.. I’m just being transparent with you.