Big Brother 11 Alumni Laura Crosby (Now Laura Stein) had a little girl today. baby Madison 8lbs 5oz and 20.5″. Laura married Ben Stein April 11th of last year and wasted no time. Laura was taken out early during Big Brother 11 by Ronnie Talbot the week 2 Head of Household. Laura left way too […]
Tag: Laura Crosby

Big Brother – Laura Crosby’s Wedding Pictures
Laura & Ben Stein Wedding
On Friday past BIG BROTHER 11 player Laura Crosby got married to long time boyfriend Ben Stein. It was a Big Brother wedding with many past players in attendance. Fellow Big Brother 11 players Casey was in attendance so was BB6/7 James Rhine and Howie, Big Brother 8 Dani Donato and Big Brother 9 Alex Coladonato. Photographs were done by PA Photography.
Want to be on BIG BROTHER 13? Check out the rules then head over to the BB13 casting calls happening now!
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – 2nd Eviction and HOH Winner RESULTS
This week the Big Brother House is as divided as ever, Jessie’s side continues it’s domination for the Competitions and With Ronnie’s help they are able to manipulate the other side with ease. Last week Ronnie was the HOH winner he had put Laura and Jordan up for nomination. Jordan is set to be the […]
Live Eviction Results, Braden goes home and HOH Winner is Ronnie
Big Brother 11 Live Eviction Results This seasons first live eviction show. Jessie from BB10 is the HOH Winner he has nominated Chima and Braden for eviction. During this season the Big Brother House is divided into 2 even groups. It’s rare to see a house divided to early on in the season. Will Chima […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers: Interviews with the BB11 house guests!!
Your ONLY opportunity to see 24/7 live feed video of the house guests is through signing up for the RealPlayer Live Feeds. SIGN UP TODAY for the no strings attached trial! You have? 3 days left to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL DISCOUNT!!? Sign up now to get 25% OFF the regular price. […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Promo Videos and commercials with the CAST of Big Brother 11!!
Your ONLY opportunity to see 24/7 live feed video of the house guests is through signing up for the RealPlayer Live Feeds. SIGN UP TODAY for the no strings attached trial! Sign up now to get 25% OFF the regular price. Hurry, this is a limited time offer. Not sure, try it FREE!! FREE for […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Getting to know the Houseguests, STALKER EDITION
A quick hunt through the internets has revealed some more information about a couple houseguests this year. Braden Bacha is the actor/model casting, looks like he’s done a lot of gay drama. I’ll bet a bottle of beer he is the “Populars”. Chima Cimone is a reporter for and most likely in the POpulars […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Meet the Housguests Videos, Twists Confirmed and Cast Summary
A press release has confirmed the rumored twists this year. 12 new houseguests and one mystery player which could be a returning player. CBS INTRODUCES 12 NEW HOUSEGUESTS AND REVEALS A SURPRISE TWIST THAT EVERYONE CAN RELATE TO WHEN “BIG BROTHER” PREMIERES THURSDAY, JULY 9, ON THE CBS TELEVISION NETWORK The Houseguests Will Be Going […]