Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Enzo Learns to Fly a Plane, Enzo: “It smells like ass over here.. ohh sh!t is that me.. no”

2:46pm Kitchen Lane, Brit and Enzo There asking Lane if he could land a 747 if it’s pilot couldn’t. Lane thinks it would be pretty tough since he only flies little planes like Cessnas but he’s sure he would have a better chance then some regular person. Lane explains to them how the large planes have a lot of automatic features. Britney tells them a story about a pilot that told her they don’t let you use cell phones during take off and landings because they want people to pay attention of whats going on. Enzo wants to be detracted if the plane goes south, Enzo: “If I die I don’t want to know that I’m dead”. For the last 30 minutes Lane has been giving Enzo flying lessons. Lane tells Enzo that after the flying lesson Lane just gave him enzo has a good foundation to learn how to fly all he needs to do is take a course. Enzo agrees list off a bunch of new terms he learnt during Lanes lession, “taxi, wind speed, yaw, pitch”.. Live Feeds flip to Trivia.

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Big Brother Nomination Results Final 4

3:30pm Kitchen, Britney and Lane Britney has found Enzo’s coin in the flowers by the table. This leaves just her and Lane trying to find each others coins. Britney tells him she needs the money more then he does because unlike him she’s probably going home this week. Lane tells her that they can split it so she can tell him where it is, Lane wants to split it 80/20 for him. Britney says no way she wants half. Lane doesn’t think Big Brother production will let him do that he remembers reading in the rule book you can’t split the winnings. Britney: “How are they going to stop you from mailing a cheque”. Britney: “Cmon Lane I need some kind of consolation prize I haven’t won a thing”. Lane: “Me to”. Britney tells him she’s mad at him for him telling her that she’s never going to find his coin and that she’s dub. Lane says she misunderstood what he meant. More flirtatious banter.

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel: “Everyone has Pimples Whatever” Ragan: “There not pimples there witch warts”

9:47pm Backyard Lane and Ragan on the couch, Enzo jogging and Hayden on the elliptical. There talking about Kathy and how horny she was. Ragan: “She straddled me I didn’t know what to do with that… I can’t believe she ripped off Enzo’s towel”. Ragan: “Your doing great BEBE… OH MY GOD can you believe […]

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Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel Riley’s book club Looking for Members it’s all about “Sexually transmitted diseases and self help books”

7:50pm Kitchen Everyone but Lane Ragan is going through Rachel’s nail polish, he holds one says “even Rachels Nail polish has a STD…Brendon I can make you hard as nails”. Britney and Ragan start bashing Rachel.. Brit: “The Rachel Riley’s book club it like the Opera book club but Rachel’s is about sexually transmitted diseases […]

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*updated* Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Ragan’s Attempt to Survive FAILED the Brigade still hard as F**k, Lane: “He was told to try or he would look like a idiot”

  $5 off Discount – LIMITED Time OFFER! ONLY $9.99! FREE for 3 Days!     5:05pm Backyard Hayden and Enzo Enzo talking about his DR session where he was calling Annie the Greyhound because she was out of the house fast. They are playing a game where they throw the billiard balls on the […]

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