With so many rumors and speculation circulating the internet through different forms of social media its hard not to see the clues leaning towards this the 16th season of Big Brother being an All-Star season. This would be the second All-Stars season since Big Brother began back in 2000. The first Big Brother All-Stars was back in 2006 with Big Brother 7 where we truly had an all-star line-up of the best big brother alumni. The speculation about the 16th season being an all-stars season started a couple years ago but nothing has yet been publicly released or confirmed.
Tag: Lane Elenburg

Big Brother Spoilers – Reality Rally Videos
Big Brother Players..
Brendan Villegas & Rachel Reilly, Erika Landin, Evel Dick, Hayden Moss, Kristen Bitting, Lane Elenburg (Apparently he never showed up), Matt Hoffman, Michele Noonan, Michelle Costa, Ragan Fox, Sheila Kennedy, and Zach Swerdzewski. You can tell from the pictures that Brendon was having a good time with 2 glasses of wine on the go.
Theres still a bunch of BB13 Casting Calls So if your interested to be on BIG BROTHER 13 What you need at the Casting Call is a filled out Application Form, Identification and 2 photos one face one body.

Hayden Moss, Lane Elenburg and the undertaker at STEAMBOAT Part 2
Some More Hayden Moss, Lane Elenburg and Gunter Elenburg at STEAMBOAT. Check out the last series of pictures at Steamboat Steamboat 2 Steamboat 4

Hayden Moss, Lane Elenburg and the undertaker at STEAMBOAT
Throughout Big Brother 12 Lane and Hayden would talk about Steamboat resort in Colorado. Hayden was under the impression that if he kept talkign about Steamboat that they would give him freebies during the winter. Hayden and Lane planned to go and party with Enzo and Britney at the resort after the show ended. Heres […]

Big Brother 12 Finale results – Meow Meow Vs. 8 Seconds Vs. Hairdo .. The Hair Wins!!
Well it’s kind of a given that Hayden and Lane are going final 2 and Hayden will be winning but lets play along and pretend that this will be a surprise. Final HOH goes to Hayden Last evicted houseguest ENZO Final 2 is Hayden / Lane Jury votes are Rachel votes for LANE […]

Big Brother Spoilers: Lane says that its like Christmas Eve! He jokes that if he won the half million he would be in debt in a year…
10:35pm – 12:20am Hayden, Lane and Enzo talk about all the crazy things they could buy and do if they Win Big Brother and get half a million. Lane jokes that he would be in debt in a year. The conversation changes to talking about Andrew and how bizarre of a casting decision he […]
Big Brother 12 Family Planning By Lane – Chapter 1 Left Handedness: “The girl has to lay on her left side”
7:45pm Pool Hayden and Lane have just finished their game. They asks enzo if he wants to play. Enzo doesn’t feel like it, He tells them he feels good where he is… he’s thinking about taking a nap on the backyard couch. Enzo: “lets talk about football yo” hayden: “we’ve talked about everything 3 times […]

Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Bragade sleep the day away.. … .
12:15pm Lane and Hayden in jumanji room sleeping 12:19pm Enzo sleeping in the backyard.. he occasionally moves it’s riveting (Thats pretty much all they have been doing today in the BB house… ) 12:53pm Lane rolls over.. 2:00pm Still sleeping yo 2:35pm Enzo and Hayden are in the backyard.. Enzo tells Hayden even if Lane […]

Big Brother 12 – Getting real in the Big Brother house
5:35pm Pool nothing but pool talk and very little of that 5:40pm Enzo’s been sleeping most of the day. (Getting shunned is taking it’s toll on him) 5:45pm Hayden preparing the pork chops for dinner. Lane joins him outside. Hayden wonders how things would of been different if Brendon was the winner of that one […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Big Brother gave the BRA-GADE back their Pool Tournament Trophy…
10:20am – 10:30am Big Brother production tells Lane to change his batteries for his mic. Lane gets up and heads into the storage room. In the storage room Lane finds that Big Brother has given back their pool tournament trophy. Lane is pretty excited they finally get their trophy back, after spending the entire summer […]
**UPDATED** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – 2nd Part of the Final HOH goes to LANE
2nd Part of the final HOH goes to LANE Wednesday is the finale 6:06pm Lane the big winner tonight . 6:15pm Kitchen, Enzo sitting at the counter by himself while Lane and Hayden sit at the table. 6:20pm Recapping the Comp 6:37pm HOH, The brigade are getting a lobster and steak […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: This mornings wakeup songs were Say Goodbye to Hollywood & Bye Bye Bye..
10:25am- 10:50am Big Brother cuts the live feeds to the “we will be right back” screen. When they come back Enzo and Hayden yell damn!!! The feeds cut out again. Then Enzo, Lane and Hayden tell Big Brother to play Eminem – Cleaning out my Closet …. And then they will start cleaning up. Enzo […]