Anthony “We’re taking Dane out.” Mark “I know. Good! I’ve always wanted since week f**king two.”

10:04pm Storage room. Anthony and Kyra.
Anthony gives Kyra an emotional hug. Anthony – be strong. Kyra – I knew I felt like an outside for a reason. I’m not.. I knew since week two. Its fine. Anthony – I felt great with them. I was close with them. We talked about everything. One thing we did not talk about was my relationship with you. I never once said to take Kyra out. I have my way with words. I have my way with the truth. I’ve kept my honesty with every scenario in this game. Truth and honesty .. I started to see things in these guys. They’re not truth & honest. Kyra – things change .. you have to adapt.

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Kyra “I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place.”

9:50pm Hot Tub room. Kyra is talking to the cameras. Kyra – Its a very interesting game. I’ve wanted to play it for a long time and I’m here and I’m playing it. I wish I had a little more power in this house.. but you have to work with with you have. So far I haven’t had much power but I’ve been close to people with power. Very, Very curious which way its going to go. Literally anything can happen. I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place. I can feel it .. but I want to win. I really, really, really want to win.

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