Going into the Big Brother Canada 7 Finale – Adam was the last evicted house guest. Facing off in the final HOH is Anthony, Kyra and Dane. Part one of final Head of household Carry the chip through the water and stack at the other end. Dane wins. Part two of the Final HOH Kyra […]
Tag: Kyra Shenker

“Final three, since day one I’ve been thinking that”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane is going to put up Adam and Kyra. Dane wins the power of veto. The feeds are now down for the season. Before they went dark Arisa came on the screen and said there will be an eviction today. I think Adam is going to be evicted. 7:54am Wake […]

“I just hope you’re not playing me”
Mark was evicted 2-0, Dane won HOH. We may only have a couple more days of feeds left. 8:20pm Adam and Anthony Adam asks what changed Anthony’s mind at the start of the week he wanted Dane and now it’s mark. Anthony – DANE has fought this game for PB Anthony – what was it […]

“Basically drew all the lines for her.. painted the picture.. she just coloured it in.”
Spoilers – Marks getting evicted. 10:03pm Anthony and Dane (Anthony refers to Kyra as she,her etc .. ) Anthony – I’m going to tell Adam I’ve already made up my mind Anthony – Kyra’s funny man, Kyra’s like….. Anthony – so obviously I planted this sh1t early. I basically drew all the lines for her.. […]

Anthony “He’s PB man. Can’t do that to one of the legends.”
10:12pm Kitchen. Anthony and Adam. Anthony – do you think I should talk to Dane tonight? Adam – I don’t know. He keeps saying I think I’m good. I think I can get his vote. If you want to wait. Anthony – no… here’s the thing I’m not humiliating anyone. I’m not playing any games. […]

“Truce man, you are going to stay in this game”
Big Brother Spoilers – Mark on the block sounds like he’s going to jury. 10:00pm Kyra and Dane Talking about getting Mark out this week. Dane says he can get Anthony on board. Doesn’t think Anthony and Mark are that close They bury the hatchet. Truce real truce.. swear.. Dane – truce Kyra – Truce […]

Adam wins Power of Veto
Adam wins the power of Veto. 10:55pm Bedroom. Adam and Kyra. Kyra – I am sorry. I was the only way I felt I could get Dane out. Adam – I understand, I do. It was a good game move. You had to do what you had to do. I just.. Kyra – feel betrayed? […]

Anthony “We’re taking Dane out.” Mark “I know. Good! I’ve always wanted since week f**king two.”
10:04pm Storage room. Anthony and Kyra.
Anthony gives Kyra an emotional hug. Anthony – be strong. Kyra – I knew I felt like an outside for a reason. I’m not.. I knew since week two. Its fine. Anthony – I felt great with them. I was close with them. We talked about everything. One thing we did not talk about was my relationship with you. I never once said to take Kyra out. I have my way with words. I have my way with the truth. I’ve kept my honesty with every scenario in this game. Truth and honesty .. I started to see things in these guys. They’re not truth & honest. Kyra – things change .. you have to adapt.

Double Eviction Results and Kyra is the New HOH
Double Eviction Results Este is evicted 3-1. Dane being her one vote Dane wins the Head of household Nominates Kyra and Damien Anthony wins the veto doesn’t use it Damien is evicted 3-0 Kyra wins the head of household. 9:30pm Adam – at least I’ve been working with Kyra these last few weeks while Same […]

Mark “If I send Adam home, the people in jury would love it.”
Help support OBB by making your Amazon purchases through our link below. It doesn’t cost you anything and we get a percentage of what you buy. Amazon Canada Amazon USA 9pm Living room. Kyra is blindfolded and searching for something. Mark – you have to find the door to the backyard. Kyra – I don’t […]

“Tomorrow we’re going to tell Damien we’re all voting Este out”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Nothing really has changed. Este going home PB still seem solid. Kyra thinks they can win Damien is just there. 8:00pm Dane and Este Studying. Dane still using his study aids sealed up at the foot of his bed. Este – what if I leave tomorrow and it’s a double […]

Kyra “I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place.”
9:50pm Hot Tub room. Kyra is talking to the cameras. Kyra – Its a very interesting game. I’ve wanted to play it for a long time and I’m here and I’m playing it. I wish I had a little more power in this house.. but you have to work with with you have. So far I haven’t had much power but I’ve been close to people with power. Very, Very curious which way its going to go. Literally anything can happen. I could win this game! I’d need a miracle. I will at least get second place. I can feel it .. but I want to win. I really, really, really want to win.