Last night on the finale of Big Brother Canada 2 the winner Jon Pardy was crowned by a vote of 6-1 and took home the grand prize of $100,000, $25,000 gift certificate to the brick and a $10,000 vacation sponsored by Twistos. Sabrina Abbate took second place and left with the second place prize of $20,000. The visually bitter Neda Kalantar walked away with only regrets and disappointment in not being the one to have been able to cut Jon had she beat him in the final part of the 3 part HOH competition.
Tag: Kyle Shore

Big Brother Spoilers – Heather is the pawn “This bites Donkey a$$
10:43pm HOH Heather and IKA IKA is trying to talk Heather into being the pawn. Saying things like she is so sweet.
IKA – “I don’t want girls to hold a grudge and I don’t think you will hold a grudge”
IKA continues to say she thinks Heather is really smart and logical and she will see her going up as a pawn as a logical step.
IKA – “It would be dumb for me to put you up and have you go home this week.. I think you are smart.. I think you are smart you are logical” (About 20 minutes ago IKA was talking to Rachelle saying how stupid Heather is)
IKA says that Heather and her are not “IN” with the girls so if the girl
Heather – what bothers me is we sore to each other we would never put each other up.. thats the part that scare me cause I wouldn’t do that to you.

Ika asks the girls for volunteer pawn, Sarah leaves says “I gotta shave my Poonani”
10:07pm HOH IKA, NEDA, Heather, Sarah, and Sabrina
IKA says that she wants to put up Paul and pawn so they can back door Adel or vote out Paul. Everyone gives their excuses why they do not want to be a pawn.
IKA tells them that Paul is going home and if the Veto is used Adel goes up and goes home. IKa says she will not put Sarah up.
IKA asks them if anyone wants to volunteer. Everyone says no.
Sarah says she needs to shave her “Poonani” and leaves.
IKA asks Rachelle if she wants to go up as a pawn. Racehlle says no.
Heather says no because the pawn always goes home. IKA doesn’t want to put up Neda as she was the pawn last week.

IKA – “I don’t trust Paul enough to make a big move in this game”
7:51pm IKA and Adel HOH
Adel – you can do whatever you want obviously I have your back
IKA – you are not a choice to go up on the block right now.. do you want to play for veto
Adel doesn’t want to go up tell her “I promise on the koran if you don’t put me on the block.. I’m pretty sure with the girls you can gather say OK we need a pawn amongst us.. I promise you for the rest of this game I’m the guy that will be on your side”
Adel says him Adel, IKA and NEDA are f*** they are not in the big alliances, We can’t forget about the truth the truth is the truth”

Big Brother Canada 2 – GIRL Drama Continued.. Sabrina asks Ika do you believe that I’m plotting against you?
9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the living room Andrew and Allison are talking on the living room couch. The some of the other house guests join them. Kenny, Jon, Sarah, JOn and Adel. Sarah says that the hot water should be turned back on later this afternoon. Up on the second level – Sabrina and Ika are talking. Sabrina is confronting Ika about things Ika has done and said. They’ve just woken up and they’re already talking about their problems within their alliance. Sabrina tells Ika that the other girls don’t tell Ika that she’s a b***h or that she has an attitude problem because they’re afraid of her. Ika says that she confronted the girls and none of them said that I had an attitude problem or that I was a b***h. They said that they think I am cute and that they love me.

Kenny And Sabrina Kiss on the lips “He thinks I’m a cow, I love Kenny”
11:50pm Bathroom Alison and Sabrina
Sabrina says that Kenny kissed her . She adds that she loves Kenny but he doesn’t like her because she’s fat “I’m a cow”
Allison doesn’t think she is give her a kiss.
Sabrina warns Alison not to talk to Heather because she is a liar and he talks to everyone. They scamper off to the bedroom.
Rachelle says she loves Kenny but she has a boyfriend. Sabrina says she loves Kenny to.
Heather joins them.

IKA to Neda – “I think it’s wise to Team up with Paul and Adel and get those guys out”
10:18pm IKA and Adel Bathroom
Adel says he heard Sabrina, Sarah and Rachelle talking before Kyle did. IKA says she swears on her kids she will not tell anyone what he says.
Adel – “We’re not going to win this unless we take out you know who and you know who”
Adel adds that IKA is out of the “Crew” and now that she has HOH they are going to be all around her.
Adel says Paul and him have only one strategy left and that is to hope NEda and IKA realize that they are not in the alliance they think they are. Adel wants them to form some type of random alliance. IKA says she cannot trust Paul.
Adel- “we got one, two, three, four; me, Neda, IKA, you and Paul”
Adel adds that the new girl is going to join the boys because she is from Newfoundland like them.
Adel doesn’t know which girls the guys are going to take to the finals but he swears to god IKA and NEDA are done “1 billion percent.. you guys are shunned”

Big Brother Canada Eviction Spoilers Kyle Vs Paul
The first week of the live feeds are officially over. What did you all think? I found it exciting even though a large chunk of the feeds were blocked last weekend. It is difficult to get a feel for the “teams” with all the side alliances, fake deals and promises. It’s impossible to get a gauge on who is loyal to who. From what I can tell Andrew/Kenny are a loyal alliance (Big reveal I know), Sabrina/Sarah are a duo. Put these two parts together and sprinkle in some Arlie and you have the first 5 alliance. The official roster is Sabrina/Sarah/Kenny/Andrew/Arlie. First 5 appears to be the most loyal and Largest alliance maybe because they’ve been in power this week and the girls seem to think Andrew’s HOH power lasts another week. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sarah is playing the boys just like the boys are playing Sabrina and Sarah. Sabrina on the other hand may be falling for the Andrew/Kenny cuddling.
Andrew says my goodbye message to Kyle wasn’t super overly mean but Paul’s was pretty mean.
9:50am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the living room Arlie, Andrew, Heather are waking up and talking about random things. Andrew leaves and heads up to the HOH room. Andrew talks to Kenny about how annoying Arlie is being already. In the storage room – Paul and Adel are talking. Adel says we need to win this HOH today or we’re out. Paul says if we don’t then we strategize. We come as a package now and everyone knows it. You never know if someone wants to flip the house we’re two votes. In the bathroom – Ika and Heather talk about the cold showers. Ika wants to just use a wet towel to wipe her pits instead of taking a cold shower.
Out in the hot tub room – Andrew and Kenny talk about how the HOH competition is tonight. They talk about their goodbye messages and how mean they were.

Andrew lands a Kiss “I’m really happy you are in this house makes it bearable”
11:00pm IKA and Racehlle in the Storage room
Rachelle says she thinks IKA is playing a truthful game. IKA says it’s hard because she feels she’s nice to everyone and the one time something happens everyone leaves her. She points out that only Adel came to talk to he.
Rachelle – It’s So annoying why can;t the girls trust each other
Rachelle and IKA agree that Sabrina talks a lot. Rachelle says she knows everything she tells sabrina gets spread around.
IKA – she’s smart.. notice how she words things.
IKA – I don’t think me taking one thing would warrant someone calling me a f** b1tch and telling everyone in the house. Rachelle swears that she is 100% loyal to IKA.
IKA – “Sabrina is telling me what you girls are saying behind my back”
Rachelle points out that she’s been trying really hard to be quiet all day especially around Sabrina.
Rachelle wonders why Sabrina is turning on them. “Why is she doing this”
IKA – “I don’t know.. I think she does like us”

Big Brother Canada House Guests get a penalty no hot water for 48 hours
9:49pm Feeds come back and they were told there is no hot water for two days. SOunds like they are being reprimanded for disrespecting and swearing at Big Brother as well as not getting up when it’s wake up time.
Arlie is the first to apologize for being disrespectful and yelling at Big Brother.
(Nobody is visibly mad at anyone in particular. some make comments that they are all in this together)
9:54pm Hot tub Jon, Kenny and Andrew smoking
Jon tells them not to give him any more cigarettes even if he asks. They mention that the Hot tub is off limits and Hot water is out for 48 hours.

Sabrina isn’t attracted to Kenny anymore she says “Sarah is more his type, He likes a$$es”
7:40pm HOH Kenny and Andrew
Andrew says he’ll buddy up with her and they’ll explain to sarah why (Not sure who as the feeds cut in part way through the conv.)
Kenny – “we can’t push too many people away.. let them create their own cracks and me you keep it tight”
Andrew – “good plan ”
Kenny – “I am going to get HOH.. I will murder.. ”
Andrew – You are going to get HOH
Kenny – I love how Heather turned around so quick.. with IKA
Andrew – Quick to jump ship
Andrew – I’m still rattled that JOn said that shit
Kenny I think he said that out of emotion not strategy.. He wants this newfoundland thing with me and he see’s me tight with you