Maddy will use the veto on herself Sheldon will put Minh up as the replacement. He plans on telling everyone beforehand including Minh. She will go insane. 10:45 am Ri and Hira Hira helping Ri come up with strategies to move the target off her. Hira – Work on Brooke a lot Hira also suggests […]
Tag: Kyle Rozendal

Vanessa “If Sheldon makes a move, I would guess it would be Minh.” Chris “I would be fine with it. Vanessa “I would vote her out.”
10:45pm HOH room. Sheldon and Brooke.
Sheldon – Ahhh.. it would be hard for him to vote out Minh but I think he would do whatever we tell him to do. Like this is going to be an ugly campaign. Brooke – oh yeah like it is going to be a f**king blood bath if we do that and it is going to be close. Sheldon – it is going to be close and its going to be hard to hide what we’re doing. Hira is going to be like well how are we going to get the votes to send out Rianne? And I will be like the four of us… and then I can’t tell him that we have Vanessa and Kyle for sure… could I? Brooke – honestly I dont think it would matter because I don’t think Hira is voting Rianne out if Minh is on the block.

“Nothing is really annoying me in this house yet where it’s like I’m personally mad. [Minh’s] getting pretty close and she might even be there”
Veto Player pairs Maddy/JL Brooke/Sue Chris/Kyle Ri/Hira Minh/Vanessa There’s a good amount of tension between Kyle and Jamar that that caused Drama earlier today. Maddy wins the power of veto 4:22 pm Sheldon and Brooke Sheldon brings up Minh asking him who his backdoor target is he told her no he’s not telling. Sheldon – […]

Sheldon “If someone comes down, it’s probably going to be Minh” Kyle “Minh is just an agent of chaos.”
12:07am The feeds return to John Luke and Kyle talking in the bedroom. John Luke – I would appreciate these kind of talks even though it wasn’t anything major today but I do want to keep it open ..that’s kind of a building block. I do think we could have a good relationship because no one would expect us to be. Kyle – no absolutely not. John Luke – especially after that ball thing. Kyle – I would say that if I was in your position I would also be gunning for it. If you have a chance to secure your safety when you are still trying to figure out where you fit into this puzzle.

“Sh1ts going to get bloody. you’re going to have to get rid of Hira.. who would care?”
1:05 pm Cam 1-2 Minh-ly and Angie (This is a super long circle talk conversation. There’s not enough energy to capture this) Minh – There’s just certain things that have gone on in this house that I don’t really appreciate from you A – from me.. OK Minh – yeah so like you probably know […]

Minh “I would want to f*** [Jamar]” Vanessa “And then send him out the door.” Minh – “yeah, like that turns me on!”
11:55pm Hot Tub – Minh-ly, Vanessa and Chris. Minh – that competition exposed peoples alliances. Chris – well we already knew right? Vanessa – and lack of though. Chris – it showed the floaters though. Like who they were putting it in. Like who was Hira putting his in? Minh – he put two in mine. Vanessa – he put one in mine. Chris – he put some in Susanne. Vanessa – he was actually balancing them out. People that I was actually surprised by he put one in Susanne and Carols.. like I was like ok!? It really showed. Chris – do you think she knew that or? Vanessa – oh yeah. Minh – but honestly if you look at in the reverse you see who was good with the whole house.

Sheldon – Madeline, and Rianne are probably going up
Results from the Eviction Episode Everyone but Maddy, JL and Ria voted out Mike. Sheldon won the Head of Household Have nots are Kyle, Maddy, Angie, Vanessa 9:47 pm Kyle, Vanessa and Brooke Kyle is crying, he’s on slop again and feels like Mike painted him as a bad person. Kyle also misses his wife […]

Jamar “I’ve got this guys own ride or die chick willing to flip on him! Tell me I’m not the GOAT!”
10:38am Bedroom – Vanessa and Jamar. Vanessa – lets just go out there and win it. Jamar – yeah we just have to win it. Lets just see who wins it. We will talk from there. I got your back. If people talk about you, I will try and deflect it. Vanessa – yeah, same. No one talks about you.. but if it happens. Never has your name come up. You’re playing good in that way. Jamar – yeah those 3, I think they are targeting you. They think you’re with Kyle. Vanessa – definitely. Jamar – that is part of their campaign right. Vanessa – that’s what I’ve heard. If you keep Micheal we’re going after Vanessa and Kyle ..blaa, blaa, blaa. Jamar – that’s why when they bring you up I try to be like its all Kyle. Vanessa – and he is the one that lied to them and swore on his kids .. this and that.

Susanne “I feel like he is trying to claim a woman. I feel like all these men are trying to claim a woman.”
10:05pm HOH room. Chris and Vanessa.
Vanessa – I am a straight shooter! When I tell you something, that’s what I’m doing. And well maybe I need to be a bit better at lying or whatever.. I am who I am. Chris – Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chris – and I am going to sniff through that and that like turned me off. Vanessa – what turned you off? Chris – the lying, the playing everyone. Vanessa – yeah its too much. Chris – its not that it pisses me off .. I see it. Vanessa – its unnecessary and I’ve said that to people like Kyle. You don’t need to be talking sh*t about Chris. Why do you need to do that!? I’m not doing that! Chris – Kyle is f**king lucky that I still have his f**king back.

“Today’s the day I feel like intimidating people and interrogating them”
Minh says her targets are Kyle, Sue, and Angie if she could win 4 HOH’s in a row.
Vanessa – one of the three right that’s who I am targeting
Minh – Ria ria. she’s a strong competitor and she’s nice to everyone
Minh – JL is weak he’s vulnerable. You can tell he’s sucking up. I’m going to have a talk with JL and I’m going to corner him and be like. yeah. I’m going to intimidate JL, watch me. I’m going to get sh1t outta him
Minh – I’m going to make him scared of me. I’m going to start attacking him now
Minh – Today’s the day I feel like intimidating people and interrogating them might as well use my time wisely
Minh – I hate Jamar I f*ing hate him I just want to f* him

“you don’t have the numbers”
7:00 pm Carol, Vanessa and Mike Mike – I will go to bat for you guys Mike goes on about how his words were twisted. Carol – what does it say for your group. I know I’m in the middle of you guys and you guys always thought Vanessa and Kyle are together so what […]

Madaline “Imagine if we can pull this off & blindside Chris like he did to you guys. That’s a big f**k you!”
11:20pm Hot Tub – Micheal, John Luke, Hira, Madaline. Micheal – Like I think that Ang is not going to tell anyone how she is going to vote but when she gets in there she is going to be like “Micheal”. Hira – vote out Micheal? Micheal – no like vote to keep me. Hira – yeah you have to go with them. Work them hard! Even Jamer .. work him! Micheal – but Sue and Vanessa are the ones that .. are the f**king snakes man. But I am not threatened by Sue. I am threatened by Vanessa. Hira – yeah Vanessa is a beast! Micheal – the only thing that I know Vanessa is not good at is mental sh*t. Hira – yeah, physically she is really good.