8:11pm Hammock – Nicole and Terrance.
Nicole – I don’t 100% trust Kyle but he see’s what’s going on. I am telling you Monte literally didn’t want them to use the veto. Because he wanted to get more numbers for us in the house because he realized if he put me and Taylor on the block he didn’t have enough votes. So now I just need to solidify 6 people. Indy, Alyssa, Jas, You, Daniel .. so I’m basically at an impasse with Kyle and Turner. And its very possible that they will all vote for Taylor to leave because they know that she doesn’t have the votes to stay. So that if I get HOH next week they will be like.. but I voted to keep you. Terrance – who would you put up next week? Nicole – Michael and Brittany. Terrance – ASAP! Nicole – and if they win the veto I am going to put Monte, Joseph and you up..