6:05pm – 6:30pm Bathroom – Terrance and Daniel.
Terrance – so I think the best case scenario ..you play in the veto and win that motherf**ker and keep nominations the same. Or convince him (Michael) that whoever wins it, do it (leave it the same). Daniel – convince them to leave it the same? They’ll never have two powerful players up again. Once this is over .. never again. Terrance – if you get them out now its easier. Why wait? You got them on the line. Daniel – if you break one of them off, I don’t think that alliance would be as strong as it is. Of the three, there is no reason why anyone should want you out. Terrance – Yeah I know. Daniel – I would lose my mind if you’re out of here. I would be done! Terrance – I still want to make sure that I protect that backdoor so the best option for me right now is to leave nominations the same that way we can both stay safe. Daniel – Hopefully I get picked (to play in the veto).