2:17 am The leftovers is formed
The Leftovers
Kyle – We’re the misfit toys the leftovers..
The leftovers are a pretty good group
Kyle – we’re going to win Comps we’re going to take over
As a group “It’s time for the leftovers to takeover”

2:17 am The leftovers is formed
The Leftovers
Kyle – We’re the misfit toys the leftovers..
The leftovers are a pretty good group
Kyle – we’re going to win Comps we’re going to take over
As a group “It’s time for the leftovers to takeover”
Bedroom – Michael and Nicole.
Nicole hugs Michael and says – I didn’t even have to throw that. Michael – really? Nicole – yes. Michael – I noticed that she was dropping pieces but.. Nicole – she dropped the second piece. I was even telling her what to do. Michael – that worked out perfectly! I was so nervous when Jasmine and Turner weren’t competing. Just one on one then. Nicole – I know! I am just like, I have a heart you know and …I just am so like speechless to the point where I don’t even know what to say to her. Like I want to talk to her. Michael – I am glad that you didn’t have to sabotage her or anything. Nicole – no, and I am happy I didn’t have to either. But the whole situation is like… I just said to Alyssa, I hope that she didn’t do that on purpose.
12:11pm Living room.
Joe comes out the back bedroom. Joe – she (Nicole) says her mom is good. Kyle – did she say we could go in or do we wait? Joe – there are a lot of people in there now but she seems pretty good. She said she is fine. She said she is still going to stretch and play so.. I was worried she might be leaving if it was worst case scenario but I asked her if she was good and she said yes. She didn’t give me any other details but I also didn’t want to pry.
9:30 am Taylor and Joe
Joe – Taylor, what what you can do out there girl
Taylor – I need to calm the f** down
Joe – so much going on in this house
Taylor – Umm.. yeah I do know what the house would want If I take veto.
Joe – what do you think?
Taylor – keep noms the same
joe – probably
Taylor – then we’ll know who will go
Joe – Yeah.. if Michael wins what do you think the situation will be?
Monte- holy shit man…
Kyle – I promise you we are solid with Michael and Brittany. Taylor is the only one. Should we hint anything before the veto comp?
Monte – remember Nicole told Taylor to come to us and start something.
Kyle says it’s hard to talk game with Nicole “She’s so intense.. LISTEN LISTEN.. LISTEN TO ME”
Kyle – stop talking at me.
Monte – alright fellas lets get to brass tacks here.
Turner – lets wait until the veto. What if we plant seeds and Ameerah wins.
Monte – if we jump the gun too soon it could blow back in our face.. not only explode we will be f***ed
Joe – it’ll turn into POOCH 2.0
Monte – you cracked the code on your birthday
Joe – we celebrate we have a good time we act like Dumb muscle heads.. act like they are all playing us. we play that veto we see who wins We have this room we talk.
Monte – we’re playing Big Brother now
8:20pm Havenot room – Brittany crying alone talking to the cameras.
Brittany – its so hard! Its just a really awful feeling to feel like you don’t fit in and to not know what to do about it. To feel like you need alone time and not get it. I am not even sad about being nominated I am just sad I won’t be able to make it. Today is only like day 17. Is it day 17? I miss feeling understood. I miss my husband. I miss my family. I feel like I am letting them down. I feel like I am letting my clients down. I feel like I am weak. I feel like I am boring. I know I am spiralling, that is the worst part that I’m spiralling and I don’t know what I need to do to get back on track but its really hard because everything that would normally make me feel better is taken away. I just miss my life because it is a good life. Man! I am an introvert! I don’t know how I passed the test to be here.
5pm Bedroom – Nicole and Joe.
Nicole – … that if I didn’t choose her as my partner that whatever reward or advantage or whatever comes next week, I would rather have it than her. Joe – which is absolutely true. Nicole – that was my fear that she was teamed up with someone else that wasn’t aligned or having friends with the right people in the house and they would go home and she would stay and she would have the power. Joe – I see how you’re playing .. she booted Pooch because Pooch got frantic and he had to lose it. I feel so bad because he was a havenot and tried to do a favour for the house I guess… but he drowned his own boat by playing it wrong. I just want you to know that god for bid .. Indy comes into look for Nicole and then leaves. Joe – same thing everyone loves you and I have no indication that anyone would try.. Nicole – I have no reason for anyone not to trust me.
3:23 pm Bathroom Joe, Taylor, Brittany and INDY
They’re talking about how dirty the bathroom is
Taylor – there’s hair on the ground
Joe – there literally disgusting
Joe – Actually this is disgusting .. gross .. there’s um.. there’s rooms now when you walk in you get WHIFF with a sh1t smell it’s disgusting
Taylor – yeah we know what room it is
Brittnay – what room is it?
Taylor makes the motion she’s driving a car (Car room)
10:43 am Nicole and Michael
Nicole basically laying out the next few weeks how their 6 will pick off all the other players.
Nicole – the 6 is good for at least 3 to 4 weeks (FUN)
Michael – that will get us to jury
2:41 am Jasmine and Turner
Jasmine says she got a migraine after the vote because of all that happened. Jasmine is claiming there was a flip
Jasmine – It was my HOH and she took control of it. I had a migraine I’m trying to be careful with light.
Jasmine – I’m very very upset about it.
Turner says he doesn’t trust Brittany. Michael and Brittany had agreed to working with Pooch and keeping him. He doesn’t like how Brittany sits in rooms and gathers information but never says anything.
Jasmine – I genuinely think it’s Taylor but at the same time I don’t know that my goal this week is to figure out what happened.
Turner about voting out POOCH – It felt like I was putting a dog down. That was my guy.
Jasmine – I’m going to get to the bottom of it I can guarantee that
Bedroom. Indy, Nicole and Jasmine.
Nicole – how do you feel about Turner picking you? Jasmine – I’m scared. I am nervous, I don’t even think he will care what I think. I am not close with him like that. Indy – to do what? Nicole – don’t like make any suggestions.. I would say like when it comes to him.. talk to him in a way of like how are you feeling? I am down to do whatever you want to do. And if he is like what are you thinking .. be like well how do you feel about last week? Jasmine – how do you feel about what just happened? Nicole – right. Jasmine – I really would like to be the first one in there to talk to him so that I at least hear his instant thoughts.. versus after everyone has talked. But I am scared he just got his best friend voted out 12 – 0 and I am very wow’d ..
8:55pm Storage room. Daniel and Kyle.
Kyle – are you good bro? I felt like sh*t right after this big boys broken up .. I just saw you and I was like dude I think we can win comps. Daniel – I was like are you down? Kyle – I thought it was like are you going for it? And I was like I’m down. I was like does he want a girl if he wants to disrupt the guy / girl narrative!? And I was like ah did I just f**k us?! Daniel – I think you and I are good with the girls. I think we could take it, float to jury. And just help out whoever we need to and just play a smart game. Kyle – for sure. And I really like you and I’ve been wanting to get to know you. Kyle – BRO! Please! I was so scared!