7pm Bedroom – Kyle and Michael.
Kyle – its just the quiet before the storm in the next couple days. Michael – Brittany I and I were talking about how Joseph and Monte are most at risk. If things get exposed what do you think would be better having a 6-5 vote? Or a unanimous vote? Kyle – I don’t think a unanimous vote… I think exposing the alliance by trying to get a unanimous vote is a bigger risk. Like how would we even approach the girls? Michael – something like Pooch last week… like I don’t know if the votes are there. Kyle – I don’t even know how we would do that. I just know with PO’s Pack its so simple that she has the votes for us to be like hey I don’t know if the votes are there… she is going to be like well who!??! What do you think? Michael – yeah. Kyle – I am open to it but I don’t know how we could execute that.