Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Michael Nominees: Alyssa and Terrance POV Players: POV Winner: Veto Ceremony: Havenots: Terrance and Alyssa will be nominated. Terrance is the target. (Not confirmed but if Veto is played there is a chance Turner is a target) Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed […]
Tag: Kyle Capener

“Once we get Turner out it feels like its smooth sailings”
3:14 am Brittany and Michael
Michael – no one looked excited.. Terrance looked mad
Brittany – he looked pissed.. is that still the plan?
Michael – I would like Terrance out this week but I am afraid if I Put Alyssa up with him they are going to want ALyssa
Michael – Monte and Taylor will want Alyssa
Britt – Taylor will want Terrance out .. yeah
Michael – I feel bad I really do like Alyssa.. I do think the fact that her social gamer and the jury votes she has people will want to take a shot at her. She needs people. Maybe she needs us
Britt – She has Turner
Michael – she makes it sound like she doesn’t
Britt – but Now Kyle is gone. Turner is smart..
Michael – I don’t know ..

Michael Is The New HOH! “I started trying to find the pieces and then I looked over and he was done.”
Kitchen – Monte and Turner.
Turner – that was exactly what I thought would happen. Monte – I thought maybe I could be the quickest … then I looked over and I was like okay I am right with him.. then I started trying to find the pieces and then I looked over and he was done. Turner – at the very least you or me will probably win next week. Monte – 100% 100%. Now we just have to make sure neither one of us is up on the block. Turner – do you think I am 100% good? Monte – I think you’re 100% good .. the only thing is I haven’t really checked in with Brittany where her head is at if one person does win the veto and brings one of us down. Turner – we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. Monte – I don’t think Brittany would want to force Michael to put you up. I don’t think Michael wants to put you up because you didn’t put him up last week.

Big Brother 24 week 8 eviction episode
Turner won the Head of Household. Nominated Brittany and Taylor. The target was Michael. Michael of course wins his 35th veto and plans to use it on Brittany. Before the Veto Ceremony Michael tells everyone that Kyle came to him weeks ago with the worry a cookout2 is forming. Kyle also wanted to form what was basically a white cookout to combat this. Michael and Brittany being deeply upset sat on this information until there was an opportunity that Kyle would be nominated. Kyle was nominated and guaranteed to get evicted. There was some attempt by Terrance to save Kyle but there was no budging it. Kyle did the rounds crying, talking, learning and hugging and no one appeared to hold a grudge. They seemed to all decide to make this a learning and growing experience for the man child.

Alyssa “I thought you were going to make a dirty joke. Like I was “in” this girl.”
8:15pm Pumper Pool Room – Alyssa and Kyle.
Kyle – I wonder why production has been so nice about me sleeping. Alyssa – because you’re depressed. Kyle – could be that. Kyle – are we still friends? We are. I am sorry I am so sleepy.. I’m like an old man. Let me shrivel up and die. Alyssa notices that Brittany goes into Turner’s HOH room. Alyssa – she is going to try and trap him and ask him game questions. Do you think? Kyle – I don’t know. I have not thought game much. Alyssa – you haven’t? Kyle – hell no. What am I going to think about? I still have hope that when you go home and watch the season you’re like I don’t hate Kyle. And maybe we could hang out in a scenario where he isn’t lying to me. Alyssa – would you lie to me in real life? Kyle – no. Alyssa – maybe one day we go on Amazing Race. Kyle – there is zero chance I ever go on another tv show ever again. Yeah, lets bring Kyle back he was a real hit! Thanks though for that .. thanks for the optimism. Am I going to get Boo’d?

“Holding this information from the house and trying to do an honorable thing by waiting two weeks”
4:43 pm Monte and Taylor
Monte – this could have also been an opportunity for Brittany to own up to her mistakes and Michael’s Mistakes in holding this information from the house and trying to do an honorable thing by waiting two weeks after they knew about it. They had all the opportunity to share it with us they even said it if Kyle was gone after Dyre fest they didn’t see a reason to bring it up. They said it would have probably been mentioned at some later point.
Monte – when? why would they have a reason to bring it up? Why would we be even able to believe them at that point? Kyle wouldn’t be here to defend himself.
Monte – they would have never told us Michael and Brittnay are smart people. When we’ve been in this alliance they’ve always been so calculated and so thought out in what they are doing and why they are doing it. This is not to me.. this doesn’t feel like Ohh this was heavy on our hearts and we had to share it right before replacement nominees were named.

Turner “A good flower can still grow bad petals.”
7:05pm HOH room. Turner and Monte.
Monte – this constant issue that I have as a man of color in the world is like wanting to feel free. Free to trust anybody. Feeling as though I could do that and stick around in the show and then to realize that wasn’t reciprocated. I have people at home that unfortunately have a jaded mindset towards white people because of experiences where they’ve been wronged. Just because of the color of their skin. Having to go back home and try to say again.. give white people as a whole some grace .. this was an isolated incident. That sort of sh*t is going to be tough for me. You know!? Turner – yeah. Monte – but I told him (Kyle) I will vouch for you 100% after we get out of here regardless of what happens. He asked for advice from me and I said just try to learn more about us.

Alyssa – “I accept your apology but I don’t forgive you” **Updated**
2:45 pm Kyle and Alyssa
K – I’ve never been good at expressing myself.. I am sorry
Kyle cries “I’ve cried so much I’m so sick of it honestly”
Kyle – I am so sorry Alyssa.
Alyssa says she’s been talking to the therapist as well she’s helped her organize her thoughts.
Alyssa – I need to watch the show and see what has happened. what was said.. I need to decide if this is a relationship I want to be in. When I tell you I love you I don’t say it lightly I’m a very intense person outside of this house. I know sometimes you speak without knowing what you are saying.

“I want to give him the opportunity to grow in the house rather than send him out of the house.”
7:55pm Hammock – Taylor, Turner, Brittany and Michael.
Turner – I have some game talk for a second. Just because we talked before I put Kyle up and this is the same group. Brittany – how are you feeling. Turner – I feel totally fine. That’s my goal…. because I would have done it either way but I wanted to build trust back with you guys because I still feel bad about the whole thing. I hope that helped. Brittany – yeah. Turner – simultaneously, I have been proposed the idea .. and it is not from me just in case anyone hears it .. and I would not be surprised if other people were pitched it .. just Terrance being like hey maybe we can get Kyle to stay this week and all I said I am not voting so I don’t know what the f**k this plan is for me. I had nothing to do with it. I don’t want anything to be spun … Nothing .. I was not attached to it at all.

“Fortunate for Taylor who is working with M/B that M/B share this information.. I think it was strategic for sure” **updated**
4:00 pm Monte and Turner
Turner says before the nominations would have been a good time for Michael and Britt to tell him the ‘whole Kyle” thing
Monte – 100% YEAH
Turner – why would you wait so we can do a backdoor if you feel that way. I could have just nominated.
Monte – I think it was strategic
Mont e- now that they are safe there’s no potential of them being put up. Now you have a very narrow set of options whereas before it could have been incriminating..

“The fun has been sucked out of the whole situation.. I was enjoying the experience as what it was”
1:15 pm Terrance alone
“I don’t know if I want to talk about it. I’m trying to be progressive. I’m trying to change the narrative I feel like if you do something different in the moment than what you can easily do you can see some type of change. I’m trying to be optimistic”
I do believe and this is my truth.. I truly believe that Royal Caribbean has figured out.. I have never experienced any feeling of racism. So whatever Royal Carribian is doing they have it downpat. You have every single melting pot in that boat and everyone just vibes out. If they aren’t whatever they keep it in the tuck. South out to Seattle as well. You have it downpat too.
Weight loss journey I’m not at 255 I’m making a lot of great progress with that from where I was. Hopefully, the goal whether I reach it here or not is 230.

Michael – “Terrance made the comment that he lumps us in with what Kyle Did” **Updated**
Quick Big Brother Spoilers Head of Household: Turner Nominees: Taylor and Brittany Kyle POV Players: Turner, Taylor, Brittany, Alyssa, Monte, Michael POV Winner: Michael Veto Ceremony: Michael used the veto on Brittany and Turner put Kyle up as the replacement. Havenots: Lock your ranks in before midnight Rank Houseguests View Results Detailed View Results Compressed […]