8:30pm Shelby and Alex are laying in bed talking. Shelby – So what do I do just put on a happy face when he (Scott) asks us to be in an alliance? Alex – I think its best we just keep doing what we’re doing with Scott because he might be .. you know doing his thing but at the end of the day he is putting you and me in front of everyone else. Shelby – but would you want to be in an alliance with someone who obviously, blatantly puts you above me?
Tag: Kryssie Ridolfi

“Justin will gracefully go out fourth.. I don’t think he’s here to win he’s here to protect us”
12:36pm Scott and Danielle Danielle saying that her alliance thinks it’s best to keep Whitney but she’s not sure that’s best. SCott points out that there’s people in this game that will really want Whitney left in the house (Justin) Scott – she would be one of my top picks They agree Whitney will win […]

Danielle “I’m anxious to see who America’s nominee is” Jason “b***h its going to be me!”
9:30pm Whitney heads up to the HOH room to talk to Kryssie and Danielle. Jason joins them. Whitney tells Danielle – I just wanted to come up and talk to you before tomorrow. I’m sure you already have a plan on what you’re going to do. But I don’t know if you expect me to be the America’s nom. Danielle – no, I don’t expect it. Whitney – I don’t know if its going to influence your decision in anyway. I’m kind of freaking out about that. Jason – why would you think that. Whitney – because I was the last name.

Big Brother Over the Top America’s Have Not “I don’t want to be a have not… I Don’t want to take a cold shower”
Justin is signing a song using a nickelback-ish voice
“I don’t want to be a have not”
“I don’t want to take a cold shower”
“I don’t want to sleep on the cobwebs”

Alex “If we win the veto they’re completely screwed” Scott “They’re scared of us. HOLLA POWER COUPLE!”
8:45pm Alex – Jason basically told me that he can convince Danielle to keep you and I (Scott & Alex) off the block this week if we keep him safe and don’t touch me (Jason) next week. Scott – he told he if he convinces Danielle to not put us up, then if he is on the block as America’s nominee that we go after one of our own people. Alex – if you don’t put me on the block …we can work with that deal. We can work with that deal! Scott – exactly. I don’t even think he is going to be America’s nominee.

Care Package 4 results “We’ve never won anything” -Jason
1:11pm Jason’s crew has a hard time dealing with this but it seems like they keep the mean comments down compared to last week. They are thinking America hates them and are having trouble figuring out why because they feel the Girls are Boring, Terrible, horrible people with no personality. Jason believes that the fans have stopped watching the show. Danielle thinks they are getting a bad edit. Justin is baffled and Kryssie is nursing a heavily damaged hand.
Jason – America hates us

Justin “You’re the only person I really trust on your side” Whitney “You shouldn’t trust anyone else”
9:40pm Whitney tells Justin – We haven’t even talked. You definitely made a smart decision keeping Scott. If you hadn’t voted to keep him… Justin – I just wanted it to be up to America .. but I told him that though. I really keep my honesty and loyalty in this house. If I tell you I’m going to do something, I do it. You’re the only person I really trust on your side of the house. Whitney – no you shouldn’t trust anyone else. Not that they would come after you but.. Justin – I can honestly say that you’re going to be safe this week.

Jason – “we’re on tricycles and they’re in a limousine till the end”
3:44pm when we’re back Justin is with them.
The LNJ is agreeing this week they have to win Veto.
Justin says he’s going to legit try this week, “I never throw nothing by the way… “
Danielle warns them if they lose another number this week it’ll snowball

Scott “America, I think I’m going to have trouble getting Danielle out this week!”
9:35pm In the bedroom – Scott talks to Morgan, Alex and Shelby.. Scott – don’t get down, don’t get down. There’s a lot of game left to play. I haven’t counted the votes yet. Morgan – America’s nom and the care package could go to anyone of us. Shelby – you’re (Scott) the most screwed, then you are (Morgan), then me. Scott – America, I think I’m going to have trouble getting Danielle out this week! Morgan – I’m just glad we got America’s vote and got Neeley out. Shelby – they can’t all go our way. They head into the storage room.

Big Brother Over the Top Eviction Results Neeley vs Scott Vs Whitney
Ball smashers Celebrating..
Kryssie comes in “I trusted you… ”
Alex – it’s a game Kryssie
They argue over who is the bullying who
Morgan – it’s simply numbers.. numbers in the game..
Morgan – the argument this morning sealed the deal

“America sees you for who you are, on the purple spirit day you want to bully somebody”
Neeley – he wants to bully Danielle that’s his game plan..
Scott – mark those words America
Neeley – America sees you for who you are
Scott – I’ve never said a bad thing about you Neeley
Neeley – on the purple spirit day you want to bully somebody..

Neeley “Shane didn’t do if for me. Monte had the body” Kryssie “I’m into fitness, fit this d**k in my mouth”
9:50pm Backyard – Kryssie – if you stay in the house with no votes against you, you can still play on an even keel. But if those motherf**kers vote for you.. Neeley – its a wrap! IT’S A WRAP! F**K Shelby she is going to do whatever those other two tell her. Kryssie – we’ll see. All those are horrible people. Neeley – I don’t agree with that, especially with Morgan and Whitney. Kryssie agrees – but in terms of this game, I am over all of them. Neeley – those would be the ones that I would possibly work with.