Double Eviction Results Este is evicted 3-1. Dane being her one vote Dane wins the Head of household Nominates Kyra and Damien Anthony wins the veto doesn’t use it Damien is evicted 3-0 Kyra wins the head of household. 9:30pm Adam – at least I’ve been working with Kyra these last few weeks while Same […]
Tag: Kiera Wallace

Mark “If I send Adam home, the people in jury would love it.”
Help support OBB by making your Amazon purchases through our link below. It doesn’t cost you anything and we get a percentage of what you buy. Amazon Canada Amazon USA 9pm Living room. Kyra is blindfolded and searching for something. Mark – you have to find the door to the backyard. Kyra – I don’t […]

Damien wins Power of Veto “what do you think of Top 5?”
Spoilage – Damien wins the power of Veto. Early off they are talking about Dane going up. (He volunteered) a couple hours later it’s starting to sounds like Mark will go up. 10:30pm Feeds back Damien wins the POV Pretty boy meeting … Talking about who should go up. Dane volunteers.. They talk about making […]

Adam “Listen, if you use it [Veto] & I don’t put Mark up, how stupid does that look?!
9:30pm Bedroom. Mark and Anthony.
Mark – do you think they’re going to wake us up in the middle of the night for a POV? I could see them doing that. If you win, I know you’re not using it. Anthony – Ummmm.. Mark – you would use it? Cuz you know they would never put Kyra up. Dane is going to gun for it f**King hard.. even though he said he was going to throw it. He is in DEEP with Esti man. I know it. He already told me what his plan was.. he talked to me about Adam. He was like I don’t want to win this HOH the five.. because I want to win this one.. he was saying some bullsh*t and I wasn’t even paying attention.

Anthony “And because I have special mojo.. I dingled my dust around..”
9:22pm Backyard. Mark and Anthony. Mark – you know this is the triple right?! Anthony – yeah. Mark – two people are going home. Anthony – yeah. Come, lets go outside. Mark – I know who it was. Anthony – it was Adam wasn’t it. Mark – yup. There is no way Dane would be that easy going. No way. You know by the way that Cory is f**ked right? Anthony – yup. Mark – I’m the tie breaker, Cory is f**ked! Anthony – yup. Dane, Adam, Kyra. Mark – here’s the deal. There is no way.. this has to be the triple. Put three people up and then ones going home and then play another triple and put three people up again? I don’t buy it.

Kyra “If I win HOH I am stirring sh*t up! Cory & Dane.”
8:30pm Hot Tub. Kyra and Sam. Kyra – and now people are even more so telling people what they want to hear because they want to get peoples votes if they’re in the final two, right? I also know that authenticity goes a long way. Maybe I shouldn’t have snapped at Esti and said oh […]

Power of Veto Ceremony Results “We’re Running it”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Dane used the Power of Veto on himself. Cory nominated Sam in her place. Sam is the target this week. No real surprise. 1:15pm Dane and Cory Dane is saying that Kyra and Sam are scrambling .. Dane – Pikes came in here said they (Kyra) want to sewer me […]

Kyra “And now the bow on top will be Adam confirming that Dane would put up me & Cory.”
11:30pm Bathroom. Sam and Kyra. Kyra gives Sam a hug. Adam joins them. Adam – did I tell you, you’re beautiful today? Sam – no. Adam – did I tell you that Kyra and I love you. Kyra – yeah, so much. Sam – what? Adam – did I tell you that Kyra and I love you. Kyra – we would actually do anything for you. Sam – I am really trying. Kyra – I am so proud of how you’re holding it together. You’re doing a phenomenal job. I can see the look in your eyes, you want to cry. Sam – when I came and asked if I could chat .. Anthony was like I’ll go and I said no, no both of you (Cory & Anthony). I said that I know that Dane has been running in here after every conversation.

“I honestly think there’s been a guys alliance this whole time.. wish I had the blood veto “
Big Brother Casnada Spoilers – Dane will be using the Power of Veto on himself and Cory will be putting Sam up as the replacement. Sam is the target. via GIPHY 7:13pm Dane tries to scare Este… 10:00pm outside Kyra and Sam Kyra mentions how Dane is spending so much time with Cory he’s coming […]

Dane wins Power of Veto
Big Brother Spoilers – Dane wins the power of Veto. He will be using it on himself and Sam will be the replacement nomination. 12am Hot Tub room. Mark, Dane, Damien, Kyra, Adam and Sam chatting about random things. 1:30pm The house guests start getting ready for bed. 1:38pm HOH room. Cory and Dane. Cory […]

Adam “The second you say something that’s not your story right now, Cory is going to know 1000% we’ve been lying.”
10:50pm Bedroom. Adam and Sam. Adam – we need each other. We need one of us to win and we need one of us to win next week. The three of us proved that we can win competitions. She was like yeah, yeah I know. I am telling you this because just down there Kyra was telling us that we should just confess. F**K THAT SH*T! Sam – Okay. Adam – We’re in this.. the second you say something that is not your story right now Cory is going to know 1000% that we’ve been lying the whole time. Sam – I’m not but I was like Dane you brought up Cory’s name just like everybody else did. Adam – he is in there denying.. Sam – he was like I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was like alright.

“They’re cocky, they run around blowing farts into each others mouth and they act very arrogant”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Cory is Head of Household. Looks like sam is the target. The noms will most likely be Este/Mark or Este/Dane. Around 10PM feeds come back Cory Nominated DAne adn Este. 10:20am Talking about what they are going to do today … 10:35am Kyra and Sam They’re trying to unravel where […]