Alex – he wants to talk to me but I think he wants to win the veto and pull me off but then I’m worried about you. So if its BB comics, we’re f**ked. Paul – worst case scenario is its you and I on the block. Alex – he says Kevin is is his target but I don’t believe him. I think if he pulls me off, he will backdoor you. He says he wants to talk to me about the veto. We should both be practicing dates because it might be this next Thursday. Alex – I’m going to create some distance between me and Josh. We need to somehow convince him that he needs us for top three.. both of us.
Tag: Kevin Schlehuber

“Paul’s going to beat me the only way I’m going to win this game is if I take a shot at Paul” – Josh
Big Brother Spoilers 1:00pm Josh in the HOH
JOsh – I have to have a conversation with Alex.. and I need to let her know I’m putting her up
J – I need to see where her heads at and what she’s thinking moving forward..
J – I don’t know what happens this week but at least I’m giving her a chance to play for veto (everyone plays Hoss)
J – I would love to get Kevin out this week but I know I can beat Kevin in the end, I know Kevin isn’t going to beat me
J – I’m not only thinking about my game I’m thinking about Xmas and I’m thinking .. if I make a crazy move this week hows it going to make xmas against me, hows is our position going to be moving forward

HOH Competition Results! “It sickens me that he thinks he is going to go to the final 2!”
If you plan on buying anything from Amazon. Use this link Amazon home Doesn’t cost you anything and we get a small cut. HOH WINNER: Josh 9pm – 10:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the HOH competition to happen. When the live feeds return – Josh has the HOH key around his neck. […]

Alex to Paul – “u are the only person I trust.. u are my ride or die.. I want to hang out be friends”
7:21pm Paul and Josh Paul is trying to talk Josh into winning the HOH and put up Kevin/Alex. Paul – the worst case scenario this week is if Alex wins that F*ing Veto Paul – it’s going to be BB comics Josh thanks Paul for having his back Paul – thanks for having my back […]

Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 10 Summary and Double Eviction Results
At this point Josh is starting to get worried about how Paul is playing, he feels that Paul is making game moves that really only benefits Paul’s game. Josh confronts Xmas about this but she doesn’t buy it, sounds like she thinks she can beat Paul in the final 2. Xmas and Paul continue to reinforce Josh telling him that Paul playing the middle is best for them all. The tell Josh if Alex wins the HOH Paul can manipulate her to take out Kevin or Raven instead of Josh/Xmas. Josh is worried that Jason/Alex will be pissed at him when he votes Jason out after telling them he was voting Kevin out. Josh is worried about jury votes, he’s worried about making enemies, and he likes Alex/Jason and doesn’t want to be a dick.

“If it looks like we keep losing things, the jury will vote for who won the most. We need to start winning sh*t.”
Josh talks about how they need to please the jury… F**k that! If Raven goes to the end she is going to win. Alex – its me, you, Jason and Paul against her. Jason – yeah there is no way she is going to beat us. Alex – I was thinking about.. I should have just taken a shot at Kevin. Jason – it don’t matter. Alex – but if it looks like we keep loosing things.. the jury will vote for who won the most.. and if it looks like we’re always losing because they only watch the competitions with sound we’ll look like newbies. Well this person didn’t do anything, they’re always losing.

“I’m going to be honest with you I don’t think I’m going to miss this that much.. I did 80 days That’s enough man”
Big Brother Spoilers 2:18pm Kevin and Jason
Kevin – listen make me a promise and I’ll do the same.. If I leave don’t let people bad mouth me
Kevin – just say listen man the dude’s my friend and he’s gone Let’s go to the next person we’re going to screw over
Kevin doesn’t want to go home and find out after he left they were saying sh1t about him.
kevin doesn’t think Paul or Josh will..
Kevin – I don’t think Alex will .. not know.. you look ridiculous if you do that now.. you look bad.
Kevin – it’s a f*ing show.. I told Matt that and he used it..

Christmas “Don’t tell me things that are going to taint my opinion of this team. NOT F***ING COOL!”
If you plan on buying anything from Amazon. Use this link Amazon home Doesn’t cost you anything and we get a small cut. 10:05pm Kitchen. Josh, Paul and Alex. Paul – after big brother it goes down hill… every year there is a new big brother. If you expect to be the next big thing […]

“I love running.. my Mile time? like 6:20 .. my mom holds the record in Arkansas 5:45”
2:01pm Raven, xmas, Paul, Alex..
Raven going on about how her mom had breast cancer and now she needs to get checked regularly
Xmas says her mom had breast cancer so she gets checked every year
Raven – I get checked every 6 month because of my disease too..
Raven – my aunt passed away from breast cancer than 2 years ago My mother had breast cancer
Raven now saying she has cysts in her breasts ..
Raven – I can’t have a breast reduction because of my fibrous cysts..
Paul – can you get the cysts removed
Raven – no it’ll just grow more
Raven – I get it from my grandma

Paul “I got some personal news too and I am just ready to just get out.”
Christmas – are you just tired and cranky or did you have something happen? Paul – I’m just hitting another hump. Christmas – how can I help? Paul – I don’t know .. just everything is annoying me. Christmas – you can vent? Paul – no because I don’t want to sound like an a$$hole. Christmas – you’re not going to sound like an a$$hole. Paul – its just taking a toll on me. Christmas – its what its designed to do. Paul – I’ve spent too much f**King time in this place. Christmas – you’re almost out. Paul – How many more days? Three weeks? Two? Christmas – two, maybe 17 more days. Paul – if we’re lucky. I’m just missing home. My family, my pets, my friends, my music. Christmas – you’re allowed to do that.

“Big Brother After Dark only has eyes for you even on Labor day.”
Paul – dude I am f**king losing my mind. She (Raven) screamed right in my ear. Josh – relax. Paul – I’m going to have a panic attack! Josh – why are you going to have a panic attack. Paul – because I can’t do it anymore. Josh – do you want me to talk to her. I could say you need to stay away from Paul. Paul – no, no, no, I’m just venting. Don’t say anything. Josh – you worked your a$$ off to get here. Don’t let her f**k it up.

“The vet, dominating competitions, has sick social game, arguably he is the number 1 threat in the house”
Big Brother Spoilers 6:10pm Xmas and Josh HOH
Xmas tells him about the final 2 scenarios and how Paul has a HUGE disadvantage because he’s a vet.
Xmas – it is not good for him
Xmas- he’s played a really great game but he’s a vet, people don’t want to see the vet that got second place last year win this year
Xmas – he gets a double bonus, he should have won last year
Xmas – your Ex, you called people out.. but that’s also a strength you didn’t bullsh1t anybody. . you should incorporate that into you speech