Big Brother Spoilers A Crazy week in the Big Brother 19 house. Started with the entire house in the kitchen and Jess/Cody in that APSR. They started calling Jessica out to “ask you some questions” When she finally showed herself to address what they were saying..
Jessica takes on the house KABOOM
Alex, Josh, Raven, Paul, Christmas were essentially the people that participated in the blow up against Jessica/Cody. They bring up all the lies From the past weeks that have involved Jessica. Jess/Cody have been involved in a lot so everything is is brought up in perfect Big Brother Fashion. Alex and Raven seem hung up on the cat ears. Jessica is hung up on Alex putting her up. Raven completely flies off the handle. Jessica defended herself well and Cody kept quiet the entire time.
Jess and Cody retreat to the Hammock where the entire house follows them. Paul, Raven, Josh, Christmas and Alex continue yelling things at Cody and Jessica.
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