Kevin “Bobby & Bruno are going to be shocked!” Sarah “This is a genius plan”

8am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Bobby gets up first and heads out to the hot tub room and while out there he does his normal routine of looking for secret vetos under the hot tub cover and under the cushion of the seats. Brittnee makes the rounds with the new batteries. When she gets to Sarah she tells her I had a bread down last night in the diary room. I was exhausted, it was bad. Brittnee says I wish I hadn’t done it. I had the option. I should have said nope. Sarah says its good to be real sometimes. Britt says I just don’t want my mom seeing that. Or everybody for that matter. Its 10 times worse than posting personal stuff on facebook. Britt says after she went and laid on the hammock for a while. Sarah says I’m sorry I didn’t notice.

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Power Of Veto Results! “That’s so much frigging money! A lot of money!!”

3pm – 11:10pm The live feeds were blocked for the power of veto competition to take place. AFTER just over an 8 hour competition in which Kevin, Bobby, Ashleigh, Brittnee, Sarah, Pili all competed in, KEVIN WON. He also won $10,000! Guessing from how long the feeds have been down it is likely this was either an endurance POV or a competition where one player competed at a time.

When the live feeds return – Kevin and Pili are in the HOH bathroom – Pili tells Kevin I am so frigging stoked for you!! Pili wonders if she has to put the lobster costume back on? Kevin tells her no, your 24 hours is over.

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Big Brother Canada 3 – Havenot Results! Zach “I feel like this could turn into a p*rn*!”

5pm When the live feeds return – all the house guests are out by the pool. Zach is giving Bruno a massage on a massage table. Zach says “I feel like this could turn into a p*r**!” Bruno says oh your good at that! That’s the spot buddy!! Zach says they go really deep in the real ones. Bruno says this is a real one! Zach says chiropractors are creepy (LOL Naeha is a chiropractor). Willow says I thought it was going to be something cool like a power of veto pick. Zach says it said knead like as in bread. Bruno asks how long are these massages? Zach says 20 minutes.

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Godfrey “I don’t know if Bobby has that veto or not” Kevin “We’re about to find out”

8:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Sarah, Brittnee & Bobby are in the bathroom. Britt comments that it could be have/havenot comp. Sarah says or Veto. Its the name of the comp that kills me. Britt says I know. Sarah says Every time I think of it, I just.. Sarah heads to the bedroom with the batteries and tells Zach.. it says Noms on the screen and the gate is closed. They’re setting up something. Sarah and Willow cuddle in bed and then look up at the camera. Willow says Good Morning nosey you getting in on this cuddle? Willow asks do you think Big Brother will start handing out anti-depressants?

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Zach – “we should rally up something for the diaps.. three in a row”

10:19pm Hot Tub Brittnee, Bobby and Bruno
They show Brittnee the chop shop signal. Brittnee tells them about the purple cobra’s hand signal
Trying to figure out who Kevin is going to put up. They seem to think Godfrey is in trouble. Bobby is worried he’s going up with Godfrey. Brittnee and Bruno tell him he’s got their vote.
Bruno telling them they have to stay tight adds that the competition was a total crap shoot.

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