Janelle was evicted last week by a vote of 9 to 2. The preceding Head of household competition was close with Kaysar having a chance of winning (if only) but it just wasn’t meant to be. Enzo pulls out the win in the end YO YO YOing all the way to the HOH room. Right […]
Tag: Kevin Campbell

Enzo “You were The Hitmen. We were The Brigade. You were Level Six.” Cody “We’re Triple Thr3at”
7:46pm -8:45pm HOH room. Enzo, Cody and Tyler.
Enzo – what are we going to call ourselves. Cody – I want to be The bandits. Tyler – I’m already the bantit. Enzo – what about the elite three. No?! Is that too f**king cheesy. Tyler – you’ve got to come up with it whatever it is .. but that ain’t it. Cody – just start spit balling. Say anything that comes to your head. Enzo – the sneaky three, the elite three.. Why can’t we be the Bandits?! Because he is a bandit!?Got to be something.. got to name it something. You were the hitmen, we were the brigade, you (Tyler) were what? Tyler – Level Six.

“If I win HOH I’m putting Christmas and Nicole together if one of them comes down put up the partner. or you know who.”
12:14 pm Bayleigh and Da’Vonne
Bayleigh brings up wanting to talk to Nicole yesterday and she said “My brain is dead lets talk tomorrow” when tomorrow rolled around every time Bay looked at her Nicole would look away.
Bayleigh – if I win HOH I’m putting Christmas and Nicole together if one of them comes down put up the partner.. or you know who..
Da’Vonne – wow OK

“I have as sneaky suspicion that Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are going to out the six”
4:42 pm Cody and Dani
I want some Cody and Da’Vonne time.. i’m like YO .. she’s like can you come up and grab me.. I don’t have f**Ing time for that.. I’m in his house I don’t have time to run after people to make sure I get my one on one time because you’re paranoid.
Cody – I’m hitting a wall and getting really f**Ing tired
Dani – I have as sneaky suspicion that Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are going to out the six..
Cody – to who
Dani – anyone that gets HOH that’s not in the six
Cody – what makes you think that.
Dani – we have to make sure you me and Tyler are on the same page

“Those 4 have started to .. Tyler, Cody, Dani and Nicole.. they are starting to get a little too comfortable”
9:12 am Memphis and Christmas
Talking about the HOH is coming down to the two of them. Memphis says David is his main target right now
Memphis – He’ll win an HOH eventually.. I would say he’s more on my radar
C- you would you put up next to him, can’t use Kevin
Memphis – I would be more willing to put up a pawn at the beginning and a David then wait for him to win the POV and if he didn’t win teh POV it’s David. If he does win POV backdoor someone else.
Memphis – if F***ing Bayleigh win next week it’ll be a f***Ing sh1t show I don’t mind sitting in the side lines
C – Who does she have a beef with
Memphis – I dunno

Nicole “Do you know what you would do next week?” Ian “Its whatever you want to do.”
8:35pm Hammock. Ian and Dani.
Ian – I heard that David was the replacement possibility. Dani – I feel like everyone is trying to use him as a scapegoat. Do you feel like that? Ian – yes but he does say a lot of weird freaking things. Dani – no I agree. Ian – Do I think so yes! Absolutely! There is no question about it. Dani – what would your ideal week be? Ian – like HOH and then run it kind of like Enzo did. Dani – yeah but getting who out? Iam – I guess match Nicole’s idea. Dani – yeah I think it is good to get out a pair. A pair before jury too .. you know what I mean. The risk with that too is having two people that are really close and two votes. Its really risky. Ian – if you won HOH who would you put up?

Power of Veto Ceremony results – “why didn’t you go for it?”
1:52 pm Enzo and Kaysar
Enzo – you didn’t like that nom
Kaysar – no, did you even consider it?
Enzo – I did bro, trust me
Kaysar – why didn’t you go for it.
Enzo – I got a good relationship with Dani .. there’s a lot that’s going on in this f**ing house. I thought of every f**ing thing
Kaysar – Okay, well I tried.
Enzo – I know bro I could be out next week
Kaysar – you’re in a good spot who knows what will happen
Enzo – we got a couple f**ing days..
Kaysar – I was going to have an impossible time competing against David.. now Christmas I don’t have the vote s
Enzo – you’re making me feel bad bro

“I want to do it this week (put up Dani) but I have to get rid of Kasyar because of you guys.. what the f***”
9:37 am Enzo and Cody
Enzo saying that Dani has started a lot of sh1t “between me and you YO, we play nice this week and we get rid of Kaysar because Kaysar ios coming after you and Tyler anyway”
Enzo – the girls to they’re ready to make a move on her (Dani)
Enzo – Dani is f**Ing our game up.
Cody says Tyler brought up Nicole knowing about the slick6. “He said how come you guys never tell me”
They’re agreeing that Tyler has doubts about them now because of Dani
Enzo – Dani is going around saying Enzo you better watch out Da’Vonne and Bayleigh are looking comfortable on your HOH she’s the one saying it to people..
Enzo – Christmas is telling me a lot of f**Ing sh1t you
Enzo – I’m done.. we have a good thing with Tyler. Dani did that purposely to f** me and Tyler. I’m done with her I’m done
Enzo – play nice
Enzo says whoever wins the next HOH Dani will get to and try to clip them.
Enzo – next week is double eviction .. she’s gone yo F** that yo

Day “How long are we going to play this game and not want to upset the house?”
Bathroom. Day and Christmas.
Day – I don’t want Kaysar to go. You don’t want Kaysar to go. Bay doesn’t want Kaysar to go. Kevin doesn’t want Kaysar to go. Did him and David repair? Christmas – I don’t know. I think it depends on who is on the block. Who David would choose .. you know what I mean? Is that four or five? Day – that is four without David. Christmas – so that is five with David and Enzo would be the tie breaker. Day – what about Ian? Christmas – it depends on who is up there. And Kaysar is a wild card. Enzo would have to put a person up and say why and give the house a reason. Otherwise the house is going to be like .. well that’s just a pawn. Unless he puts a person up and he says why .. I don’t think he wants to divide the house. Day – that is so scary Christmas because how long are we going to play this game and not want to upset the house.

Ian “The last time I was a pawn if I didn’t win veto I would be 500K poorer.”
Bathroom. Ian and Christmas.
Ian – what are you thinking is going to happen? Christmas – he is going to talk to everyone again today and from what I know its going to be a pawn. He wants someone that would… Ian – definitely stay. Christmas – definitely stay and take it with grace. Even last night I said if you need to use me .. use me. Ian – My thing is I will take it with grace but I don’t think I would stay. I think for me there is risk. Christmas – I think you would absolutely stay. We would have Kevin, Me, Nicole, Dani.. Ian – at the beginning of this week, Kevin and I made a pawn pact. That if we were against Kaysar .. we would vote out Kaysar.

Power Of Veto Winner Results! “Do you think he is going to use it?”
Bathroom. Kevin, David, Tyler, Kaysar
David – Kevin you destroyed that! Tyler – David you f**king crushed that too man! Kevin – oh man David .. you were giving me a run. David – I’m glad you didn’t stop. Kevin – Dude!
Christmas – do you think he is going to use it? Cody – has that ever been done before? Somebody on the block wins the veto and doesn’t use it? Dani – yeah Marcellas that’s why he got on all stars. Cody – he was on the block, won the veto and didn’t use it?

Veto Players Picked! Enzo “This sh*t worked out perfectly YO! That is f**king crazy YO!”
Head of Household Winner – ENZO YO! Have nots – Dani, Tyler, Da’Vonne Nominations – Kaysar & Kevin Power of Veto Players are – Enzo, Kevin, Kaysar, Tyler, Bay, David POV Host: Memphis Power of Veto holder – Power of Veto Ceremony – Safety Suite – Live feeds —-> Grab your Live feeds here. Try […]