2:17 am Christmas cries
Christmas – there’s no where to escape you can’t vent here. telling people how you feel about being frustrated or just opening up in general, They’ll twist it and stab you in the back.
Christmas – I’m tired I miss my family … loyal’s birthdays in two weeks and i’m missing it to be here with these people that … (nobody wanted you on this season)
Christmas – they’re just so hot and cold and so hypocritical and I know I’m playing Big Brother you just get so tired of their crap.. their fake fake crap.. they sit there pretending to be all sweet and kind. and they genuinely care.. Da’Vonne’s right Nicole did stab her in the front and shit time she turned around and stand her in the back twice.
Christmas – hardcore gamers have to be heartless.. what a show this week.. I don’t even want to get into the dirty details. I don’t trust anyone here at all. I miss my family. I miss my son. I pray for them every night.
Christmas – I pray Loyal dreams of me playing.. he knows he is loved and he feels my hugs and kisses. I just want a real hug.