7:50pm HOH room. Memphis and Enzo.
Memphis – DUDE, everything is f**king money man! Enzo – I know. That’s it YO! Memphis – Got to keep Christmas on the rails dude! She is F**KING CRAZY DUDE! Enzo – that’s why I was like YO YO whatever you want to do .. that’s it! Memphis – She is like .. f**King intense! I am like look, I am all for you taking your shots but think about … what I don’t want her to do is .. she can take her shots but she can’t be getting her a$$ put on the block. You know what I mean!? Enzo – YEAH! Memphis – I am like be careful! She is funny man! Enzo – she is intense! I love her though. Because I know if its a double and wins she is taking a shot YO! I just know it! You know what I mean?! Memphis – yeah. Enzo – she is going to go f**king crazy if she wins.