Outside the HOH room. Nicole and Cody. Cody – this is the hardest part. Nicole – Don’t feel bad, its a game. Cody – I know but seeing Keesha crying. Like she hasn’t been down at all and Kevin came to me earlier. Nicole – what is your thought process.. like what do you want out of your HOH? Kevin comes up and Cody says he should talk to him. They head into the HOH room. Cody – I am so sorry. I was like thinking and I couldn’t really say anything when we were talking.. you know because I can’t really say anything. I don’t want you to go home. I feel like you and I can have a connection. Like we can work together. Its so hard. I wish you did something to piss me off so it would have been easier.
Tag: Kevin Campbell

“Man, I think people are still asleep in the honeymoon period thinking this isn’t AllStars”
12:38 pm Kaysar and Bayleigh
Kaysar – I’m trying not to make waves. I’m trying just to chill
Bayleigh – Ok mister I got safety
Kaysar – what was I supposed to do
Bayleigh – that was what I expected that was a perfect move
Kaysar – I’m not an idiot I knew he was coming after me. I didn’t know until a minute before it happened I looked at his face and I was. You think I’m stupid? C’mon man.
Bayleigh – smartest thing you could have done
Kaysar – Man I think people are still asleep in the honeymoon period thinking this isn’t Allstars. These people didn’t get here by accident. I don’t’ know if you remember about me but I don’t play that game

“I Don’t Trust Him At All He Looks Like Count Dracula”
10:00 am Cody and Enzo
Cody says he would rather Keesha goes over Kevin.
Cody says he likes Tyler.
Enzo says he likes Tyler “But watch out”
Enzo – Kaysar, and Janelle are together
Cody – if Janelle starts playing in COmps and gets into the groove and starts winning she’s not going to f***iung lose

Cody “I think I’m just going to go Keesha / Kevin. Like nothing crazy.”
12:20am HOH room. Tyler and Cody.
Tyler – What are you thinking? How are you feeling? Cody – I feel good. Its going to be what its going to be tomorrow. I think I am just going to go Keesha / Kevin. Like nothing crazy. I am just chilling with them the least and if I am going based on and not going to smash someone that is like not going to cause any rifts. And its like opened my eyes the whole Kaysar and Janelle.. like you guys ..the people that I had conversations with must have felt like kinda some kind of way like comfortable enough to .. oh I don’t need to rush into that .. I will just wait and see. Tyler – right.

Kaysar “I don’t want it to be me versus Cody and people are just sitting back staying out of harms way.”
DaV – I don’t know what is happening. No one is talking game to me. Kevin – I know. DaV – so if you’re not talking game to me that seeds the paranoia. Kevin – but it also could be good instincts. I oscillate back and forth.
DaV – and then I don’t want to keep bouncing back and forth around this house because that looks creepy. Trying to see where I fit in. Kevin – I feel like I don’t know where I fit in .. maybe that is what it is. DaV – and even talking to people I have to worry about that because if you’re a liked person they could send you out because of that.

“We’re an older cast… We will be targeted just for that”
3:01 pm Keesha and Janelle
J – I don’t want to do nothing and get taken out this week
K – like the first week
K – we’re an older cast
J – We will be targeted just for that
Janelle warns people will see them together and say “These older people are working together they’re easy to take out”
Keesha says that was she feels is going on “Kaysar was saying we’re kinda awkward”
Keesha – it’s so weird in here.
Neither of them feels safe.
J – I would be an idiot if I thought I was f*ing safe.. right
K – Me too, I feel like some people do feel they are safe

“I don’t have a read yet but I’m trying to keep an eye on Cody and Tyler”
10:34 am Kaysar and Dani
Dani – is there anyone you feel like you don’t like?
Kaysar – I don’t have a read yet but I’m trying to keep an eye on Cody and Tyler
Dani – Tyler is really nice
Kaysar – yes but that is exactly what he’s good at
Dani – that’s his game yeah
Kaysar – he’s the nicest guy in the world and
Kaysar – everyone has their natural state when you have high amounts of stress they resolve to what they are most comfortable with and that is their character.
Kaysar – the advantage we have in Allstars is we know what people will resort to you know how they are and they will always go back to that

Big Brother 22 – Kevin “He called me a racial slur to my face. He told me to go back to whatever country I came from.”
11:25pm In the bedroom. Kevin, Daniele, DaVonne, Bay, Enzo. DaVonne – how was it playing with Chima, Kevin? Kevin – She’s amazing. She’s a strong woman. Janelle joins them. Kevin – we’re talking about people kicked off the show. DaVonne – I would have loved to be a fly on the wall just for that week. Kevin – she didn’t throw it (her mic) in the pool .. she threw it on the grass and it bounced. Kevin – There was a player that was actually racist .. he called me a racial slur on the show.. Like not even suggesting. He called me a racial slur to my face. Janelle – I remember that .. the surfer guy right? Kevin – yeah.

Big Brother 22 Cast Reveal and First HOH Results
Ohh BOY here it is. The Big Brother 22 ALLSTARS 2 cast. Super surprised CBS was able to drag a couple of these folks off social media to be on Big Brother for 3 months. Good work CBS you did the unthinkable. I am happy we got a season and an AllStars some great names […]

Exclusive OnlineBigBrother Wrap Party Experience
Hey everybody! First and foremost I’d like to thank onlinebigbrother.com for the opportunity to attend the Big Brother 13 wrap party!! I’ve been living out of the country and the party happened to perfectly coincide with my travel plans back to the states! I was really excited when Simon informed me that I had won. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a wrap party but as Big Brother goes, expect the unexpected. I got to Tru Hollywood at about 5:50, the party was set to begin at 6. Of course everyone in line was talking about the show and who their favorite people were. I was surprised to see so many Rachel fans. Sorry in advance to those of you who are Rachel fans but she didn’t win me over this season or in person but it’s okay we can still be friends. Unfortunately they were running behind letting
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie Explains the Medical profession “gays cannot become Doctors”
12:05pm Everyone Sleeping. Late last night around 1:00am they were talking about Michele and how she is a Doctor. Jordan was confused about how you can be called a Doctor but not be a medical Doctor. Kevin explains to her that you can be a Doctor of anything and it doesn’t mean […]
Big Brother 11 – Final HOH Results Part 1 of 3 Kevin is HOH Winner
9:45pm Everyone still on the log.. Natalie won’t keep her mouth shut telling Jordan she’ll be able to stand up on the log all night. Jordan asks Natalie how long did they stay up during the BB8 HOH endurance? Natalie tells her 9 Hours Jordan “OH mY GOD!” Jordan than says there is no way […]