Kat – I can’t believe this! The story line is amazing! Cliff – we should be good. Kat – well I hope you’re not going to put me up. Cliff – no we’re good. I will get you involved up there in what we need to do going forward. Kat – I know, I can’t wait to talk but I mean.. Cliff – we’ll talk tomorrow. Let it marinate. Kat – I can’t believe it! I can but I can’t .. so exciting!! Cliff goes to the washroom. Jess joins Kat. Jess – I’m feeling so good right now. Kat – I know. Jess – that was crazy. They hug. Kat – we will be good. Kat leaves. Cliff comes out of the washroom. Jess – I’m so friggin’ happy for you.
Tag: Kemi Faknule

Jackson “Put it on my headstone.. Day 30 Nick & Bella go on the block.”
8pm Boat room. Tommy, Jackson, Holly and Jack.
Jack – I already put the target on my back by what I did. I’m the guy that’s going to go up. Jackson – I came in here to back you up. Jack – I know and you did. But you don’t need to put a bigger target on your back. At this point if they win, I’m the one that goes up on the block with Sis or.. Holly – he still hates me. Jack – but its not going to happen, we’re going to win HOH. Jackson – put it on my headstone.. Day 30 Nick & Bella go on the block. I am so sick and tired of playing buddy buddy and fake in this house. I am going to draw a line in the sand if no one else will.

Big Brother 21 Week 3 Recap and Live Eviction Results
The Monday to Wednesday gap this week wasn’t the best. Other than Christie’s 9 years of PMS it was devoid of drama. Gr8tful or more specifically shitshooters still control the house. There is minor jockeying going on between their members but it’s all surface stuff. With that said Tonight there are major things happening in […]

Jack “This game is going to be nuts once we make this move with Nick & Bella dude!”
8pm Camp Comeback room. Kat is laying with David. They talk about how theres nothing to do at times. David – it gets tough especially when there’s game talk happening and no one wants to talk to you. Kat – don’t people talk game with you? David – not really. Kat – if you get back, don’t tell anyone anything that I’ve told you because it would f**k me over. David – yeah, I’m not going to do you like that. I’ve got you. Kat – I don’t even want to put that out there that you won’t. You will. I just have a feeling you’ll be back.

“God forbid. What if at the last second only me, Tommy and Jack wind up voting out Cliff and Cliff stays”
3:34 pm Sis and Christie
Christie – I don’t understand the point, God forbid. What if at the last second only me Tommy and Jack wind up voting out Cliff and CLiff stays
Christie is worried if Michie and Holly are flipping their votes leaving Christie, Tommy, Sis, and Jack to be the only people voting out Cliff.
Sis – no you’re crazy
Sis and Christie want to tell Kat.
Christie – I don’t want Michie to think he’s president and makes all the executive decisions
Christie says Jack and Jackson had a final 2, “they think they can run everything” . Adds she wants to call them all in and make it clear they have to make this a group decision.

“I don’t think they will create waves.. I’m not even going to put that energy in the air. Should be 10 – 0”
1:33 pm Cliff and Nick
Nick – there shouldn’t be any surprises
Nick – everyone I talked to said Nicole is going home there hasn’t been any blindsides yet
Nick – why would anyone want to cause a ripple
Cliff doesn’t want anyone to be tricky
Cliff – You need 5 then you can break it
Nick – I know Bella, Sam and Kat are definite and Tommy there’s four. Jess will vote out Nicol too

Sam “House Guests can lie about powers if they say that someone else has the power.”
Camp Comeback room. Ovi – If you vote me back in I can show you that I can compete in these competitions. I know my days in and stuff like that.. if you want to see a true underdog story.. I know I can get far in this game. I think I can get really far if I can mesh my way back into the game. I can go the distance. So that’s my argument as to why you should vote me back into this game honestly. I’m not going to talk about representation because I

“I’m really coming in I really want to destroy the Legion of Doom”
Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household Winner – Nick
Nominations – Jessica Nicole and Cliff
Vote Intentions – Nick wants Nicole, 6shooters want Cliff
Power of Veto Players are Nick, Jackson, Jessica (picked Christie), Cliff, Kat
Power of Veto winner – KAT
Power of Veto Ceremony results – Kat uses Veto on Jess. Nicole is the replacement.
3:30 pm David and Ovi
Ovi – thw way they (the other players) speak to us is different because they think they can treat us .. that’s dumb a person that’s playing it perfectly you know who it is
David – Sam
Ovi – he is treating us like nothing different
Ovi – we’re not asking people … just have conversations with us
They talk about how they wouldn’t treat anyone different if the rolls were reversed.
Ovi – we know what it’s like to be different and like to be pushed aside in actual real life

“If I win HOH, I wouldn’t because [Sis] in my alliance but she’s the one I wouldn’t really want here”
12:35 pm Holly and Kat
Holly – she (sis) tells Nick she would date him in the real world
Holly – she told Nick that umm.. that if she got to him first she would be dating him
Kat laughs
Holly – she tells Jackson that she wants to marry him after this in the real world. How have you not heard any of this
Kat – I don’t know
Holly – It makes me uncomfortable. please don’t tell her
Kat – I don’t sis’ energy she brings.
Kat – I feel like you guys flirt with her all the time I never hear her flirt back

Tommy “Ladies and gentlemen, in a surprise Kicked Out Eviction!”
8:05pm Boat room. Kemi & Nicole. Kemi – Honestly with everyone I just need to turn on my game face. The fake social-ness. Like really turn it on. Tomorrow I think I am going to grab Holly and have a deep like one on one with her. I don’t want to manipulate anyone or anything and Jackson too. Because I know that Jackson knows I feel very comfortable with him and its the same reason I feel comfortable around Holly. They’re just comforting people to be around. Nick, I want to get that back in check! Then I want to cement it with a conversation with Sam about how I really like him as a person.

“I was going to throw up.. he was going to put me up. I was really scared guys.. I threatened him”
Christie – guys I really don’t know if I’m going crazy or if that was really going to happen
Christie – I really think it was going to happen
Sis – you do
Christie – yeah I do
Christie tells Sis she has a power
Jack – ok
Christie – I scared him
Jack – what did you say to him
Christie – So I have the power
Sis – you do
Christie – I threatened him basically, I knew I was going up
Christie – it’s the Diamond Power of Veto
Jack – what does it do

“I’m freaking out.. Nick said a million comments this morning about a red flame, I’m going up”
12:18 am Christie and kat
Christie – I’m going up
Kat – are you serious
Christie is crying .. Kat I’m going up.. I’m going up …
Christie – Nick is making comments to me all day.. Holly was carving a heart in the cardboard and he goes carve a flame a red flame and I’ll light it on fire
Christie – then he turns around and goes to me Christie, you would never f* with me right
kat – no
Christie – Kat, I’m going and they’re going to get me out because they think the 6 of us are a team .. I wish I could talk to Jess right now too. Look they are putting me up Kat I have to stay calm but I know they are putting me up .. I’m positive. I heard him and then I went outside