The two-hour finale starts at 6:00 pm PST. As is the drill It will show copious amounts of filler and pharmaceutical/political commercials. In between, we’ll see the last two parts of the Final HOH. Part 2 for which we know Cody wins and part 3 where Cody and Nicole will face off. We’ll see the questions from the jury, the final vote, and America’s favorite player (if there is one.. lol) From what I’ve seen I think Cody and Nicole will take each other to the end. Cody should win this season but of course, it’s 2020 and I’m fully expecting some sort of upset. Cody winning final HOH taking Nicole only to lose again would be a perfect end to this fantastic year.
Tag: Kaysar Ridha

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 6 review and eviction results
Another fun week in the Big Brother 22 allstars house. Dani won this seasons WALL Head of Household competition and Nominated Kevin/David. Her target was either one with a slight preference for Kevin. She also floated out the idea of putting Tyler up if Veto or Power is played. A couple hours after the nomination ceremony David uses his Disruptor power forcing Dani to nominate another person. As planned she took this chance to get Tyler on the block. At this point the target still seems to be Kevin but the idea of Tyler going is being suggested.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 5 review and eviction results
This Big Brother week went as planned for the majority alliances in the house. Christmas won the Head of household beating out Da’Vonne in the final 2 of Filter Face off competition. Christmas nominates Bayleigh and Da’Vonne it benefits her allies, break up a couple, Bayleigh is getting a little too sassy and something about untouchables. The Veto is played and Christmas the “Comp beast” wins again. There was a lot of chatter from houseguests to nominate Dani, Ian, Tyler and of course not use the veto. Ultimately Christmas doesn’t use the veto and the nominations stay the same. Bayleigh will be evicted.

“Play hard win that F**ing veto so we can put someone that is deserving .. more deserving to be up there”
Day asks if the nominations stay the same does she have Christmas’ support “I have to ask you otherwise i’m not doing my job as a player”
Christmas – truly I pray that one of you get the veto then we have to have a continued conversation that is my ideal situation I want to see you play this game. Without getting into too much some things have bubbled up.. POPED off in the last 24 hours it puts some different light on the game for me.
Christmas – I meant what I said here and I want to remind you of that.. Play hard win that F**ing veto so we can put someone that is deserving .. more deserving to be up there (if there’s more deserving people why not put them up?)
Christmas – I told Bayleigh if the veto is won I would like to have a conversation about …
Day – ok .. ok … ok.. ok …

After getting a power “I literally started crying..I couldn’t stop crying I was so upset it’s horrible”
1:20 am Cody and Dani
Cody – I just can’t sleep
Dani – crap on your mind
Cody – not really
Cody says he’s just tossing and turning and sweating
Dani – what do you think it will be like Tomorrow
Cody – Bayleigh just said to me i’ll get crazier tomorrow and she just walked away
Cody – she was saying some weird stuff.. like it’s a individual game blah blah blah.. someone with the power might not use it..
Dani asks for details
Cody – I’m just speculating.. I’m just over this hole f**ing thing. I’m over being the person this season that is always the pit fall. well you’re friendly with everyone
Cody – I’m the only person in this game that hasn’t been yanked into a room and this is the 5th week. So why am I the one doing all the sh1t while I’m the only person that hasn’t been yanked into a room

Day “Remember when Kevin got nominated week one and he said don’t shun me.. why haven’t I seen him?!”
9:53pm Bathroom. Bay and Day.
Day – why is she crying!? What the f**k!? Bay – MMMhhmmm..and you know who is hugging her? (See photo above – Christmas and Cody) Day – I saw! Girl I saw! Good job! Thank you for being my pet. Bay – I took one for the team. Day – right!? That you’re not even really a part of. Bay – she (Christmas) literally said you’re the person that talks game with me the most. Day laughs. Day – remember when Kevin got nominated week one and he said don’t shun me.. why haven’t I seen him?! Bay smiles and says – that’s your friend. This is about him.. he isn’t worried about us.

Nomination Results! “I wanted to work with you because you’re a bada$$ b***h!”
Bay and Day in the bedroom.
Bay this is the part that bothers me that she still thinks that she (Christmas) can be anywhere on these people’s list. Flip on us who have your back just to jump in line over there to be at the bottom. That is serious! These people are sick. Day – I need you to keep that fire. I need you to keep that fuel. I need you to fight! Bay – You know what is crazy I don’t mind fighting.. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. I just don’t like these people. So in my head I am like why do I keep putting myself around people that are not for me.

“She’s so f***ing stupid.. Bayleigh cannot be in Jury dude She’s gotta f**ing go”
1:50 pm Cody and Tyler
Tyler – I hope to god Christmas is not feeling bad for Bayleigh.
Tyler says bayleigh all makes herself the victim
Cody – did she do that on your season
Tyler- yes on every season . She always wants to be the victim
Tyler- Bayleigh cannot be in Jury dude She’s gotta f**ing go. We need to get her out of here I’m telling you
Tyler – Nicole said Ian was about to go home last night.
Tyler- Bayleigh was corning him making sh1t up like Nicole was coming for him

“There will be a emotional reaction, take out the second one next week and we’re good”
1:44 am Enzo and Christmas
Christmas – Tyler is really by the book for this game he doesn’t let his emotions get in the way
Christmas – I hope my game is similar to his
Enzo – taht’s who I’m playing this season
Christmas – and don’t cross me
Enzo – if you are loyal to and you already proved that to me I proved it to you. I got your f**ing back whoever we f**Ing take out we f***ing take out
Enzo – Ian’s awesome like him
Christmas – he got in some mix today. this whole day has been weird.
They agree Ian threw the competition today
Enzo – he didn’t want to choose anybody
Christmas – that’s why

Bay “Sorry I have anger issues.. I really will k!ll somebody or I will lash out!”
Outside the HOH room. Bay and Day.
Day – are you okay!? What the f**k?! Why?! Bay – Sorry I have anger issues.. I am walking through the kitchen and I was already irritated because of the whole Ian thing .. so apparently he is going back to Nicole and saying I am so sorry it spiraled out of control and I spread all these rumors to Kaysar. I told him that Bay and Day were coming for me. And I made up a lie that you were the one that told me to do it. He just spills everything. And this week I thought that you and Bay were in an alliance and that you were conspiring against me. I just went off the handle. So I get up and I walk out and I am walking through the kitchen and Dani is staring at me. So I just go HEY, I don’t know what I did to offend you but I apologize.

Big Brother 22 All-Stars week 4 review and eviction results
Janelle was evicted last week by a vote of 9 to 2. The preceding Head of household competition was close with Kaysar having a chance of winning (if only) but it just wasn’t meant to be. Enzo pulls out the win in the end YO YO YOing all the way to the HOH room. Right […]

Enzo “You were The Hitmen. We were The Brigade. You were Level Six.” Cody “We’re Triple Thr3at”
7:46pm -8:45pm HOH room. Enzo, Cody and Tyler.
Enzo – what are we going to call ourselves. Cody – I want to be The bandits. Tyler – I’m already the bantit. Enzo – what about the elite three. No?! Is that too f**king cheesy. Tyler – you’ve got to come up with it whatever it is .. but that ain’t it. Cody – just start spit balling. Say anything that comes to your head. Enzo – the sneaky three, the elite three.. Why can’t we be the Bandits?! Because he is a bandit!?Got to be something.. got to name it something. You were the hitmen, we were the brigade, you (Tyler) were what? Tyler – Level Six.