2:15pm Haleigh and Kaycee
Haleigh – do you want to talk before nominations
K – I haven’t really been talking to anyone.. It’s getting harder and harder..
H – yeah
Kaycee – Obviously like .. there’s not a lot of people left in this house and to get the least amount of blood on my hands.. I’m sure you know what I have to do
Kaycee hopes Haleigh understands, “it’s hard but how to I not? do you know what I’m saying.. to get the least amount of blood on my hands.. ”
Kaycee – it was the same thing with you get the least amount of blood on your hands put me up the second time.. you know what I’m saying
Kaycee – it’s so shitty.. you know I care about you it’s shitty.. but I mean.. the vetos there.. you know
H – the Veto is always there
K – I don’t have any targets I really don’t