12:50am The House guests are in the backyard practicing for a competition. Matt whispers to Lane that he is going to chill in his Head of Household room and the brigade needs to assemble up there inconspicuously so they can talk. Enzo is talking about Peter Parker a spider that they named in the back […]
Tag: Kathy Hillis
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Brendon’s saving Rachel if he gets POV
10:30pm Brendon, Enzo, and Rachel Taj Room Enzo working b/r yo.There going over the sab theory’s Enzo is playing very friendly to them there laughing telling jokes. Brendon is acting tough saying he got into Ragan face today and he’s not scared to get into Matts face. Brendon says CBS and Big Brother production are […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Nominations are Today, and Brendon is Done Suck!ng peoples D!cks
4:51pm Backyard Lane and Hayden Lane asks him who he thinks they should take out this week, Brendon or Rachel. Hayden thinks that after his talk with Brendon in the Taj room he’s pretty sure that Brendon is broken they should Evict Rachel. Lane agrees “his heart is not in the game anymore”. Hayden: “right […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel Tells Ragan: I Think Logically I Think Strategically I Make Powermoves
8:30pm Hammock Hayden and Ragan Ragan basically tells Hayden the same thing to Hayden that he did to Kristen, There hard votes and easy votes get the hard votes first. He recommends they talk to Brendon and Rachel and tell people to vote based on which player will take them farther in the game. Ragan […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Hayden to Barbra Streisand “The only way to stay is to get Kathy up on the block”
8:15pm Jumanji and Have nots room Kathy and Kristen talking through the door at Hayden in the havenots room. Kathy tells them that it’s just the 3 of them in the house, everyone else has turned against them. They tell Hayden about there plan to talk to Brit, hayden doesn’t think there is a […]
**update** Big Brother 12 Spoilers – POV Competition Set up “It’s a crap shoot yo”
SEE what they CAN’T show you on TV! 3 Day FREE Trial 8:15pm POV competition is setup outside for the houseguests to practice Everyone is waiting in line to give it a shot. basically it’s like a giant pinball machine without the side paddle you pull back on a piston and fire a […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Rachel Must Be HOH She’s Making Faces again
10:30ish Backyard feed leak we can see production preparing for tomorrows competition 10:30pm – 11:15pm Jumanji Room everyone except for Hayden and Kristen who are in the Cabana room. They are doing a Big Brother rap, Enzo’s the drums and Ragan is doing the rhymes. Some house guests are throwing in their own raps.. sounds […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers Fights erupting – Catch it all on the LIVE FEEDS! Free Trial!!
Watch all drama on FLASHBACK! FREE3 Day Trial 6:25pm Rachel and Brendon start talking about what they should do whether to keep Monet or Matt. Rachel says she that she doesn’t trust Monet, but that the girls will come after others. Brendon says Monet is first and then Matt next week. Brendon says that […]
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Hayden tells Kristen that the Brendon/Rachel showmance is disgusting.
3:40pm Monet and Enzo are talking in the Have not room. Enzo says that he thinks Kathy would be a great replacement nomination …. ..then he says that Andrew would be an even better choice. Monet says they wont do that, ..they want to put up someone who’s guaranteed to stay. Enzo says that they better not put him up as a pawn because he will go after them next week. Enzo says that he wants HOH …but not just yet he wants to watch people and see what everyone is like and then get HOH, put two people up and back door someone.
Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Britney WON the Power Of Veto!!
This Big Brother Spoiler starts off with Britney winning the POV. Rachel and Brendon as the HOH power block are trying to decide what they will do if Britney uses the POV. Briteny is going to use it and she wants to try and get Brenchel to put up Kathy in hopes that she […]
Big Brother 12 “Hot Science Love Affair”
4:55pm Kitchen Brendon and Matt. Brendon was certain he was going home this week, he says it was obvious because of the way everyone acted. They go back and forth about how everyone treats Brendon Differently because now he’s safe. Brendon says he has a degree in Physics and Rachel has a degree in Chemistry… […]
Big Brother Spoilage – Backyard Shenanigans in the BB house
12:20am Backyard Most the houseguests are sitting around chatting. The start talking about the “internet people” and how their glued to their screen 24/7 watching the live feeds. Hayden seem to know a lot about the feeds and tells them a bit about it. He explains that people get a subscription for the feeds through […]