midnight Tommy, Christie and SIS
T – Christie I love you and I’m really sorry
Sis brings up her conversation with Jackson earlier today. “He told me he didn’t owe it to me because of what he heard in camp comeback and because right after the big blow-up with Jack he just felt really alone. he didn’t owe it to anyone to tell what he was doing”
Sis – then he was saying how.. he put me up knowing you would go home against me I was just like I get it but why would you put me up against someone… I mean I wasn’t throwing you under the bus.
Sis – I was like why would you put someone on the block that made a deal and left you out of it.. he’s like I know I get he would have left up against Christie. (I think she’s implying Cliff, why didn’t Jackson put up Cliff)
Sis – I was saying it just sucks because we could have all been in a 5 person thing and totally had each other’s back and now it sucks because if we still wanted to or something like now it’s hard (LOL) down a number I lost someone.. I’m losing a number, Tommy’s losing a number, Nick’s losing a number, You’re losing a number and he was like I KNOW but that’s just the risk I’m going to have to take
Sis – I pitched to Tommy maybe the deal or something. Tommy thinks it’s worth a shot