12:30pm Kalia and Porsche are getting settled in the havenot room. Kalia comments on how the kitchen table isn’t smaller. Porsche leaves. Kalia starts to cry and Shelly walks in. Kalia starts crying and tells Shelly about her whole conversation with Jeff. Kalia says that it would be the worst if she lost Dani this week. Kalia says that she knows that Jeff wants Porsche out but she can’t deny the fact that all of us are on the other side. Kalia says that she is not a snitch and wouldn’t throw people under the bus …but that she told Jeff about how he can’t trust Rachel. Kalia starts going off about how disgusting Rachel is and how she was very much a part of trying to back door Jeff. Kalia says that she thinks that Jordan giving Shelly the phone call definitely shows they think you are with them. Kalia says that she stands by what she has said and done. Kalia starts crying some more and says that she isn’t sure this is all worth it. They start talking about the competition.
Tag: Kalia Booker

Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff got to choose the HAVENOTS this week and he picked Kalia, Dani and Porsche! *Updated*
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Jeff got to choose the HAVENOTS this week and he picked Kalia, Dani and Porsche!
11:50am Big Brother calls an end to the outdoor lock down. All of the houseguests head inside to discover that America voted the havenots this week to eat hard boiled eggs and Jalapenos. Porsche looks at the camera and says ….I should have had a bigger breakfast! Shelly says those Jalapenos are hot!! Rachel tries one and says they’re hot! Meanwhile Dani and Porsche are in the candy bedroom. Dani wonders if she will get real food for her birthday. Porsche says Adam did. Porsche says should I have not said …does this mean I am not nominated now? They talk abotu how they don’t want to sleep in the havenot room. Dani says that this is bullshit …that Big Brother didn’t even give us a have/havenot competition ..and to just pick 3 people at random. Kalia joins them. Dani says thanks guys for not winning HOH this week! Porsche says she wants to go read about Jonah.. Kalia and Dani laugh …you idiot its Judas… Dani says go eat a baby. Go eat a hardboiled egg. Porsche says that she almost made it without being a havenot this season. Kalia leaves. Dani tells Porsche that Kalia is going to be miserable this week…
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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says the bathroom smells like cigarettes ..Adam did you poop them? Of all things I thought it would be bacon.. *Updated*
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8:35am Shelly wakes up and starts her morning routine of smoking, drinking coffee and then cleaning the bbhouse. At 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Rachel is out in the backyard talking to Shelly. They discuss how their legs are sore from last night’s HOH competition. Dani goes into the bathroom where Adam is.. she says that the washroom smells like cigarettes. Adam says he just had a smoke and then went in there. Dani asks you pooped cigarettes. Adam says yeah. Dani says of all things I though you would have pooped bacon. Adam then grabs Jordans Tutu and goes into the candy bedroom to do a dance. Dani tells Kalia to go back to sleep until she has a better attitude. Kalia tell Dani to go back asleep. Adam then heads out into the backyard for another smoke. Meanwhile, up in the HOH room Jeff and Jordan wake up and start to get ready for the day. Jeff talks about wanting a big breakfast. Jeff asks Jordan if she has anything for the laundry. Jordan says all she has is her unitard. Jeff says good point. Jeff asks what time did she say …10:30am? (Have/HaveNot competition?) Jordan says yeah. Jeff heads down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Rachel is in the kitchen cutting up a melon. Jeff, Adam, Jordan and Rachel complain about being sore from the competition.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff plans on nominating Kalia & Porsche… and if he gets the chance he will back door Dani..
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12:10am Jeff and Adam head down from the HOH room. Adam goes to the metal room and Shelly asks him if he already went up there to kiss butt. Adam says yeah. Dani says shocker. Rachel comes in to the metal room and says that she wants to go to bed. Shelly tells her there are new sheets in the dresser if she doesn’t want to use the ones Porsche had on the bed. Rachel grabs new sheets and then questions them about where her little beanie dog is …if anyone has seen it. Everyone says no. Rachel glares at them. Jeff comes into the bedroom to grab his clothes. Porsche asks him if Jeff and Jordan want to be alone or if they want to play 20 questions. Jeff asks oh down here? Porsche says …or up there? Jeff says aren’t you guys tired? Porsche says a little but I napped right after. Jeff heads up to the HOH room. Jeff tells Jordan that at least up here you don’t have to put that thing on to go to the bathroom. Jordan says I hope not. Jordan goes to head downstairs and tells Jeff she has one more day and then she will be done with this stupid thing (humilitard). Meanwhile down in the metal room. Shelly and Dani start talking about being called into the diary room and big brother cuts the live feeds. Rachel tells them if they find her do they can just throw him in the havenot room. Rachel is huffing and puffing around.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says I bet Shelly was a fan of Britney … she was a b!tch that talked sh!t behind people’s backs too.. *Updated*
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1:10pm When the live feeds come back from the TRIVIA screen.. Jeff, Jordan, Kalia and Adam are in the kitchen making lunch. Adam tells Jeff that he is a horny little devil this morning. Jordan tries to hug Jeff and he grabs her arms and says get out of here! Jordan laughs. Porsche joins them in the kitchen. Dani is in the candy bedroom trying to sleep. Brendon and Rachel are in the lounge room talking and playing cards. They finish up their card game. Rachel asks for a massage. Brendon says for you? ..that’s not fun… maybe later I’ll give you one.. how about you give me one? Rachel says okay. Rachel says that all the girls in the house are BLANK. Rachel says I bet Shelly was a fan of Britney from their season… she was a BLANK that talked BLANK behind people’s faces too. Rachel and Brendon discuss how they think they will find out about the jury tonight. Brendon complains about the golden key holders getting to get by for a month without doing anything.. …everyone benefited from us being here but us … Jeff and Jordan used us. Brendon tells Rachel that they should go lay down because by 6pm she will be tired. Rachel complains that she isn’t tired and doesn’t want to. Brendon convinces her to …and they go lay down in the candy bedroom. Shelly is now in the havenot room vacuuming the bed and window sills.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon gets pissed at Rachel ..tells her to stop it ..and get away from him.. *Updated*
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11am Brendon comes into the lounge room and asks Rachel to get everything they want to have up in the HOH room together. Rachel says that all she wants is a blanket. Brendon says okay ..because I want to be one of the first people up there to grab the couch. Brendon suggests bringing up the cards. Rachel says that she was thinking of taking a nap …but she could play cards too. Rachel says I hope it is a hanging competition. Brendon says that she can’t let Shelly win. Rachel laughs and says Shelly can’t win anything. Brendon talks about how the double eviction gos so fast. They start playing cards. Brendon says that he is going to give a great speech today… Rachel asks are you going to be nice. Brendon says that he might say something about the floaters in the end of his speech. Brendon wonders if he is in the jury or not. Rachel is happy. Brendon says you’re just happy because you’re winning at the card game. Brendon says I love you but sometimes I want to ring you neck… Rachel asks what? Brendon says nothing.. it’s probably better that way… Rachel tries to cheat when they add up their scores. Brendon ends up winning ..and says that he is unbeatable.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says they think I’m weak without you ..but I’m not..
9:10am – 10:10am Shelly wakes up and heads into the kitchen, she makes coffee and then sits at the kitchen counter by herself staring off at the memory wall… Brendon gets up, goes to the bathroom and then heads back to bed. All the houseguests other than Shelly are still fast asleep. The houseguests are on an indoor lock down as Big Brother prepares the backyard for tonights LIVE show and HOH competition.
10:20am – 10:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests.. When the live feeds come back, Brendon and Rachel are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Porsche and Adam are laying in bed trying to sleep. Shelly comes in and says to Porsche …maybe if I go in the bathroom to shower they will leave. Porsche says no because then they’ll come in here. Shelly says that maybe they’ll go in the purple room ..their bed away from bed. Shelly goes into the bathroom and starts to take a shower. Rachel asks if she is having a shower now? Shelly says yeah is that okay? Rachel says no. Shelly says well too bad. Rachel heads into the kitchen and jokes with Brendon that she will make things really dirty in the house and take away people food. Rachel and Brendon talk about how they think Jeff threw the POV competition… just to win more money and not have to use the veto. Rachel says that they think I am weak without you …but I’m not!
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel promises that she is going to make everyone scramble, fight and turn on each other when she wins HOH this week..
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12am In the lounge room, Rachel and Brendon are talking. Rachel is talking about how Jeff and Jordan say that they won’t vote for Brendon to stay. Rachel is pissed at Jeff and Jordan and continues to talk about the fight that happened earlier in the day. Rachel says that Jeff and Jordan wouldn’t even play cards with them earlier. Rachel promises that she is going to make everyone scramble, fight and turn on each other when she win HOH this week. Rachel says that she has no other options …that if she doesn’t win HOH this week she will be the next one going home. Rachel says that she thinks if Jeff won HOH this week, he would nominate her. Brendon tells Rachel that he doesn’t think Jeff would do that. Rachel says that if she wins HOH she will nominate Jeff and Dani, and if Jeff comes off the block …then Rachel says that she will nominate Jordan.
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Big Brother Spoilers- Adam’s 3 Things when he gets out 1) Watch TV 2) Hits from tha Bong 3) be with Fara
8:12pm Kitchen Dani, Prosche, Kalia, Shelly are joking around saying that Adam’s top 3 things when he gets out are Smoking pot, Seeing Fara and checking out his facebook Fanpage.
8:59pm Adam wakes up. Dani makes a big deal about it because 30minutes ago she guessed he would wake up at 9.
9:30pm Dani is reading the Rule book gets called into the DR
Shelly walking around cleanign random things. Kalia and Porsche talk about Racndom things like what they are going to do tonight, “Shave my legs, Listen to music, Take a bath”
Brendon, Adam, Rachel are in the kitchen playing cards.. cht chat.
(Just a side note.. Shelly is getting very friendly with DKP she’s altered her social game a lot She’s still creepy loyal to JJ but she’s able to plug into other groups socially with ease even after they outed her for numerous LIES. )
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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche refuses to Give Brendon her vote, BR Pissed “Good luck Then I’ll see you in jury”
5:46pm Purple room BR (Mega whispering, unfortunately you can’t hear it all) Brendon says if Jeff wins HOH he’s not going to put Rachel up.. he’s going to backdoor Dani because he’s too scared to put her straight up. Brendon is nowe sure that Kalia and Porsche will go up. Rachel says if she wins maybe she will put up Kalia and Shelly and Backdoor Dani. Brendon isn’t sure about that thinks she’ll make too many enemies.. After a bit of thought BRendon decides that no matter what Rachel does she will make enemies.
Brendon explains to her that JJSA and DKP will want Rachel on their side.. she needs to play it cool until she wins HOH.
Rachel says Adam is the wild card he really knows his days/bb13 dates better than anyone. Brendon isn’t sure he’ll be able to “RBing it” he might get nervous during the comp. Brendon believes that your confidence in the comps is more important than your ability. He’s seen too many times very capable players fall to pieces under pressure. Brendon doesn’t think Shelly, Adam or Jordan will win comps. He’s thinking the wins will be Dani, Porsche and Jeff. this is why she has to stay in a good standing with those 3.
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Big Brother 13: Brendon tells Rachel to Play both sides. Rachel: “I’m going to make them all f*ck!ng dance next week”
3:33pm Backyard Lawn Chair BR
They talkign about how much they hate everyone else in the house. Brendon recapping his conversation with JEff.. How jeff says to him that JJ are still on BR side. Brendon: “F that you’re on my side.. thanks for sending my fiancee home since we’re on the same side. Rachel thanks Brendon for sticking up for her with JJ earlier today. brendon says not problem mentions that JJ will do whatever they need to do to make it till the end. BRendon insrtucts her to play nice with everyone in the house, whichever side gets power make sure you’re in good with them. He doesn’t want to see rachel talkign shit about Jeff, porsche, Shelly or Jordan becuase you never know they might have the power next week.
Rachel “jordan is so f-ing stupid.. she’s going to make it to final 3 and not do anything this year”
Brendon says something about JJ not being a couple, “After the show they will disappear and We’re going to discover a year from now that they are not a couple anymore” (Brendon flashback if you wish (3:33- 4:00 cam 3)
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Big Brother 13: Shelly and Jordan defend Jeff’s temper say it’s because he’s from the North
2:21pm HOH Kalia and Dani
Kalia and Dani are 100% sure that Shelly will go with JJ after the vote on Thursday.. especially now that JJ will vote to evict Brendon.
Kalia: “So much for Shelly’s final 3 deal with us”
Dani laughs…
Dani: “It’s obvious we don’t have a deal with her after last week”
Dani thinks that Shelly isn’t going to win any HOH from here on in. Kalia agrees, She mentions how clueless Porsche is. Earlier today Kalia was trying to tell her that it’s a good thing JJ and Rachel are fighting but Prosche jsut didn’t seem to get it.
Dani it’s 4/4 now that we have rachel.. We’re in a really good spot. Kalia is a bit worried that Rachel may still be with JJ after they vote Brendon out. Kalia brings up hoe JJ are telling Rachel that regardless they don’t have the votes to save Brendon so instead of losing another person they will vote for Shelly to keep her. Dani doesn’t think it’ll matter in rachel’s head: “Rachel is pissed about it.. don’t worry she’ll move to us”
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