Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.. she is not pregnant.. *Updated*

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1:20pm Rachel comes out of the diary room and goes to the candy room to talk to Jordan. Rachel tells Jordan that she took a test and its negative. Rachel is not pregnant. Rachel says that if it was a different result then she wouldn’t have been disappointed. Jordan says oh good. Rachel says that is one less thing to stress out about… now I just need to figure out why I am sick. Jordan says that it might be stress. Rachel says maybe. Rachel tells Jordan that Shelly came up to her and asked if there is anything else they need to talk about or if there is anything else she can say to them. Rachel says that she said we are still thinking about it …and that we really need to win HOH. Rachel says that Shelly said if they do need to talk they can talk later. Rachel says that she misses Brendon. Rachel heads into the kitchen.

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Big Brother Spoilers: SURPRISE! Jordan & Rachel used the VETO, Adam & Shelly are on the block! *Updated*

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11:50am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Kalia and Porsche are in the HOH room. Kalia is telling Porsche that she would never willingly put Porsche up on the block and if she had to it would only because she had to and that she would be the pawn. Kalia and Porsche start going through all the scenarios of what might or could happen. Kalia says that Jordan is a really, really, really bad liar… and that anything that happened before was Jeff. Kalia says that if Jordan says its the four of us working together then .. we are working together.

Meanwhile out in the backyard, Adam, Jordan, Rachel and Shelly are talking. Rachel is talking about how the duo’s twist has been affecting the whole game. Jordan and Adam think that the twists are far from over, there will be another Pandora’s Box or something during the next HOH.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel is how many weeks late?? ..and thinks she isn’t feeling well because her period is coming.. *Updated*

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9:15am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Shelly and Adam are in the backyard smoking. Shelly says in case you haven’t noticed they are protecting themselves like mother and daughter. Kalia joins them in the backyard. They talk about how their bodies really take a beating in the big brother house. Kalia heads back into lay back down. Adam says that he is nervous. Shelly says don’t be nervous know we’re going up. Just think its more camera time. Adam says it’s not the camera time I want. Adam says that he wishes everything would just speed up. Shelly says that at least we know what is going to happen. Shelly and Adam discuss how everything changed because Porsche opened up Pandora’s box. Shelly says that $5,000 wasn’t worth it, especially after just getting through the fast forward. Adam says that they make it really tempting. Shelly says that 1% of the prize money is not worth it. Adam says that our fate is now in Jordan and Rachel’s hands and they will do what’s best for them. Adam decides to go lay back down. Meanwhile, Rachel and Jordan are laying in bed talking about how they need to buckle down and strap in win stuff. They try and go back to sleep. Adam comes in and gets back into bed. Rachel gets up and goes to the bathroom. Jordan gets up and Adam tells her that he really doesn’t like that Shelly is talking shit about everyone.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia and Porsche catch Shelly in yet another lie .. “How can she lie so much ..she’s a mom”

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12am All the houseguests are in the backyard but Porsche. Porsche is in the kitchen doing the dishes. Kalia and Rachel get scared by a wasp and Shelly comes to the rescue to kill it. Adam asks if everyone is going to bed. Rachel and Jordan head inside to go to bed. Porsche comes out side and say all the kids are going to bed its time to party. Adam asks Porsche when she is going to open up her Champaign bottle. Porsche asks I dunno when do you want to .. right now? Adam says its your bottle ..whenever you want it. Shelly says maybe tomorrow when we go on the block. Porsche asks what and make it a celebration? Adam says thats if she even uses the veto. Shelly says she is using it and we are going up on the block… Adam says we’ll see about that .. Shelly says why would she not use the veto.. Adam says lets see if we can convince her. Shelly says we will be sitting up in those chairs come Thursday. Porsche says if it was any other veto we would have a chance. They continue to talk about the veto competition. Porsche says that it was soft and cushy … so I could just squeeze it between my legs and just sit there… Shelly says …that’s what she said! They laugh. Porsche talks about how she’s softer now because she doesn’t do as much exercise as she does at home and work. Meanwhile Kalia, Jordan and Rachel are in the bathroom getting ready for bed. Rachel talks about her high school boyfriend that used to buy her pizza and Oreos every day because he thought he was being nice …but really he was making her fat.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel and Jordan want to save Adam and shake on keeping him 100% safe..

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1:40pm Rachel says that she doesn’t think Adam would nominate you. Jordan says she doesn’t think he would win HOH anyways. Rachel and Jordan agree they need to talk to him and make him feel comfortable. Rachel says that if we go to the final two there are more newbies in the jury house than vets. Adam joins them in the havenot room. Rachel and Jordan tell him that they are going over everything. Adam says that he doesn’t envy them. Jordan asks if Adam has a final two deal with Kalia? Adam pauses and says …did she present it to me … yes. Rachel says thank you for not lying to us. Adam explains that he felt really really bad how everything went down. Jordan talks about how Dani said that Adam was in on the plan. Adam says that knowing about a plan and being a part of a plan are two totally different things. Jordan says that she knows him and Rachel haven’t talked a lot of game.. Adam says he knows and doesn’t know why.. Jordan says that when Porsche one HOH he came to talk to them and that Shelly didn’t. Jordan says that he have helped you a lot in this game and if we help you again …then you really owe us. Jordan says just be honest … if you was to work with them ..then just tell us. Adam says that before the vote for Jeff happened they came to me and I said no.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jordan tells Adam that she has helped him a lot in the game…and if you doesn’t work with us.. then that is like a slap in the face..

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11:45am – 12:20pm Big Brother puts the houseguests on an outdoor lock down. Adam is laying out by the pool, while Jordan is in it swimming. Adam tells Jordan that he gave Rachel a pep talk this morning about keeping her head up. Jordan asks what Adam is thinking. Adam says he is just thinking about how crazy this game is… Jordan tells Adam that she is embarrassed about the way she acted on Thursday. Jordan asks him if he expected that of her. Adam says that the game does crazy things to you …and no one understands just what its like … he says that the people that are really close to her will understand and listen to her explanations of why she acted the way she did. Adam talks about hopefully we can look back and laugh about our time in this house. Adam says that he is similar to Jordan in that they both try and play inside the house how they would outside the house. Jordan tells Adam that she thinks she has helped him a lot in the game…and that if he doesn’t work with us …then that is like a slap in the face..

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia thinks Rachel and Jordan wont take Adam back even though he voted to try and save Jeff.. *UPDATE Shelly’s family receives DEATH threats*

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10:45am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Shelly and Adam are in the backyard talking about past competitions. Shelly says that she hopes she never has to hang off anything ever again… Adam says unless it’s your husband and daughter. Shelly says yeah. Adam heads inside. Meanwhile up in the HOH room, Porsche and Kalia are talking in bed. Porsche says we need to battle it out and get to the end. They talk about how Adam has done nothing. Porsche asks if Adam thinks he is safe with us and them? Kalia says that she thinks he is still with us and that what’s done is done and that it’s a big risk for him to go with Jordan and Rachel and that thinking they won’t put him up. Porsche says Jordan and Rachel know they can beat Shelly later. Kalia says but that’s after we solidify the final four with us.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel expresses her doubts with Jordan and that she is also worried about something else.. (Being Pregnant)

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12am In the candy room, Rachel, Jordan, and Adam are talking about the POV competition. They talk about how long Rachel was hanging up there. They all talk about how hard it was and says that they are all weaker now than in the beginning. Porsche says that outside the house she used to walk a lot more and now she just doesn’t …all we do is sleep an d eat. Adam says that he wonders what the secret about Dominic was… like maybe he was a full time super model. Porsche says I don’t think so … if he was a super model he wouldn’t be here… the secret I hear was that he was adopted. Porsche says that she did a Gatorade commercial with Peyton Manning, and was on the re-enactment on America’s Most Wanted and a few other commercials. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Shelly is sitting by herself at the kitchen table. Kalia comes in from coming out of the diary room and asks where everyone is. Kalia says that as soon as she finds something to worry about …it aggravates her …she is worried that she (Rachel) got something out of that room this morning. Kalia says that Adam asked if the fortune teller is going to do something soon. Shelly says well that is odd why would you bring that up all of a sudden. Kalia says that Porsche said that he was asking about it too. Shelly says that well she did get something .. there’s no reason why he would bring it up from nothing. Kalia wonders if Adam got something? Shelly says he could have…

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Big Brother 13 Spoilers – JR Win Veto **updated**

7:45pm PK Storage Room They are talking about Shelly being hurt and she’s in the DR right now. They start going over the comp, Kalia thinks she would of won it if she stood up higher. Kalia: “I looked over at you and you were standing” Porsche: “No I wasn’t doing good”
Porsche asks Kalia if they she thinks they are still good with JR.. Kalia thinks so.

Kalia brings up now they are both save.. they could of at least gotten one out.

Kalia says she’s going to start working Jordan maybe get her thinking to take out Rachel. Porsche thinks it’s a waste of time. Porsche points out that Rachel “carried” Jordan during that last comp Jordan is performance was really pathetic.

POrsche: “If they were smart they would get rid of Adam… I doubt they will even think about it”
Porsche knows they are close with Adam but he’s going to be dangerous in some quiz HOH comps. Kalia: “Shell and Adam don’t do anything.. they’re no better than Jordan but we need them for numbers.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says Rachel will name her baby Hammock, Purple room or HaveNot ..pulling and praying doesn’t work, use a condom for god’s sake!

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1pm – 1:20pm Kalia comes up to the HOH room. They talk about how Rachel keeps coming up and thought it was her again because she couldn’t see who it was because the spy screen is broken. Porsche talks about how she told Rachel she hid quackers in the toilet…and that Rachel said it was okay… Kalia says it’s not okay …trust me ..its just because you are HOH. They talk about what they think the POV competition will be… Kalia wonders if because there are bike parts all over the house ..maybe we have to put together a bike and then ride it. Porsche says I don’t think so because Adam has been pretty vocal about not being able to ride a bike. Kalia says that doesn’t mean he can’t sit on it. Kalia asks if they ever have had an endurance veto .. Adam says no ..because they need to show on the show who wins.. but maybe they could show it lapsed or something. Kalia tells them that Jordan was telling her that none of them would use the veto on her … Kalia says that she told her ..not necessarily true. Kalia says that Jordan was talking about how she wishes she could just get out of here… Kalia says I hope you want that because then you won’t try as hard for the POV.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jordan says she is really going to try for the veto because none of you will save us. Kalia says you don’t know that.. *Updated*

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11:20am Porsche, Kalia and Shelly are talking up in the HOH room. Porsche says that Rachel is really stressed out can see it in her eyes.. all she wants to do is go see Brendon. Shelly says well go see Brendon. Shelly says that she doesn’t even care …I can say whatever I want now. Kalia says that it is good if Rachel and Jordan think they have a chance to work with you (Shelly) or Adam. Kalia explains that if they even think there is a shot that if they don’t win there might be a chance that they won’t go up if they are feeling safe with someone else. Porsche gets called to the diary room. Kalia complains about how tired she is …but that once she gets out there she will be okay. Porsche says better be ..because I am going to be harnessed to you. Kalia says she will be. Kalia says that she really thinks the POV competition will be one where we hang on something because of how long they have been building out there. Kalia heads downstairs and says that she is going to go back to sleep..

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Big Brother Spoilers: Jordan says that she would tell Dani in her speech sorry ..but I guess you’re writing both of us a cheque. *Updated*

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8:30am – 9:40am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the live feeds come back, Porsche is the only one up and awake … she goes to the storage room changes her battery and then gets back into the HOH bed. Shelly gets up pours a glass of coke then gets back into bed. Kalia and Shelly have a short conversation about the backyard being on lock down for the POV today. Rachel wakes up, makes coffee and then tells Jordan. Rachel then asks if she want to study. Jordan gets up and they head into the bathroom. Rachel says that Shelly and Adam were up in the HOH talking to them last night. Rachel says and you know Adam is telling them everything (Events/days of the house). Jordan and Rachel go into the purple room. Jordan says that there is no reason why we shouldn’t win. Rachel agrees.
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Rachel and Jordan start going over the votes of the evicted houseguests. Rachel says that we need to win this week or I am out and you’ll be out next week. Rachel says we need to step up our game. They start guessing what type of POV competition it will be… Jordan keeps saying that it has to be something tailored to us because it’s a twist to save us… Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. When they come back, Jordan says that she feels like it’s her fault Jeff went home. Rachel says no ..even when Brendon went home it was all of us that fell out of the competition. They talk about how Porsche has been doing well and they think she was down playing how good she is…

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