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10am Adam and Shelly are talking in the backyard about the votes this week. Shelly tells him that she has his back. Adam reassures Shelly that he hasn’t heard anyone say anything bad about her. Adam tells her that if one of them from their side wins, we will see if they have the balls to put up a vet. Adam and Shelly talk about how neither of them have promised Porsche their votes when she came campaigning. Meanwhile, Brendon and Rachel are having a fight in the hammock. Rachel forgot to make sure their car was registered in California and that she forgot to pay a ticket. Rachel says that she is a lot more laid back than him. Brendon says yeah thats good for a party but not for making sure we don’t get charged extra money or making sure bills are paid on time. They start to make up. Brendon tells her that he is glad she is all talk and no bite. Rachel says thank god you are easily manipulated and controlled. Brendon says WHAT?! Then a plane flies over head and he yells GET ME OUT OF HERE!!
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