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8:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Rachel and Jordan are getting ready up in the HOH room. Jordan tells Rachel about how she talked with Adam after she left the HOH room to go to bed. Jordan says that her and Adam were talking about and about how they talked about the different scenarios. Rachel says that there are there is still a lot of game left to play. Rachel says that she doesn’t think this will be a full week. Rachel and Jordan are talking about how maybe there will be a double eviction or another fast forward. Rachel wonders if there will be a night time veto tonight… if we have nominations this morning then maybe it will be. Rachel says then maybe there will be another eviction on Sunday. Rachel tells Jordan no to tell any of them. Rachel says that there is only one more live show before the finale. Jordan asks Rachel if it seems like she is over it. Rachel says that she knows how it is when Brendon left I didn’t want to anyone …and I am sure its the same with Jeff. Jordan says that she isn’t over it and doesn’t want it to seem like that. Rachel says that she just wants Jordan to try in the competitions. Jordan says oh I will. Jordan says that we are different players that balance each other out… I am good at social and you are good at competitions.
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